Theatre Recommendations
All of my favorite Los Angeles area Theatres have announced their new Seasons.
So stop by their websites, take a look and go see one of their outstanding plays.
Or better yet, call them up about becoming a Volunteer Usher.
As a volunteer usher, you get to help out a non-profit theatre organization for the evening, and you get to see the play for free in return.
The Falcon Theatre
on Riverside Drive in Toluca Lake
The Colony Theatre
on 3rd Street in Burbank
The Geffen Playhouse
in Westwood
Labels: hollywood, losangeles, theatre, volunteer
Dylan Documentary
I volunteered tonight at the Egyptian Theatre for the Documentary about Bob Dylan, "Don't Look Back".
And I got to meet one of my favorite performers from the 1960's, Donovan.
It was another great night of Rock and Roll movies.
Labels: celebrities, cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, volunteer
Monterey Pop, 1968
Volunteered tonight at the Egyptian Theatre. They had a big party before the movie "Monterey Pop" from 1968.
On display, was Grace Slick's wonderful Paintings and Art work.
And attending the party were Michelle Phillips , Eric Burdon , Grace Slick.
I volunteered by helping give out tickets and wristbands - so I saw everyone who was there ! It was a very fun night !
Labels: celebrities, cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, volunteer
Mods And Rockers Party
Volunteering again at the Mods and Rockers Festival.
This time there was a Free music concert in The Egyptian Theatre courtyard.
Performances by:
Spencer Davis
Stephen Bishop
"Monterey 67"
"The Records"
"The Ravers"
Labels: egyptian, hollywood, volunteer
Party at The Pig & Whistle
Volunteering over at the Mods and Rockers Festival again this evening, over at The Egyptian Theatre.
A pre-party at the Pig & Whistle, for the documentary, "Who Is Harry Nilsson ?"
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, volunteer
Mods and Rockers -the Beatles
The Annual Mods and Rockers Festival at The Egyptian Theatre, started out tonight with a screening of "Whats Happening? The Beatles in the USA
Lots of Beatles fans there !
The evening was completely Sold Out .... A Very Groovy night !
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, volunteer
Sadie Thompson Eyptian
Volunteering again at the Egyptian Theatre.
This time the movie was "Miss Sadie Thompson" from 1953, starring Rita Hayworth .
And I stopped off for a roasted chicken dinner at Mel's Diner on the way home.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, food, movies, restaurants, volunteer
Tiki Party
I was over at the Egyptian theatre , volunteering for the annual Tiki Party and Luau Dinner.
It was alot of fun. I put wrist bands on people after they bought their tickets.
We had a wonderful Teriyaki chicken dinner, with pineapple upside down cake for dessert.
People were all in their Tiki outfits.
It was a great time !
Labels: egyptian, food, hollywood, theater, theatre, volunteer
The Thousandth Night
Tonight, I volunteered at The Colony Theatre for "The Thousandth Night".
I had to look at people's tickets, and direct them to their seating.
The show was a one man performance, about an actor heading being taken to a Concentration Camp during the World War.
Amazing performance. Dramatic and moving, and at times funny.
I think so far this is my favorite play of everything I have seen at The Colony.
Labels: plays, theater, theatre, volunteer
Hot Day in Toluca Lake Labels: food, plays, restaurants, theater, theatre, volunteer
It is so hot in Los Angeles, there is such a big heat wave going on !
And I was in Toluca Lake today and sweltering.
First, I volunteered at The Falcon Theatre , for the Children's performance Matinee of
The Ohmies .
It was a fun children's performance about yoga.
Lots of Butterflies and other fun characters.
Then it was over to Paty's restaurant, for a Turkey Burger and Green Salad.
Lots of Iced Tea - I sat outside on the patio in the heat.
Reading my latest copy of Prevention Magazine.
I like the sign at Paty's that says they don't cook in anything with Tras Fat.
After that, I really needed to do Grocery Shopping.
And it was to hot to drive from Toluca Lake all the way to the Whole Foods on Beverly Blvd in Hollywood.
So I called Directory Assistance, and found the Whole Foods Market
on Riverside Drive - and I went to that Whole Foods instead.
Before I drove home to Hollywood in the sweltering heat.
Saturday in Hollywood
Headed over to the Mann 6 Theatres in the Hollywood and Highland , to see "Knocked Up".
What is the deal with the tourists, who can't obey the traffic laws ?
And why aren't there more traffic cops making the tourists obey the laws?
I don't really ever cuss out strangers, but I did today.
I am going north on Orange, with the green light to turn left on to Hollywood Blvd.
In the middle of my green light - three German men start to cross Orange right in front of my car.
I slam on the breaks, and yell "I have the green light you Morons!" followed by a long string of cuss words out of my mouth.
I had really truly almost hit them.
They yell back at me in German - and I can tell they are drunk.
Its not even Two o'clock in the afternoon yet.
After I drive away, they continue crossing against their Red Light.
Next I head down the steep ramp on Orange into the Hollywood and Highland Complex.
Its really sunny and bright out - and as you go down the ramp, the parking structure is a dark shadow.
For a few seconds you are blinded because you are in bright light - looking down into a dark shadow.
My car makes it into the dark shadow - and then I see Tourist walking Up the steep ramp !
Right straight into my car !
They are walking up the side that the cars go down.
Again, I slam on my breaks, and more cussing out of my mouth.
