Labels: filmfestival, hollywood, volunteer
Documentary Awards Gala
After work, I rushed over to The Directors Guild on Sunset Blvd in West Hollywood.
I was volunteering for the International Documentary Association's Gala Event.
I was there very early. The lobby of the Directors Guild was buzzing with activity.
A full bar - and tables with all sorts of delicious food.
I had the glamorous job of Guarding Seats inside the theatre.
Making sure that the people who sat in certain seats, were the people who were supposed to be sitting there.
The event was extremely full. It was very crowded.
Some of the volunteers did not get the concept, as far as the celebrities went.
Sheryl Crow and Laura Dern arrived.
One of the volunteers almost didn't let them sit down.
I ran over.
"Oh, right this way - I know exactly where your seats are", I said.
They smiled and said Thank you, and followed me.
Haskell Wexler was getting a life-time achievement award.
And there were special seats in the front row for him and his guests.
A woman came by, and she was wearing a Name Badge that said her last name was "Wexler".
And once again, the volunteer was not letting her sit down.
I ran over, and said "Oh, you are with Haskell Wexler. Right this way, and I can show you to your seats."
They followed me, and sat in the correct seats.
This was getting a little irritating - because the other volunteer should know who these people were.
The theatre was full. And we were told that there would be no place for the volunteers to sit.
I was disappointed, because I really wanted to see Al Gore speak.
I mean, how many times does one get to see a Vice President ?
But I was told that we could watch on the screen in the Over-flow room.
So I was disappointed that I could not see Al Gore in person.
And since it had already been a long day, I decided it was just time to go home.
Labels: afi, filmfestival, hollywood, volunteer
King King
The AFI Film Festival had their Volunteer Wrap Party tonight.
It was at King King in Hollywood.
One of our gifts for being volunteers, were some very pretty Stella Artois gold-rimmed glasses.
Labels: afi, afifest, arclight, celebrities, film, filmfestival, hollywood, movie
AFI Film Festival Day 12
In the morning, I both volunteered at the AFI Film Festival and saw the movies.
The first screening I had to be there for was "Hollywood Dreams" .
The director Henry Jaglom and lead actress Tanna Frederick along with Karen Black , did a really fun Q&A afterwards.
This is such a good movie, about trying to be a success in Hollywood.
It was the perfect, and completely suitable, movie to end my AFI volunteer gig with.
After that was done, and I helped take the tickets for the screening of "Bug" - I went and ate some lunch in the Arclight Cinemas Cafe.
The Arclight really got their moneys worth from me these last few weeks.
I may have seen nearly 20 FREE movies is the last two weeks - but I paid for my concessions and ate at the Arclight Restaurant more than I can count.
I had to be on my final shift at The Arclight Dome Theatre , for the screening of Curse of the Golden Flower .
It was hectic and crazy. The Dome is smaller than the Mann Chinese Theatre .
So to have the closing night Gala at the Dome - it was just crazy.
It was assigned seating in certain areas. And general seating in other areas.
And that makes for a crazy night.
Some people who had general admission, were trying to sit in assigned seats.
Also, some of the VIPs arrived late - and we had to keep people from sitting in those seats.
As ushers, we were trying to control it. And it was alot to do.
After the movie started, I watched from the side for about 10 minutes.
I looked around for a seat. There were singles scattered here and there.
But I don't like crawling over people once the movie has started.
Besides, I was exhausted, and it was time to go home.
I later found out that after the movie, there was a wonderful party on the top level of the Arclight Cinemas parking structure.
I missed it, I was home sound asleep by then.
Pictures are on
Curse of the Golden Flower Premier
Labels: afi, afifest, celebrities, chinesetheatre, film, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 11
Over at the AFI Film Festival , I started the day out seeing "Beautiful Ohio" ., which I missed last night.
Chad Lowe was there to do a Q&A as well. So that was great.
Then I headed over to The Mann Chinese Theatre to volunteer for the Gala Presentation of "The Fountain".
I stopped off at the Green Cafe in the Hollywood & Highland center to get some dinner before.
Tonight, my job was as an usher again. And since the Chinese Theatre is so huge, tonight was one of the easier nights.
I got to sit towards the back, in the center, to watch "The Fountain".
