Arclight Sherman Oaks
I haven't driven out to Sherman Oaks in, oh, maybe 15 years....
But the Arclight Cinemas is having their "soft" opening there this month.
And they invited the Members out to private party last night. (See it is worth it to sign up for that free little blue card.)
Down Ventura Blvd I went to the Sherman Oaks Galleria.
I expected to see a big sign saying "Arclight Cinemas", like there is in Hollywood.
But Nope - so I passed it, and had to turn back around.
Once parked, a nice security noticed my confused look as I read the "You Are Here" map.
When I told him I was heading to the Arclight, he laughed and said "Oh you are one of those Special People - you get to go there first !"
Sounds like the Mall employees are even dying to get into the new theatre.
He pointed me through the Mall.
The escalator that goes to Arclight is right smack in between The Cheesecake Factory and El Torito Grill .
And those Arclight people really know how to throw a party.
Complementary everything - Bar, cheese table - waiters walking around with appetizers like Duck Potstickers.
Many guests didn't bother with the fancy food and drinks, and went right for the free concessions.
Lots of people walking around the lobby with Carmel Popcorn.
I stuck to Chardonnay and fancy hors d'oeuvres.
Nice employees from the Arclight main office were there with name badges to chat with us about our "Arclight experience". From what I heard, the square footage in Sherman Oaks is smaller. But they have more seats - resulting in a smaller lobby, and the front row being closer to the screen.
There will be a similar restaurant like the one in Hollywood, along with a Coffee Bar.
And the movies will vary alittle between Hollywood and Sherman Oaks, because Sherman Oaks has a higher "family demographic".
And from what I heard, they hope to have Four more Arclights in the works, but no locations have been confirmed.
I told the nice Arclight person, how spoiled we are these days. Most people I know do not want to sit in a theatre that does not have stadium seating.
In Los Angeles the theatres have become so fancy, that we just can't deal with noise or a big head in front of us blocking the screen.
I headed over to get my complementary concessions - soda and regular popcorn. And headed to the theatre.
One guy, arms filled with popcorns and sodas and candy, couldn't make it up the stairs.
The usher had to help him, and he said "Sorry, I am really inebriated."
The lady next to me muttered "Thats classy".
Some people just can't stop when its free booze.
Our movie for the night was "American Gangster".
Starring Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe .
If you want a drug story with alittle bit of a Moral to it, I guess this would be it.
It is based on a true story.
All in all, it was a really fun night. And a really fun party.
Well, usually anything that includes a free movie is fun.
I will be driving back to Sherman Oaks to check it out again. Once they have finished the final touches, and the Arclight restaurant is opened. The Grand Opening is the middle of December.
There is an afternoon of shopping at The Sherman Oaks Galleria, following by a Carmel Corn and film, in my very near future.
Labels: arclight, cinema, film, movies, restaurants
Talk to Me
Drove over to the Arclight Cinemas, bought our tickets.
Then walked across Sunset Blvd to Kabuki's restaurant .
As we are crossing the street, four people are walking towards us.
I recognized the tall redhead with the wild make-up, and I grab one of my friends my the arm.
My friend exclaims "That's Shirley Manson of Garbage !"
Kabuki's restaurant - I was starving, I bought the largest combo plate they had. Everything was on it.
Chicken Teriyaki, Beef ribs and Shrimp and Veggie Tempera.
Enough for three meals, I had to put the rest in my car and take it home for lunch tomorrow.
We saw "Talk To Me" starring Don Cheadle. I really liked it. I think it is one of my favorite movies of the summer. A historical story, with drama, comedy and music. Really an entertaining and educational film.
Labels: arclight, celebrities, cinema, film, hollywood, movies, restaurants
Labels: arclight, cinema, film, movie
Happy Feet
I went to the Arclight Cinemas today.
Saw Happy Feet in the Cinerama Dome.
What a cute movie !
Elijah Wood makes a great penguin.
And penguins are just so cute.
The dancing and the music really had me going. I really enjoyed it.
Labels: afi, afifest, arclight, celebrities, film, filmfestival, hollywood, movie
AFI Film Festival Day 12
In the morning, I both volunteered at the AFI Film Festival and saw the movies.
The first screening I had to be there for was "Hollywood Dreams" .
The director Henry Jaglom and lead actress Tanna Frederick along with Karen Black , did a really fun Q&A afterwards.
This is such a good movie, about trying to be a success in Hollywood.
It was the perfect, and completely suitable, movie to end my AFI volunteer gig with.
After that was done, and I helped take the tickets for the screening of "Bug" - I went and ate some lunch in the Arclight Cinemas Cafe.
The Arclight really got their moneys worth from me these last few weeks.
I may have seen nearly 20 FREE movies is the last two weeks - but I paid for my concessions and ate at the Arclight Restaurant more than I can count.