They just look at me.
As I get my ticket from the machine - I yell over to the guys in the booths cashing people out of the parking structure "You have people walking UP THE RAMP!"
They just ignore me, like I am some crazy woman.
I drive through the structure and I see an parking employee:
"You know there are people walking up the ramp. They are going to get hit. You should have someone placed at the ramp, to make sure people don't go up it."
He shrugs at me "I'm down here - I don't see whats going on up there."
I reply "Well, can you at least tell your Supervisor that someone complained about people walking up the ramp?"
"Oh, yeah, uh-huh, I can do that", he said.
Never mind, its Summer - there are tourists all over the place.
And Hollywood doesn't seem to be doing anything to control the pedestrian traffic.
I am surprised more people don't get hit by cars.
After I get my movie ticket, I run to the concession stand.
And there is not a single employee anywhere.
Not an employee in sight.
Two other people are also standing at the concession standing looking lost and forlorn.
I finally yell across the lobby
"Is there a Concession Stand person?"
The manager finds someone - and now I am super-late for the movie.
So late for the movie, I sit in the very last seat in the very last row by the door.
I liked "Knocked Up" , it was funny.
And Katherine Heigl is great in it.
The story-line was uplifting. And even though alot of the humor is very raunchy, it had a very real pro-life lesson, about making the right decisions - and emotionally growing through making these strong decisions. And.. plus, lots of raunchy humor.
After the movie, I grab a chicken wrap sandwich from the corner restaurant,
and I head over to the Egyptian Theatre .
I am volunteering tonight, for Crispin Glover's movie "What Is It?".
I am Captain, which means I have to hang-out in the lobby all night and watch the front door.
The theatre was very full, as it was the night before. And the movie "What Is It?", is experimental and draws a very Artsy Hip crowd.
So hanging out in the lobby is fun, because I get to people watch.
After the movie, Crispin Glover had a table set-up. He is selling his books, and doing autographs.
Many of his fans came with a digital camera - and I ended up helping out by taking photographs during the evening.
It was getting way passed midnight, and I just can't stay up that late - not even on a weekend.
One of the other volunteers took over for me, as I headed home.
Here's a link to the official Crispin Glover Website.
Labels: celebrities, cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
From One End Of Town To Another
My agent called me yesterday. I have an audition at 4:30pm this afternoon out in West Los Angeles.
That meant I had to fight traffic after leaving my job in Hollywood early, and then somehow try to make it back in time to volunteer at The Egyptian tonight.
I don't like driving the freeway. So I take Olympic straight down. The Casting Offices are on Purdue, near Pico.
Since I used to work in the area for 12 years, I kind of know my way around. But the last time I auditioned at this place, the parking was horrible.
Low and Behold - my Parking Angel was looking out for me - and some one pulled out, just as I arrived.
I got a parking spot right across the street from the Casting offices.
All I knew was that was for a commercial that would show in Turkey. We would never see it in the United States.
I looked up the name of the product on the internet, but it was a popular word in Turkish.
So I really wasn't sure what product I would be auditioning for.
Its either an alcoholic drink, or the latest Pop star's new album.
I even ask a 20-something young man who was looking at the story-board with me, if he knew what the product was.
He just smiled and walked away.
I guess he didn't want to chat.
We look at the story-board, read a description, and get a Polaroid taken.
They call us in groups of six.
Turns out my role is that of a Coffee Shop Waitress.
We were told "This is not a McDonalds commercial. Do not be bright and cheery. This is very melodramatic.
A dark setting. This of it as a David Lynch movie."
My role was to be a sad, distant Coffee Shop Waitress.
And when the product appears, I look happy and hopeful.
After the Casting Associate was done filming my group of six - someone asked him, when were "They" going to be looking at our tapes and making their decision ?
The Casting Associate answered "Oh, they will see it in about 5 minutes. They are working in Brazil right now, and I transmit the auditions over the internet to them. So someone in Brazil will be seeing your audition in a few minutes."
Well, I can actually say I have transmitted over the internet, and watched in Brazil.
Its kind of a weird feeling actually.
As I was leaving West LA, I stopped at Big Tomy's on Pico Blvd and Sawtelle for some fried zucchini.
Which I ate in the car on the drive back to Hollywood.
Everything was fine, untill I tried to go North on Highland.
Traffic was unbelievably backed up. All the way to Santa Monica Blvd.
I turn up Franklin - and I try to take Orange up to Hollywood and Highland.
But one the small residential street by the Roosevelt, Orange is backed up and not moving.
So I turn left on a Sunset and come up La Brea. Then to Franklin.
As I approach Hollywood & Highland, I see all sorts of "NO Right Turn" signs.
I take another side street, and make a left on Hollywood.
Finally, I make it to Orange, and to the Validated Parking at Hollywood and Highland.
I later learn, that Ratatouille was premiering at The El Capitan , and most of the street was of blocked off.
AND there was a big opening night concert with Jack Black, and Kristin Chenoweth and Plácido Domingo, at The Hollywood Bowl .
So that all explains the traffic nightmare.
I make it to the Egyptian by 7:15 - but I had already told them I expected to be late for my volunteer shift.
Crispin Glover's show started at 8pm.
I was volunteering as Ticket Taker. But I went in after the show started, and saw Crispin Glover's live performance of "The Big Show".