Hugh Jackman was sitting just up the aisle from me.
You can see pictures of the Arrivals over at Wire .
I liked "The Fountain", but it is very difficult for me to watch anything that has a story line about Cancer in it.
I sit there and I compare what the movie character is going through, against what I went through with the Breast Cancer last year.
And even tho it was a great film, I was alittle depressed by the end - but it was because of the cancer story line.
Some of the other volunteers were hanging out after the movie, trying to see the stars.
And I had a ticket for another movie, so I got in my car and went back to the Archlight.
The movie I saw was "Alien Autopsy" - and it was so good !
It cheered me right up.
It is the humorous story of when two British lads where accused of having faked a documentary from the Roswell, New Mexico incident in 1947.
I really found it both interesting and entertaining.
I met up with a friend, who was there seeing other movies. We ended up having a glass of wine in the Arclight Cinemas Restaurant.
And sitting and chatting.
I told her that I am giving serious thought about volunteering at the Sundance Film Festival this year.
I am having so much fun here at AFI.
Pictures are on
The Fountain - Arrivals
The Fountain - After Party
Labels: afi, afifest, celebrities, film, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 10
Tonight, while volunteering at the AFI Film Festival , I took tickets, handed out ballots, counted the badges - all sorts of things.
We were low on volunteers again.
The theatre I was in was pretty sleepy with no real excitement going on.
All the excitement was across the hallway for the screening of "Beautiful Ohio" .
Celebrities there:
Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Rob Lowe, and Chad Lowe.
As I went to the concession stand, Rob Lowe was right in front of me.
That theatre was sold out, so there was no way I would get in.
So I went and and watched "Triad Election" .
Pictures are on
Beautiful Ohio Premier
Labels: afi, afifest, film, filmfestival, hollywood, movie
AFI Film Festival Day 9
Okay, this was one of those hectic, crazy nights.
Over at the AFI Film Festival to volunteer..
I didn't see any celebs. They have started to escort many of them in via the back doors, so they don't get stuck in the mad rush of theatre patrons who are coming and going to all the movies.
Ashley Judd was there, for "Come Early Morning" , but she was escorted in the back so I did not see her.
The worst thing about volunteering for any movie - anywhere, for any organization - is when they throw a party before the screening of the movie.
That means there are guests arriving to see the movie who are completely drunk.
And you have to try to get their tickets while they stand there and sway back and forth.
One woman was so drunk, she couldn't even get her hand into her purse to get her ticket. She kept aiming for the purse and missing. She was holding up the long line, and I was just about to get the Manager when she finally got her hand in her purse and got her ticket. Then she stumbled into the theatre.
And of course, being drunk can make some people obnoxious. I am only 4 feet 10 inches - so I can't fight people.
Some very well dress people came barrelling passed - very liquored up.
I politely asked for their tickets.
The woman snapped "We're VIPs" and they pushed passed, the smell of liquor fumes trailing after them.
The volunteer I was working with was so upset.
I looked for the Manager, and he had other problems he was dealing with.
I said "Let it go. Theres nothing we can do about it. We are only volunteers".
When the manager came by, I mentioned it to him just so he knew.
The screening was completely sold out, so I just hung out in the lobby.
Then, after all that - they asked me to stay and work a second shift.
They had added a midnight screening of "Pan's Labyrinth " and needed volunteers.
So I was there to take tickets again.
It was one of those movies where everyone wanted to see it. And there wasn't a single seat left in the place.
The line went down the hall, to practically where the escalators are on the Arclight Cinemas second floor.
They had a "Rush Ticket line near the box-office, but I don't think any of those people got in.
I have to say, most people in the line for "Pan's Labyrinth" were very nice, and well-behaved. They were just fans who wanted to see the movie.
One young hippy-looking couple approached me. The girl held her ticket upside down, so the print was facing the floor.
She held on to it, and wouldn't let me take it. She wanted me to rip it while she held it.
"No, I need to see your ticket, please."
Of course, I turned it over and saw that they had purchased a ticket for another movie, and were trying to sneak in.
"This is the wrong ticket" I said. And they got out of line.
Two more guys tried it. They handed me the ticket, I looked at it "Sorry this is the wrong movie."
They acted confused looking at the sign. I almost believe they were at the wrong theatre, their acting was so good.