I stayed for about 10 minutes of "What Is It?" - but I was to tired from driving to West LA and back in traffic.
I will be able to see it some other time over the weekend.
Labels: acting, celebrities, egyptian, food, hollywood, losangeles, restaurants, volunteer, westla
The Colony Opening Night Party
Even though I already had a busy day .... I went to The Colony Theatre in Burbank tonight to do some volunteer work for them.
It was their opening night show and party for "The Thousandth Night" .
I helped them set-up the party, and then served wine and drinks all night.
There was delicious food, and lots of fun people to chat with.
It was a very fun night.
Labels: plays, theater, theatre, volunteer
Brand Upon the Brain
Volunteered tonight at Egyptian Theatre .
There was a performance of Brand Upon The Brain by Guy Maddin.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, hollywood movies, theater, theatre, volunteer
Colony Theatre
Tonight, the Colony Theatre had a volunteer Party and Orientation meeting.
They served nice appetizers and sandwiches for us. Then we had a meeting in the theatre.
Labels: theater, theatre, volunteer
Diary of A Mad HouseWife
![]() | At the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. I saw Diary of A Mad Housewife from 1970. If you want to see an excellent movie from the 1970s - this is the one to see. And... Frank Langella was absolutely gorgeous in his younger days... Carrie Snodgress and Richard Benjamin are great in this too. The plot is that a bored housewife has an affair with a writer. To me it was like looking into a time machine, at many of the social and marital issues that happened in the 70s. A great glimpse into that time period.. |
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, movie, movies, volunteer
Sunday in Toluca Lake
Volunteered at Falcon Theatre this afternoon.
For the play, "Balancing Act".
It was the second time I have seen it.
Yeardley Smith is so funny in it.
After that, it was time to run errands.
I went to Marie Callender's and had a wonderful dinner.
Chicken with Mushrooms and Artichokes.
The portion was so huge, it was three servings - so I took some home for lunch at the office tomorrow.
I had actually been craving artichokes lately. And whenever I buy them, I don't seem to get around to cooking them.
Artichokes are a difficult vegetable to prepare.
So this was a perfect dinner... It satisfied my artichoke craving.
Then I ran into Trader Joes . The one on Riverside Drive is actually pretty small.
But I got most of what I needed. Especially my two favorites, the Organic Cranberry Juice, and Organic Decaf Chai Tea.
Then I realized on my way out, that Trader Joes has a monthly drawing.
If you bring your own grocery bag, they will enter you in a drawing for a free gift certificate.
I have to remember to bring my own bags in the future.
The only thing I noticed ... Our weather has been really weird lately.
We have had really blazing hot days, and then today seemed to cool down a bit.
But at both Marie Callender's and Trader Joes - the air conditioning was turned up to a bone-freezing chill.
At the restaurant, I had to ask to change tables, because one side of the restaurant was so cold. And where I ended up sitting - I was still cold.
Then I hurried through Trader Joes because it was so cold there to.
And it wasn't just me - believe me, it was freezing cold in both places.
I wonder if it was because it was just so warm outside, and no one adjusted the temperature once the weather started to cool off for the evening.
Labels: food, losangeles, restaurant, theater, theatre, volunteer
Film Noir - He Walked By Night
The Film Noir Series is over at the Egyptian Theatre .
I saw "He Walked By Night" from 1948.
There were some great shots from old Los Angeles in the movie.
The movie starred Richard Basehart , and Jack Webb.
If you are a fan of the TV series "Dragnet" which starred Jack Webb, check this movie out.
It is the movie that was the inspiration for Dragnet.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, movies, tv, volunteer
I volunteered tonight over at the Egyptian Theatre .
Turner Classics held a pre-screening of its new documentary, about Marlon Brando
Brando - A TCM Original Documentary
Its going to be on Turner Classics in May - and I highly recommend that you catch it.
Marlon Brando is one of the greatest actors in history. Every acting teacher I know raves about him.
Its so amazing to watch him in his early movies.
I have to tell you :
I was ushering and helping the VIPs go to their assigned seating.
I smiled at Gene Simmons as he went to his seat.
He smiled back at me.
Yes, Gene Simmons from KISS .
He looked pretty good, and I really liked his gold shoes.
Here's a Link for Pictures from the Event:
Marlon Brando DVDs
Labels: celebrities, egyptian, hollywood, volunteer
Balancing Act
Another volunteer ushering gig, this time over at The Falcon Theatre .
The play is Balancing Act , starring Yeardley Smith.
Its a very funny comedy. Yeardley Smith plays an accountant, who discovers her company is missing funds and the accounting books are off. She goes to her Boss's home to report the problems she has found.
Anyone who works in an office can relate to this comedy - and it is very funny !
Labels: theater, theatre, volunteer
Black-out, Traffic and Baseball
I had to make it from Hollywood to Burbank by 7pm.
I was a volunteer usher over at The Colony Theatre .
So I leave the office by 6pm.
Gee ... that would be plenty of time, don't ya think...
I get on Cahuenga - and it is a parking lot.
We are not moving.
I am thinking "Is it always like this? Do people deal with this every day?"
Because I never really drive from Hollywood into Burbank right after work on a Friday night.
Finally, nearly an hour after leaving the office - I turn right on Franklin east, and jump on the freeway at Argyle.
I exit at Barham, entering all the traffic way at the beginning of the build up.
I see at all the cars behind me, who have just been sitting there while I spun around the long way to get to Argyle.
And these people are not nice. They are irritated from sitting on Cahuenga for over an hour. No one will let me cut in to get over to the right lane.
One guy and an I almost side-swiped eachother.
I am so happy when I finally reached Barham Blvd - and then I realize the problem.
There is a Black-out !
Studio City is entirely dark. Not a single traffic light is working.
As I drive up Olive, I call the Colony Boxoffice. I tell them that there is a black out in Studio City. And traffic is one big parking lot.
I arrive at The Colony 40 minutes late. Thats 7:40 pm.
It took me One hour and 40 minuted to make it from Hollywood to Burbank.
I got there in time to help them hand out programs, and of course help at Intermission.
Just as I walk into the lobby, I hear one theatre patron telling another "Oh, yeah, I can still make phone calls in a black-out, I just can't get on my computer."
An older couple come racing in, and have to wait a few minutes before going into the theatre because the announcements have already started. "We got stuck in that black-out, our entire neighborhood was without power", they tell me.
I actually got complements from the Staff on being very helpful with all the theatre patrons.
But it was just that I was on some sort of adrenaline high from trying to fight all the traffic to get there.
I did get to see the play "Rounding Third".
A very funny story about two guys who coach Little League Baseball.
The people who came to see the play were really into it.
One person wore a baseball jersey.
Another guy brought his kid, for a Father and son night at the Theatre.
The play was very funny. And worth the rush it took me to get there.
LA Times story on power outage
Baseball Books on
Baseball DVDs on
Labels: hollywood, losangeles, studiocity, theater, theatre, volunteer
A Day In Hollywood
I signed up for an early morning volunteer shift at Egyptian Theatre .
They don't usually have things where I need to be there at 9:30 am. But today was an all day event, sponsored by The Korean Cultural Center of Los Angeles and The Japan Foundation of Los Angeles .
Two Anime movies, Aachi & Ssipak from Korea, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time from Japan
Of course, I was running late. It is Saturday after all.
So instead of parking in the Hollywood and Highland lot, where they will validate - I grab a spot on the street and start to feed the meter.
I am standing there, digging through my purse trying to find that Quarter that is stuck at the very bottom.
When a group of four nice gentlemen go passed by me.....
And one of them puts a Quarter in the parking meter.
"You don't want to get a ticket. They are really strict around here, I know how it is" he says.
"Oh, yeah, okay - thanks." I say stunned and almost speechless at what just happened.
As they continue on their way.
By the time I run/walk to the Egyptian, they are an entire half block away.
I thought they were going to the Anime event - I mean why else would a group of four guys be in Hollywood at this time of the morning ?
But by the time I realize they are walking passed the Egyptian, it is to late for me to run after them to say anything, and I really wanted to invite them to the free animation screening.
As I am volunteering, a theatre patron asks another volunteer about where to eat in the area.
The volunteer tells him about the great places to eat over at Hollywood and Highland . I hear them mentioning "California Pizza Kitchen" and Beard Papa's Creme Puffs.
They are talking about how delicious the creme puffs are....
Soon the Anime movies are starting. But now I have to move my car.
The meters on the street are only for one hour. And I will be in Hollywood all day.
So I go drive me car into the Hollywood and Highland complex.
I can get validated - 4 hours for $2 - but it really won't matter, because I will be there all day.
Walking back up through the mall, to make it back to Hollywood Blvd and the Egyptian, I walk right passed Beard Papa's Creme Puffs.
How long has it been since I have had a Creme Puff ?
Oh, around Twenty Years.
Thats it. I am having a Creme Puff.
I walk into the store, and yes they sell Creme Puffs. There is a few flavors to choose from.
And a few other desserts. I am wondering "How can a store survive only selling Creme Puffs?"
I order one with chocolate filling, and a cup of coffee.
And it is sooooo delicious.
Then its back to finishing my shift at the Egyptian.
Later on in the afternoon, I meet up with friends.
I have been getting opinions on the movie ""300" , trying to figure out if a women in her 40s, like me, could possibly enjoy an ancient Greek war move.
I have asked two other friends. One said Yes, it was Fabulous.
The other said No, it was to violent and she hated it.
So I decide to ask one more female for one more opinion.
"Oh, it is fantastic ! You have to see it !" she says.
"Well, I heard it wasn't that good" I said "Oh, no... its great... there are really fit buff men who wear nothing but leather diapers through-out the entire movie. Its fantastic, you have to see it !"
Well, thats a good enough review for me. I'm there.
I walk over to the Mann's Theatres at Hollywood and Highland.
I was hoping to see it in the Chinese, but the timing doesn't work out right.
I will have to see it in the Mann 6.
I ask the ticket seller how big the theatre is. It only has 150 seats.
He notices the look on my face "But we've only sold 8 tickets, you can sit anywhere."
I buy a ticket, alittle unhappy about the situation.
This is the kind of movie you really want to see on a huge screen.
In line to get my concessions. I am trying to ignore the family in front of me.
The mother and father look like they just walked out of a Bar, are alittle tipsy, and its only early afternoon.
The mother has bleach blond hair, and she is wearing black leggings - not a good choice for someone in her age range.
The poor little boy just wants some candy.
"No, you aren't getting any sugar. Thats all you eat is sugar", says the mother.
She orders a couple of Combos. Popcorn, Soda, Candy.