Finally, the entire theatre was packed. And they wanted to release the rush seats.
The manager telling people "If you leave now to go to the bathroom or to get concessions, we are giving your seat away."
It was that crazy - and there was that many people who wanted in to see Pan's Labyrinth.
I got home close to 2 am.
Pictures are here on
Come Early Morning Dinner & Screening
Come Early Morning After Party
Labels: afi, afifest, celebrities, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 8
Okay, I have to tell you. Everything is turning into a big Blur.
I am working my Full-time job in an accounting office. And coming over to the AFI Film Festival to volunteer every night.
I am completely enjoying myself.
Working really hard. Seeing lots of movies, and lots of celebrities.
But I am starting to forget when and where and what.
I have ended up driving the half block from my office on most days.
It feels safer than walking back at night, on Sunset Blvd.
Tonight, I actually drove the half block. And when I got to the Arclight Cinemas , there was no parking.
The structure was completely full.
so I had to turn around and drive the half block back to my office.
And leave the car there. Where it was to begin with. Then walk over.
All of the traffic along Sunset, along with the completely full parking structure,
It made me nearly an hour late for my volunteer shift.
AFI Film Festival Day 7
Tonight was a pretty exciting night at the AFI Film Festival .
I saw lot of celebrities go passed me, even thought they were not in my theatre.
I was volunteering at the first theatre, which I really like - because you can see everything. And you can see everyone who goes passed.
I dashed into another theatre and saw a Shorts Program, which I enjoyed.
Then I saw "How Much Further", a film from the country of Ecuador - which I really liked.
And I saw "No Sweat" a documentary about the garment district in Los Angeles.
As I was working my volunteer shift, I saw quite a few celebrities go by, who where there for other theatres.
Brittany Murphy and Marcia Gay Harden who were out of the "The Dead Girl" screening.
They came out with the entire crowd of theatre patrons, and it was pretty scary watching them leave with a mass of people surrounding them.
Then Colin Farrell and Jon Voight walking together - Collin's arm around Jon Voight's neck - as they went to go see "Wristcutters A Love Story."
I asked one of the Managers "Is Collin Farrell here ? Is he in watching that movie?"
His answer "I can't confirm or deny that - but maybe"
Then, at the very end, I ran in to see the documentary "No Sweat", and Daryl Hannah was sitting not to far from me.
This is a very interesting documentary about the Los Angeles Garment District. It made me really want to read and get more information about Garment Workers.
Pictures on
Dead Girls Premiere
Labels: afi, afifest, film, filmfestival, hollywood
Labels: afi, afifest, arclight, film, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 6
I have my office job, in the same block as the Arclight Cinemas .
So I have been leaving my car in the parking structure of my job. And walking over to the Arclight for the AFI Film Festival to volunteer.
This is fine, on the way there.
But walking back at night, along Sunset even just a half block, it is pretty scary.
So tonight I decided to drive the half of a city block, and park in the Arclight parking structure.
It was going to cost me $6, but I felt safer.
Well, driving the half block - made me late for my shift !!!
It took me about a half hour to drive from my office to the Arclight, because of all the traffic.
Then once I got into the structure, I had to drive around and around and around - because the lot was completely full!
I almost said forget it, and went home. But I was glad I stayed.
There was a Gala Presentation going on in the Dome, which I was not doing.
I was in the smaller theatres on the second floor of the Arclight.
All the volunteers seemed to be over at the Gala, so they really needed people in the smaller theatres.
So they were short of people when I got there, and even though I was late, they were happy to see me.
I only saw one movie tonight.
"Air Guitar Nation" about the world-wide competition of Air-Guitar players.
It was so funny !
Then, across the hall in another theatre, the manager needed help.
He had had The Shorts Program previously. And he needed help counting the Ballots.
Well, counting the Ballots for a full length movie is easy.
But they had an entire program of Short films.
So we had make a Grid on a piece paper.
And I called out the votes on each ballot, while the Manager made tick marks.
It took us nearly an hour and a half to get all the Short film ballots counted.
Yes, I got off of my volunteer shift very late tonight.
Labels: afi, afifest, film, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 5
Okay, I saw Four movies again today, over at the AFI Film Festival . This time, one of my friends had another movie to go see someone else in Hollywood, so we did not meet up.