The Concession Guy asks her "What size combo do you want?"
"I don't care" is her reply.
She and her husband are completely confused at the concession stand choices.
I move to a different line and get my concessions and go into the theatre.
I sit in the very last row of the 150 seat Mann 6, hoping to get a good view.
It was okay from the last row."300" is a movie that both men and women will like. There is definitely alot of war in it - because thats what its about.
And blood, and heads getting chopped off. But its all in Slo-Mo, so it doesn't seem the realistic.
During the movie, I only had to shut my eyes once.
And yes, as my friend said, lots of really hot dudes in leather diapers in the movie - "300" of them in fact.
I did enjoy the relationship between the King and his wife .
I wonder if thats really how they treated their women back then.
Oh, and there is one really steamy love-scene that is worth the price of your admission ticket.
And.... its also a history lesson, because these events really did happen.
After that, I am ready for dinner - so I stop at "California Pizza Kitchen".
And I have the healthy Chopped Salad, with no salami, but with chicken.
Next to me is a table of Working Actors, who are discussing acting teachers, casting websites and similar.
It was interesting eavesdropping on them. One of the actors was saying how studying at one of the Improv schools, like Second city, or the Groundlings, was considered very impressive by most casting directors. They give it even more consideration
than if you studied theatre arts at a four year college.
I don't know if thats true - but that what he said.
After arriving in Hollywood at 9:30 am, it is finally time to go home - and its 8pm already.
The parking validation didn't help - I was there all day, and I have to still pay ten bucks to get out the lot.
Labels: acting, cinema, egyptian, film, food, hollywood, movies, restaurant, volunteer
How Green Was My Valley
Volunteering today at the Egyptian Theatre .The movie was "How Green Was My Valley" from 1941. Directed by John Ford .
And with a very young Roddy McDowall.
This movie won 5 Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor for Donald Crisp, Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography.
Its the story of a Welsh coal-mining family who deal with faith, money and job security as they face the industrialization of the industry that they work in.
Check out the movie quotes page on .
There are some amazing lines in this movie. For instance:
"But remember, with strength goes responsibility - to others and to yourselves. For you cannot conquer injustice with more injustice - only with justice and the help of God."
There is a scene that is not in the quotes on IMDB, that really stood out to me. It is when Hew first becomes unable to walk, and Mr. Gruffydd goes to his bedside and tells him to have faith that God will heal him, and that he has to believe. Its a moving and touching scene.
I highly recommend you rent this movie. Its a great classic movie, with great moral lessons.
I think its one of the best movies ever made.
Its from the novel by Richard Llewellyn. When I got home, I got online to the Los Angeles Public Library , and I requested a few books by Richard Llewellyn.
I can't wait to read them.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, movies, spiritual, volunteer
Billy Connolly at the Brentwood
I drove over to the Westwood area, to the grounds of the Veteran's Administration.
I had signed up to be a volunteer usher at the Brentwood Theatre.
Billy Connolly was doing his one-man show.
If you need to ever drive to the Brentwood Theatre ,don't get confused. The actual address is on Wilshire Blvd and Mapquest will take you to Wilshire Blvd. But you have to actually drive into the Veteran's Administration grounds.
So...From Wilshire Blvd, go north on San Vicente - and then you make a right on a little street called Bringham. Then you will be inside the Veteran's Administration Grounds and you can make it to the theatre.
When I arrived, I was given my volunteer assignment for the evening. I was going to be in the Member's Lounge serving wine and soft drinks. The manager said that lately they had not been getting many members stopping by before the show.
And the night before they didn't have anyone stop by. She asked if I minded being in the Lounge.I said "As long as I get to see the show, I'm fine with this. I just really want to see it."
She said yes, of course, and about two minutes before eight pm, I should head into the theatre.
After she left, I was in the lounge for a good 20 minutes. The thought flashed through my mind that I had gotten all dressed up in my black pants and white shirt for nothing, because I was just sitting in a room all by myself.
Then a friendly couple came in to have a drink before the show. We had an interesting conversation all about the local theatres. We had seen many of the same plays. It also turned out that the husband worked in the music industry as well, and he knew of the music company where I work.
So my assignment in the lounge was not a waste, I spent it in nice conversation with this lovely couple.
Soon a second couple came in for a drink.
And soon after that it was two minutes before eight, and it was time to go into the theatre.
Billy Connolly's show was a complete sell-out. So the volunteers had to find places to stand in the back. There were no seats available.
And the show was two hours long, without intermission.
So yes, I stood in the back of the theatre for the full two hours.
Volunteering and Standing - not a bad price to pay when you consider that the tickets were around fifty something bucks.
I already figured that since it was a comedy show, that is was going to be raunchy and irreverent in places.
If you go to something like this, you have to know what you are getting into.
And I just don't see the point in getting all offended if the comedian says something that you don't agree with.
Its comedy. So just enjoy the moment. At least I kinda sorta think that way sometimes.
My favorite part of the show was when Billy Connolly talks about the need for Reading Glasses once you get passed a certain age.
His son and him go fishing, and he leaves the glasses at a coffee shop along the way. They have to go back to get the glasses because he couldn't see to put the bait on the hook.
Its something I can relate to because the last few years I have needed reading glasses.
And since I need them all the time, I always put them on top of my head. Then I can't find them. I look all over the place.
And finally the last thing I do, is I pat the top of my head, and there they are.