I went to the Volunteer Check-In table, and got more vouchers.
Then I got more tickets.
My first movie to see was "The History Boys" .
I liked it, but there was one scene entirely in French without subtitles.
And since I don't speak French, I was lost.
Then the next movie I saw was "The Secret Live of Happy People" .
Next, it was time to start my Volunteer Shift.
I didn't want to see the movie that was playing in my theatre, so I asked the manager
"What time does this get out? What time do you need me back?"
So I jumped into the theatre across from us and saw "Comic Evangelists" .
It is a really funny story about a group of comics in a church group, who compete in a big comedy festival.
It was very funny.
Pictures on
History Boys premier
Labels: afi, afifest, film, filmfestival, hollywood, movie
AFI Film Festival Day 4
I have never seen 4 movies in one day. But today I did.
Whenever we work at a shift for the AFI Film Festival , they give us a Voucher. And that can be exchanged for a ticket
to any movie.
Or, your festival volunteer badge will let you into any movie that is not sold out, and has seating.
So the first thing I did, I went to the Volunteer check-in area to get my vouchers from the last two nights that I have volunteered.
I took my vouchers to the Boxoffice, and I exchanged them for tickets to two morning movies.
The first movie I was was "Somebodies" . A funny look at young adults who are deciding, since they are no longer in school, if they are going to party all the time, or if they are going to following the straight and narrow and attend church. It a humorous story about young people trying to figure out how to live their lives.
In between movies, I met up with two friends in the lobby. We were calling eachother on our cell phones.
But none of us had gotten tickets to the same movie. All three of us wanted to see something else.
So we made plans to meet in the lobby later on, and we all went in different directions to see our different films.
I kept seeing Kirsten Dunst going in and out of movies. She seemed to be watching as many movies and I was. I even ran into her in the ladies room. She was just in Shorts, and very casual. At first I didn't recognize her.
I then went and saw a movie called "Full Grown Men" - very colorfully done. And I enjoyed watching the lead actor.
Since all I ate all day was concession stand food, I stopped off in the Arclight Cinemas
Cafe for a Chinese Chicken Salad.
I called both of my friends on their cell phone. I got no answered because I guess they were still watching their movies.
Then, I headed over to my Volunteer Shift.
The movie was "Stephanie Daily" a serious drama starring Tilda Swinton.
I did the "Clicker" - clicking the little metal thing as each person walked in, so as to keep a count as to how many people went inside the theatre.
Then I went in to watch the movie.
Next, the movie was "Kurt Cobain About A Son" . One of my friends came to the movie - so we actually got to see eachother.
This screening was fun, because it wasn't the usual film festival people. Alot of the people attending were Rock & Rollers who obviously don't go to many film festivals.
They didn't understand that there is a Ballot that each person checks off in the end, so the AFI Film Fest can give an "Audience Choice Award".
So I had to give many of the people instructions on how to do this.
And some of the patrons are just figuring out how the entire ticketing/pass thing works.
One patron came over to me "Are you letting people in your theatre with just a pass?" she asked me.
"Yes, a pass will get you in to see the movie." I said.
She replied "Well, thats what I explained to the manager in the next theatre and he told me we have to have tickets".
I then explained to her, that some of the events require a separate ticket because it is assigned seating. These are usually the ones they expect to sell-out, because there is a big celebrity speaking.
And other events take either tickets or passes because it is general "sit where ever you want" seating.
So there is a difference.
After the movie, I went up to the top of the Arclight parking structure - where the Cinema Lounge is at.
I had told my two friends (who had disappeared into their movies) to meet me up there at the end of the night.
They are having musicians playing music.
I saw one of the Managers I had worked with.
"Can I get into the Cinema Lounge to listen to the music?"
He answered, No, that the volunteers are only allowed into the Cinema Lounge during the afternoon. I can't go
in there in the evening. "But you can try it" was his last word of advice.
I walked to the Cinema Lounge door. And peaked inside, there was plenty of space.
Once of my fellow volunteers stopped me.
"No volunteers can't come in.", he said.
"Oh, Okay".
Well, I tried.
I ran into the Volunteer Coordinator who was sitting in the outside area.