Once I had them on top of my head, and was squinting to read something. My friend said "The glasses don't work if they are on top of your head. You have to wear them over your eyes."
The rest of the show was alot of different funny stories.
The most disgusting is when Billy Connolly tells about the three different times that women have vomited on him. He think he's made some kind of record by being vomited on three separate times by three different women.
Yes, they were gross stories. But they were also funny.
He talks alot about religion. Jokes about alot of new age stuff - Angels, Feng Shui and more. Its all "bullocks" and "shite", which actually sounds more polite than if he would have said the American equivalent of those words.
He says something along the lines of "For those of you have religion, thats fine for you - just keep it to yourself" before he goes into one of his religious comedy bits. He came off as being somewhat respectful of other peoples beliefs, while still going for the laughs.
One of his running jokes was about three Great Religious Leaders who had had spiritual visits while they were alone. #1 Moses and the Burning Bush (so funny ... Billy Connolly wonders why the Bush didn't ask for any
water, or why Moses didn't offer to put out the fire), and #2 Mormon Leader Joseph Smith and the visit by Angel Maroni and #3 one other visit which I have forgotten whom it was.
He asks the question - why wasn't there any other people there ? Why were Moses and Joseph Smith both alone at the time ?
How convenient.
He repeated the phrase "How convenient" enough times that you knew he was expressing his doubt about the reality of the event.
His reasoning being because there were no witnesses then it might not be true.
I laughed along, because it is a comedy show, its funny and entertaining, and I was having a good time.
After the show, I head out to the parking lot to my car.
I am walking behind a young, hip, well-dressed couple.
The woman is saying "You know, he's right - there were no witnesses to any of those things. He has a really good point when you think about it."
She seemed to somehow turn a Comedy show into a religious lesson and was taking it all way to seriously.
Like she had been in a college course and had learned some great scholarly truth that would influence how she viewed religion the rest of her life.
It was a Comedy show... told by a comedian ... get a grip. Put it in proper perspective.
Don't think about it. Just enjoy it, then let it go.
Thats the reason why I wrote previously that I "kinda sorta" believe you can go out to be entertained and just enjoy the event for the entertainment value, and not be to worried about the perspective that it comes from.
I guess in a perfect world you could do that.
But there are those people like the hip young couple in the parking lot, who just can't seem to distinguish between a comedy routine and a real life religious lesson.
They take the words of a very funny comedian to heart, as something to believe - when its just meant to be silly entertainment.
What I really wanted to say to her was "You have to take these things by Faith. You can't prove them.
You just have to take it on Faith that its true. And the fact that the story has been passed down all these years, and its helped people - well that has to account for something too."
Anyway, as for me, I completely enjoyed the funny evening. I was happy to volunteer so I could stand in the back and watch Billy Connolly do his two hour comedy show.
If he comes to your town, I recommend that you see it - for the laughs - and just buy your ticket way in advance, because it will sell out.
Billy Connolly Official Website
Daily News Review of Brentwood Show
Billy Connolly DVDS and movies
Billy Connolly Music and CDs
Billy Connolly Books
My favorite Billy Connolly movie (and Cinnamon the Cats too!)
Garfield - A Tale of Two Kitties
Labels: celebrities, hollywood, losangeles, plays, theatre, volunteer
The Oscars
Volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre , for their big Oscar Party.
They served lots of delicious food starting in the afternoon.
Then once the Oscars started, we all watched them on the big screen.
It was alot of fun, with a large turn-out of people.
There were prizes given for the most correct guesses.
And... everyone got a Gift Bag that included the sound track from The Queen ,
and a DVD of United 93 .
And I also got a large Dreamgirls poster.
I love watching the Oscars on a large movie theatre screen, in a theatre filled with people. I don't know if I will ever be able to watch them on the little TV screen again.
This event was so much fun.
Labels: cinema, film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
Oscar Shorts
Volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre .
Tonight, they showed the 2006 Short Films that are Nominated for an Oscar .
If you did not get to go to a screening of Oscar nominated short films, I highly recommend that you Click on over to
You can buy the 2006 Nominees on a DVD collection.
The 2005 Short Films are also available for purchase.
These short films are so good, its a shame that they are not shown in more movie theatres - so that more people can see them.
Labels: cinema, film, hollywood, movies, shopping, volunteer
A Star is Born
Volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre .
The movie tonight was "A Star is Born" from 1954 starring Judy Garland.
This is such an amazing movie. A real classic. Judy Garland is perfect is this movie.
One of my all-time favorites.
Labels: cinema, film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
Gangster Movies
Gangster movies while I was volunteering at the Egyptian Theatre .
The first was "Gangland:Bullets Over Hollywood" , which is a very interesting movie about the American Gangster movie from the silent film era to modern times.
Followed by the "Rise & Fall of Legs Diamond", from 1960.
Labels: film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
Scarface at The Egyptian
Volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre .
For a screening of Scarface .... the one from 1932.
This one is directed by Howard Hawks.
They also showed the more recent Scarface from 1983, that stars Al Pacino .
They played both tonight as a double feature...
Labels: cinema, film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
Labels: acting, theater, theatre, volunteer
Stage Struck Opening Night The Colony
I volunteered tonight over at The Colony Theatre .
Its opening night for "Stage Struck".
I stood in the aisles, and helped people find their seats.
Since it was opening night, it was a really fun event.
Lots of very nice people who were there to see a good play.
Then right before the show started, they gave me a ticket and told me to go ahead and sit down and watch the show.
They really treat their volunteers very nicely.
I really enjoyed the play "Stage struck". Its about a Stage Manager, and his Actress wife.
You can read the LA Times Review online.
Then afterwards, there was a reception with yummy pasta and a salad.
Very delicious.
I so enjoy the opening nights at The Colony Theatre .
A fun evening of theatre.
Labels: cinema, film, hollywood, losangeles, movies, photography, photos, theater, theatre, volunteer
Out and About
I had completely forgot that today was Superbowl Sunday.
It slipped my mind when I was making my plans.
In a way thats good. It means everyone else in LA will be in front of their TV sets, and I can be out and about doing things with no one else to get in my way.
I volunteered at the Falcon Theatre for their Children's Matinee of "The Root Beer Bandits".
Yes, it was less of an audience than usual due to the Superbowl. But there were some Dads there with their kids.
I so enjoy the Children's Matinees. All the little kids are so cute. And the plays that the Falcon puts on for the kids, are very entertaining.
Later on, I went for a little walk in Griffith Park .
Funny, I don't live very far from there - and yet I never go.
So I drove over, and I saw they had pony rides. I stopped and took some pictures of the cute little kids on the ponies.
Then, I went over to The Arclight .
I saw "Pan's Labyrinth". I have been wanting to see it since they showed it at AFI when I volunteered there.
There are alot of gruesome scenes. When it got to bloody for me, I just closed my eyes until it was over.
Griffith Park
The Pony Rides
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
The Kid
Volunteering at the Egyptian Theatre
Charles Chaplin 's
The Kid form 1921.
If you have never seen it, this is a timeless classic. And one of the most popular silent films ever made.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, movies, volunteer
Walk on The Wild Side
Volunteering at the Egyptian Theatre
Tonights movie was Walk on the Wild Side from 1962 .
Even though the movie is set in a bordello, I loved watching all the strong female characters in it.
Both Jane Fonda and Barbara Stanwyck are amazing in this movie.
Labels: celebrities, cinema, egyptian, films, hollywood, movies, volunteer
Golden Globe Nominees Seminar
Today, at the Egyptian Theatre it was the Golden Globes Foreign Language Nominee Seminar .
Many of the Foreign Language Directors were there, including Clint Eastwood , and Guillermo del Toro.
Labels: acting, celebrities, cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
Oscar Roundtable & The Queen
During the afternoon, at The Egyptian Theatre , Newsweek Magazine hosted an Oscar Roundtable .
Check out the link above. Its a very interesting discussion. They are talking about their acting careers and how they got started. As an actress myself, I found this to be a very interesting conversation to listen to.
Many of the Best Actor and Best Actress nominees were
there, including Brad Pitt , , Cate Blanchett , Forest Whitaker , Helen Mirren , Penelope Cruz , and Leonardo DiCaprio .
After that, if the evening there was a screening "The Queen" and Helen Mirren did a Q&A after the movie was over.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
Helen Mirren
At The Egyptian Theatre , they had a day of Helen Mirren films.
The first movie was CAL , from 1984
the second one was Age of Consent from 1969.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, movies, volunteer
Tall Target
Tonights movie was "Tall Target" from 1951, at the Egyptian Theatre .
It is the story of a plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln as he travels.
It was a very interesting historical movie.
Labels: celebrities, egyptian, volunteer
Brand Upon the Brain: Silent Movie w/ 18-Piece Orchestra and Alanis Morissette
Volunteered at The Egyptian Theatre .
The performance was "Brand Upon the Brain" , with the performance by Alanis Morissette .
I helped with guest check-in by the front door. Which means I had a list of people that I was checking.
It was a really fun atmosphere, and a fun event.
Most of all, I got to see Alanis Morissette in person. Even tho she wasn't singing her hit songs, it was still a big thrill to see her in person.
Labels: egyptian, holiday, party, volunteer
Christmas Party
Such a fun Christmas party over at The Egyptian Theatre .
Here's a few pics of me, and fellow volunteers:
Labels: egyptian, film, hollywood, movie, volunteer
Edward Scissorhands
Volunteered at The Egyptian Theatre for Edward Scissorhands .
The Ahmanson Theater is having a stage productions of Edward Scissorhands.
So The Egyptian hosted a party and screening.
The thing that was really fun was that many of the Cast members from the Stage performance, came to see the screening of the movie.
Edward Scissorhands is one of my favorite movies. I love Johnny Depp . But even more, I think Dianne Wiest is just the most perfect Avon lady ever.
I was an Avon Lady for a few months, about ten years ago. So I can relate to what her character must go through.
Labels: egyptian, hollywood, movie, volunteer
Crispin Glover
Tonight, I was at the Egyptian Theatre for a screening of Chrispin Glover's
"What Is It?" .
I managed to catch some of the screening, but was very busy at the front door.
There were a few drunk patrons who made noise in the theatre while the live performance portion of the show was going on.
Luckily, they left right away of their own accord.
It was an evening with a very large crowd. And the evening was very fun.
I had plenty to keep me busy.
I just wish I had had more time to see the performance, and more of the movie.
Labels: filmfestival, hollywood, volunteer
Documentary Awards Gala
After work, I rushed over to The Directors Guild on Sunset Blvd in West Hollywood.