"Gee, why can't we go into the Cinema Lounge? I just want to listen to the music."
He had a look on his face that said I was about the millionth volunteer to ask him this question, and he just shook his head.
We chatted for a bit, and then I just headed home.
Labels: afi, afifest, film, filmfestival, hollywood, movie
AFI Film Festival Day 3 - The Banquet & Inland Empire
Two volunteer shifts tonight over at the AFI Film Festival .
The first one was for "The Banquet" . I got to go inside and watch the movie.
Gorey and bloody and beautiful.
Like watching a ballet - where everything gets all bloody.
Then my second shift was for David Lynch's Inland Empire .
I was doing ushering again. "The Banquet" was general seating. Inland Empire was assigned seating.
So for my second shift, I had to direct people and tell them where their seats were.
A large group of people showed up. I asked "Can I help you?"
And they just stood there.
I said "Can I see your tickets"
And one lady said "They didn't give us tickets".
And there at the back of their group, was David Lynch himself.
I said "Oh, please wait one moment while I get the manager."
I ran to the manager "David Lynch's Guests are here."
At that point, the manager took over.
Labels: afi, afifest, film, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 2 - Tribute to Penelope Cruz
At the AFI Film Festival , this time at the Arclight Dome Theatre - for a tribute to Penelope Cruz .
The movie was "Volver".
I was doing ushering. That meant I stood in the middle of the theatre, right below the balcony section, and instructed people which way to go for their seating.
We were told to wear out AFI Tshirt with black. I wore a black skirt, with flat shoes.
The event was a ticketed event. Meaning your film festival pass did not get you in.
Here is a helpful hint ... if you are trying to sneak into a Gala event at a film festival - do not sit in a seat over an hour before they start letting the people in.
The theatre was completely empty, and we were not letting people in yet. One woman was sitting there reading a book.
I said "Excuse me. We are not seating people yet. Do you have a ticket ?"
She showed me her pass, which was no good for the event.
I said "Oh, this event is hard-ticketed, and it is assigned seating. So let me show you where to pick up your ticket. Come this way."
And I lead her out the front door, to the guest check-in area - where I knew they weren't going to give her a ticket or let her back in.
But she was no longer my problem.
Then two guys did the exact same thing. And they were escorted out of the theatre.
I don't know how they got let in, in the first place.
If you are going to sneak in some place, go wait in the bathroom until the general public is being seated.
Finally, they opened the doors. And the people came in with tickets for their assigned seats.
It got pretty hectic.
I basically looked at the ticket, and told people which section to head over to. And then there was a volunteer waiting in that section to show them their exact seating.
A nice lady in a business suit came up to me. I looked at her ticket "Oh, yes - you are in the first row of the balcony section.
Right up there." And I pointed.
She just stood there.
I thought - she's not moving, I wonder if she is a VIP.
I said "Oh, would you like me to take you to your seat?"
She said "Yes, take us to our seats."
I said "Right this way", and they followed me.
The woman first, followed by Eva Mendes . Who I just realized was standing behind the woman I was talking to.
I said "Here are your seats."
Eva Mendez (who looked gorgeous) said Thank you.
And just as they were sitting down - I look up.
And there in the same aisle, just a few seats down is Prince .
I was to stunned to say anything, or do anything.
He was dressed in a glittery military looking jacket. And I later joked to friends that he was wearing more make-up than Penelope Cruz.
I said to one of the other volunteers "Did you see Prince?"
And she was all excited too.
Finally the pre-movie speeches were starting and everyone was seated.
I stood to the left side to listen. And Penelope Cruz was just a few feet away from me.
People who spoke were Eva Mendez and Salma Hayek .
I finally decided that I needed to go to the concession stand before the movie started.
I ended up sitting on the right side of the theatre for the movie
Penelope Cruz is wonderful in her role.
In between the Speeches and the movie, there was about a 10 minute intermission.
I sat and watched Prince, Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek all sit in the first row of the balcony and chat away during intermission. Looks like the three of them are all buddies.
Okay, it was freezing in the theatre. I practically had ice cycles hanging from my nose.
After the movie was over, I couldn't wait. I had to head out to some where that was warm.
Even tho I saw all the limos in front of The Dome, I needed to get home.
No more star-watching tonight.
Pictures are on
Tribute to Penelope Cruz
Labels: afi, afifest, arclight, celebrities, chinesetheatre, film, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 1 - Gala at The Manns Chinese Theatre
The opening night Gala for the AFI Film Festival .
It was the Premier of "Bobby" at the Mann Chinese Theatre .
The volunteers were told to wear all black. And I ended up doing Guest Check-in right on Hollywood Blvd all night.
So I am glad I wore a jacket. It got chilly.
I mainly dealt with the Celebrity's "people". The red carpet was far off to my right. And if I peaked over everyone else, I could see
William H Macy or Freddy Rodriquez giving their interviews on the red carpet.
I had the letters R and S at the check-in table .... so I got to handle Freddy Rodriquez' and Sharon Stones' tickets to be given to their "people".
After all the guests were checked in. I was given a ticket to The Mann 6 Theatres , which was serving as the Overflow Theatre, and was told I could watch the movie over there.
I went into the Mann Chinese and and stood in the back and listened to the speeches.
I heard the Mayor of Los Angeles, mayor Antonio Villaraigosa speak.
And then Harvey Weinsten. And then Emilo Estevez, the director.
In the Chinese Theatre, Emilio Estevez had all the Cast Members come up on the stage.
It was a long line of actors, going across the front of the theatre. Everyone from the cast seemed to be there.
After he was done speaking, I ran over to the Mann 6 Theatres.
I was just in front of Emilo, who was on his way over. But I had to stop at the ladies room, and the concession stand.
I got into the theatre, just as Emilo was finishing his second speech. This time, he did not have any cast members with him.
I thought it was really classy of Emilio Estevez to go give a speech to the overflow theatre as well.
I had a wonderful seat to watch "Bobby" in the overflow theatre at the Mann 6.
I could have squeezed into a seat in the Mann Chinese, but I would have had to crawl over people and be squished against the wall. So I was happy that AFI gave the volunteers tickets to go watch it in the overflow theatre.
I loved the movie "Bobby". Its definitely one my favorites this year. I especially loved the performances of Demi Moore and Helen Hunt.
After the movie was over, I ran back to the Mann's Chinese Theatre, and I hung out in the lobby.
Harvey Weinstein was chatting with people. I briefly thought of going up to say something to him - but I didn't have any idea of what to say.
Also in the lobby, milling about :
Fay Dunaway , Laurence Fishburne , Harry Belafonte .I stood next to Lawrence Fishburn for the longest time. I need to figure out what to say to these people when I run into them!
Movie Stars can be intimidating, so its fun for me to just stand by them and watch.
One of the volunteers said to me "Did you see Heather Graham ?"
I said No.
They said "You were walking up the red carpet right in front of her before the movie started !"
I had no idea, I was just rushing to hear the speakers.
After it was all over, I thought about trying to crash the party over at the Hollywood Roosevelt.
But I was to tired.
I went to the underground parking, and drove up the Garage Cashier.
Even with the Validation that AFI gave to us - my parking was going to cost me $10.
I had been there a really long time.
I dug around in my purse. I could only find $6.
I said to the Cashier "I only have $6 - does that mean I have to go back up to the ATM ?"
The Cashier looked at me "No, you look to tired. I don't want you parking again, and go all the way up to the ATM.
You need to go home and go to bed."
And he let me short pay for my parking with only the $6.
Pictures are here on :
Bobby Arrivals
Bobby Gala
Labels: afi, film, filmfestival, volunteer
AFI Gala Department
Back over to the AFI Campus this morning.
This time the Gala Department had a special meeting just for the volunteered who are working the Gala events.
These will be nights were the even is pretty formal, and their will be lots of big stars.
I am so thrilled I can hardly wait !
There was about 25 people in the meeting.
My favorite moment of the entire morning, was when a fellow-volunteered raised her hand and asked:
"So let me get this right. The shifts that we signed-up for - thats when we are supposed to show up, right?"
I had to look at the floor to keep from laughing.
But the volunteer coordinator was very polite and said "Yes, on the shifts you sign-up for, that is when you should be here."
Labels: afi, cinema, festival, film, filmfestival
AFI Orientation
I stopped off in the morning at Angels Cafe on Hollywood & Western for Breakfast.