I was volunteering for the International Documentary Association's Gala Event.
I was there very early. The lobby of the Directors Guild was buzzing with activity.
A full bar - and tables with all sorts of delicious food.
I had the glamorous job of Guarding Seats inside the theatre.
Making sure that the people who sat in certain seats, were the people who were supposed to be sitting there.
The event was extremely full. It was very crowded.
Some of the volunteers did not get the concept, as far as the celebrities went.
Sheryl Crow and Laura Dern arrived.
One of the volunteers almost didn't let them sit down.
I ran over.
"Oh, right this way - I know exactly where your seats are", I said.
They smiled and said Thank you, and followed me.
Haskell Wexler was getting a life-time achievement award.
And there were special seats in the front row for him and his guests.
A woman came by, and she was wearing a Name Badge that said her last name was "Wexler".
And once again, the volunteer was not letting her sit down.
I ran over, and said "Oh, you are with Haskell Wexler. Right this way, and I can show you to your seats."
They followed me, and sat in the correct seats.
This was getting a little irritating - because the other volunteer should know who these people were.
The theatre was full. And we were told that there would be no place for the volunteers to sit.
I was disappointed, because I really wanted to see Al Gore speak.
I mean, how many times does one get to see a Vice President ?
But I was told that we could watch on the screen in the Over-flow room.
So I was disappointed that I could not see Al Gore in person.
And since it had already been a long day, I decided it was just time to go home.
Labels: egyptian, hollywood, movie, volunteer
Disney's True Adventures
Over at the Egyptian Theatre to volunteer for a screening of "Disney's True Life Adventures" .
I wore a denim shirt that had red cardinals on it.
And another volunteer wore a leopard print shirt.
We were both very much dressed along the theme of "Nature" for the evening !
Labels: egyptian, hollywood, volunteer
Directors Cut
Volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre
Tonight was the MVPA Directors Cut Film Festival. A series of short films, directed by leading music video directors.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, movie, volunteer
Volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre .
For a screening of Cleopatra (1963) starring Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Rex Harrison .
It is a fabulous movie. Also a long movie, 246 minutes.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, movie, volunteer
The Sound of Music
Volunteered at The Egyptian Theatre for a screening of The Sound Of Music .
Julie Andrews has the most beautiful voice ever.
Labels: afi, filmfestival, hollywood, volunteer
King King
The AFI Film Festival had their Volunteer Wrap Party tonight.
It was at King King in Hollywood.
One of our gifts for being volunteers, were some very pretty Stella Artois gold-rimmed glasses.
Labels: food, restaurant, theater, theatre, volunteer
Wishful Drinking
Volunteered at The Geffen Theatre in Westwood.
For the matinee performance of "Wishful Drinking" starring Carrie Fisher .
I volunteered as an usher in the balcony.
The play was really funny, and I really enjoyed it.
On my way home, I stopped off for dinner at the Newsroom Cafe on Robertson in Beverly Hills.
They have really great healthy food.
I had the Chicken Pot Pie. It was very healthy, and very good. Perfect food for the cold weather we have been having.
Labels: cinema, film, holiday, hollywood, movie, music, volunteer
Happy Halloween !
Hope you had a fun one !
I spent mine at The Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood watching Ghostbusters on the big screen.
This has always been one of my favorite movies.
And to add to the fun of the evening, Ray Parker Jr was there.
We watched the original video of the theme song to "Ghostbusters" - and sang along.
"Who ya gonna call ? Ghostbusters ! "
Labels: plays, theater, theatre, volunteer
I Remember You
Volunteered this evening at The Falcon Theatre for "I Remember You" starring Tony Danza .
I really did enjoy this play.
Labels: afi, film, filmfestival, volunteer
AFI Gala Department
Back over to the AFI Campus this morning.
This time the Gala Department had a special meeting just for the volunteered who are working the Gala events.
These will be nights were the even is pretty formal, and their will be lots of big stars.
I am so thrilled I can hardly wait !
There was about 25 people in the meeting.
My favorite moment of the entire morning, was when a fellow-volunteered raised her hand and asked:
"So let me get this right. The shifts that we signed-up for - thats when we are supposed to show up, right?"
I had to look at the floor to keep from laughing.
But the volunteer coordinator was very polite and said "Yes, on the shifts you sign-up for, that is when you should be here."
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, hollywoodblvd, party, theater, theatre, volunteer
Roma ... and Party
Very busy at the office... its Month End, and I work in an accounting department.
So I was late arriving at the Egyptian Theatre for the screening of Roma .
Since I was so late, I hung out even later and helped at the party afterwards. They had food and drinks in the courtyard.
And there were very many guests.
Labels: plays, theater, theatre, volunteer, westwood
Volunteered at The Brentwood Theatre in Westwood, for the play, Souvenir.
It was the both funny and touching story of Florence Foster Jenkins, a wealthy eccentric in the 1930s, who thought the was a great coloratura soprano - and in fact she couldn't sing. She had a huge fan base, and even did some recordings.
I just loved the story.
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, hollywoodblvd, movie, volunteer
Fat Girls
I volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre for the screening of Fat Girls .
Labels: glendale, plays, theater, theatre, volunteer
As You like it
I volunteered over at A Noise Within in Glendale for their production of Shakespeare's "As You Like It".
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