Then, I went to the volunteer orientation meeting at the Mark Goodson Theatre on
the AFI Campus, for the AFI Film Festival.
They had all the Department Heads speak. Got over the rules for each department.
They gave us a printed schedule of what we already signed up for.
I pretty much had my entire schedule worked out.
I just added one more evening to it.
It was a very crowded orientation.
08/26/1990 - 09/02/1990 12/07/2003 - 12/14/2003 12/14/2003 - 12/21/2003 12/21/2003 - 12/28/2003 12/28/2003 - 01/04/2004 01/11/2004 - 01/18/2004 01/25/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 02/08/2004 02/08/2004 - 02/15/2004 03/07/2004 - 03/14/2004 04/18/2004 - 04/25/2004 05/23/2004 - 05/30/2004 05/30/2004 - 06/06/2004 06/06/2004 - 06/13/2004 06/27/2004 - 07/04/2004 08/22/2004 - 08/29/2004 09/05/2004 - 09/12/2004 09/26/2004 - 10/03/2004 10/10/2004 - 10/17/2004 11/14/2004 - 11/21/2004 12/26/2004 - 01/02/2005 01/02/2005 - 01/09/2005 01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005 01/30/2005 - 02/06/2005 02/06/2005 - 02/13/2005 02/13/2005 - 02/20/2005 02/20/2005 - 02/27/2005 02/27/2005 - 03/06/2005 03/06/2005 - 03/13/2005 03/13/2005 - 03/20/2005 03/20/2005 - 03/27/2005 03/27/2005 - 04/03/2005 04/03/2005 - 04/10/2005 04/10/2005 - 04/17/2005 04/17/2005 - 04/24/2005 04/24/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 05/08/2005 05/08/2005 - 05/15/2005 05/15/2005 - 05/22/2005 05/22/2005 - 05/29/2005 05/29/2005 - 06/05/2005 06/05/2005 - 06/12/2005 06/12/2005 - 06/19/2005 06/19/2005 - 06/26/2005 06/26/2005 - 07/03/2005 07/03/2005 - 07/10/2005 07/10/2005 - 07/17/2005 07/17/2005 - 07/24/2005 07/24/2005 - 07/31/2005 07/31/2005 - 08/07/2005 08/07/2005 - 08/14/2005 08/14/2005 - 08/21/2005 08/21/2005 - 08/28/2005 08/28/2005 - 09/04/2005 09/04/2005 - 09/11/2005 09/11/2005 - 09/18/2005 09/18/2005 - 09/25/2005 09/25/2005 - 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 - 10/09/2005 10/09/2005 - 10/16/2005 10/16/2005 - 10/23/2005 10/23/2005 - 10/30/2005 10/30/2005 - 11/06/2005 11/06/2005 - 11/13/2005 11/13/2005 - 11/20/2005 11/20/2005 - 11/27/2005 11/27/2005 - 12/04/2005 12/04/2005 - 12/11/2005 12/11/2005 - 12/18/2005 12/18/2005 - 12/25/2005 12/25/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 01/08/2006 01/08/2006 - 01/15/2006 01/15/2006 - 01/22/2006 01/22/2006 - 01/29/2006 01/29/2006 - 02/05/2006 02/05/2006 - 02/12/2006 02/12/2006 - 02/19/2006 02/19/2006 - 02/26/2006 02/26/2006 - 03/05/2006 03/05/2006 - 03/12/2006 03/12/2006 - 03/19/2006 03/19/2006 - 03/26/2006 03/26/2006 - 04/02/2006 04/02/2006 - 04/09/2006 04/09/2006 - 04/16/2006 04/16/2006 - 04/23/2006 04/23/2006 - 04/30/2006 04/30/2006 - 05/07/2006 05/07/2006 - 05/14/2006 05/14/2006 - 05/21/2006 05/21/2006 - 05/28/2006 05/28/2006 - 06/04/2006 06/04/2006 - 06/11/2006 06/11/2006 - 06/18/2006 06/18/2006 - 06/25/2006 06/25/2006 - 07/02/2006 07/02/2006 - 07/09/2006 07/09/2006 - 07/16/2006 07/16/2006 - 07/23/2006 07/23/2006 - 07/30/2006 07/30/2006 - 08/06/2006 08/06/2006 - 08/13/2006 08/13/2006 - 08/20/2006 08/20/2006 - 08/27/2006 08/27/2006 - 09/03/2006 09/03/2006 - 09/10/2006 09/10/2006 - 09/17/2006 09/17/2006 - 09/24/2006 09/24/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 10/08/2006 10/08/2006 - 10/15/2006 10/15/2006 - 10/22/2006 10/22/2006 - 10/29/2006 10/29/2006 - 11/05/2006 11/05/2006 - 11/12/2006 11/12/2006 - 11/19/2006 11/19/2006 - 11/26/2006 11/26/2006 - 12/03/2006 12/03/2006 - 12/10/2006 12/10/2006 - 12/17/2006 12/17/2006 - 12/24/2006 12/24/2006 - 12/31/2006 12/31/2006 - 01/07/2007 01/07/2007 - 01/14/2007 01/14/2007 - 01/21/2007 01/21/2007 - 01/28/2007 01/28/2007 - 02/04/2007 02/04/2007 - 02/11/2007 02/11/2007 - 02/18/2007 02/18/2007 - 02/25/2007 02/25/2007 - 03/04/2007 03/04/2007 - 03/11/2007 03/11/2007 - 03/18/2007 03/18/2007 - 03/25/2007 03/25/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 04/08/2007 04/08/2007 - 04/15/2007 04/15/2007 - 04/22/2007 04/22/2007 - 04/29/2007 04/29/2007 - 05/06/2007 05/06/2007 - 05/13/2007 05/13/2007 - 05/20/2007 05/20/2007 - 05/27/2007 05/27/2007 - 06/03/2007 06/03/2007 - 06/10/2007 06/10/2007 - 06/17/2007 06/17/2007 - 06/24/2007 06/24/2007 - 07/01/2007 07/01/2007 - 07/08/2007 07/08/2007 - 07/15/2007 07/15/2007 - 07/22/2007 07/22/2007 - 07/29/2007 07/29/2007 - 08/05/2007 08/05/2007 - 08/12/2007 08/12/2007 - 08/19/2007 08/19/2007 - 08/26/2007 08/26/2007 - 09/02/2007 09/02/2007 - 09/09/2007 09/09/2007 - 09/16/2007 09/16/2007 - 09/23/2007 09/23/2007 - 09/30/2007 09/30/2007 - 10/07/2007 10/07/2007 - 10/14/2007 10/14/2007 - 10/21/2007 10/21/2007 - 10/28/2007 10/28/2007 - 11/04/2007 11/04/2007 - 11/11/2007 11/11/2007 - 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12/28/2008 12/28/2008 - 01/04/2009 01/04/2009 - 01/11/2009 01/11/2009 - 01/18/2009 02/15/2009 - 02/22/2009 02/22/2009 - 03/01/2009 03/01/2009 - 03/08/2009 03/08/2009 - 03/15/2009 03/15/2009 - 03/22/2009 03/22/2009 - 03/29/2009 03/29/2009 - 04/05/2009 04/05/2009 - 04/12/2009 04/12/2009 - 04/19/2009 04/19/2009 - 04/26/2009 04/26/2009 - 05/03/2009 05/03/2009 - 05/10/2009 05/10/2009 - 05/17/2009 05/17/2009 - 05/24/2009 05/24/2009 - 05/31/2009 05/31/2009 - 06/07/2009 06/14/2009 - 06/21/2009 06/21/2009 - 06/28/2009 06/28/2009 - 07/05/2009 07/05/2009 - 07/12/2009 07/12/2009 - 07/19/2009 07/19/2009 - 07/26/2009 07/26/2009 - 08/02/2009 08/02/2009 - 08/09/2009 08/09/2009 - 08/16/2009 08/16/2009 - 08/23/2009 08/23/2009 - 08/30/2009 08/30/2009 - 09/06/2009 09/06/2009 - 09/13/2009 09/13/2009 - 09/20/2009 09/20/2009 - 09/27/2009 09/27/2009 - 10/04/2009 10/04/2009 - 10/11/2009 11/22/2009 - 11/29/2009 11/29/2009 - 12/06/2009 Main Page
Donna's Music, Poetry, Acting Resume, and More ...