I had to be on my final shift at The Arclight Dome Theatre , for the screening of Curse of the Golden Flower .
It was hectic and crazy. The Dome is smaller than the Mann Chinese Theatre .
So to have the closing night Gala at the Dome - it was just crazy.
It was assigned seating in certain areas. And general seating in other areas.
And that makes for a crazy night.
Some people who had general admission, were trying to sit in assigned seats.
Also, some of the VIPs arrived late - and we had to keep people from sitting in those seats.
As ushers, we were trying to control it. And it was alot to do.
After the movie started, I watched from the side for about 10 minutes.
I looked around for a seat. There were singles scattered here and there.
But I don't like crawling over people once the movie has started.
Besides, I was exhausted, and it was time to go home.
I later found out that after the movie, there was a wonderful party on the top level of the Arclight Cinemas parking structure.
I missed it, I was home sound asleep by then.
Pictures are on
Curse of the Golden Flower Premier
Labels: afi, afifest, arclight, film, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 6
I have my office job, in the same block as the Arclight Cinemas .
So I have been leaving my car in the parking structure of my job. And walking over to the Arclight for the AFI Film Festival to volunteer.
This is fine, on the way there.
But walking back at night, along Sunset even just a half block, it is pretty scary.
So tonight I decided to drive the half of a city block, and park in the Arclight parking structure.
It was going to cost me $6, but I felt safer.
Well, driving the half block - made me late for my shift !!!
It took me about a half hour to drive from my office to the Arclight, because of all the traffic.
Then once I got into the structure, I had to drive around and around and around - because the lot was completely full!
I almost said forget it, and went home. But I was glad I stayed.
There was a Gala Presentation going on in the Dome, which I was not doing.
I was in the smaller theatres on the second floor of the Arclight.
All the volunteers seemed to be over at the Gala, so they really needed people in the smaller theatres.
So they were short of people when I got there, and even though I was late, they were happy to see me.
I only saw one movie tonight.
"Air Guitar Nation" about the world-wide competition of Air-Guitar players.
It was so funny !
Then, across the hall in another theatre, the manager needed help.
He had had The Shorts Program previously. And he needed help counting the Ballots.
Well, counting the Ballots for a full length movie is easy.
But they had an entire program of Short films.
So we had make a Grid on a piece paper.
And I called out the votes on each ballot, while the Manager made tick marks.
It took us nearly an hour and a half to get all the Short film ballots counted.
Yes, I got off of my volunteer shift very late tonight.
Labels: afi, afifest, arclight, celebrities, chinesetheatre, film, filmfestival, hollywood
AFI Film Festival Day 1 - Gala at The Manns Chinese Theatre
The opening night Gala for the AFI Film Festival .
It was the Premier of "Bobby" at the Mann Chinese Theatre .
The volunteers were told to wear all black. And I ended up doing Guest Check-in right on Hollywood Blvd all night.
So I am glad I wore a jacket. It got chilly.
I mainly dealt with the Celebrity's "people". The red carpet was far off to my right. And if I peaked over everyone else, I could see
William H Macy or Freddy Rodriquez giving their interviews on the red carpet.
I had the letters R and S at the check-in table .... so I got to handle Freddy Rodriquez' and Sharon Stones' tickets to be given to their "people".
After all the guests were checked in. I was given a ticket to The Mann 6 Theatres , which was serving as the Overflow Theatre, and was told I could watch the movie over there.
I went into the Mann Chinese and and stood in the back and listened to the speeches.
I heard the Mayor of Los Angeles, mayor Antonio Villaraigosa speak.
And then Harvey Weinsten. And then Emilo Estevez, the director.
In the Chinese Theatre, Emilio Estevez had all the Cast Members come up on the stage.
It was a long line of actors, going across the front of the theatre. Everyone from the cast seemed to be there.
After he was done speaking, I ran over to the Mann 6 Theatres.
I was just in front of Emilo, who was on his way over. But I had to stop at the ladies room, and the concession stand.
I got into the theatre, just as Emilo was finishing his second speech. This time, he did not have any cast members with him.
I thought it was really classy of Emilio Estevez to go give a speech to the overflow theatre as well.
I had a wonderful seat to watch "Bobby" in the overflow theatre at the Mann 6.
I could have squeezed into a seat in the Mann Chinese, but I would have had to crawl over people and be squished against the wall. So I was happy that AFI gave the volunteers tickets to go watch it in the overflow theatre.
I loved the movie "Bobby". Its definitely one my favorites this year. I especially loved the performances of Demi Moore and Helen Hunt.
After the movie was over, I ran back to the Mann's Chinese Theatre, and I hung out in the lobby.
Harvey Weinstein was chatting with people. I briefly thought of going up to say something to him - but I didn't have any idea of what to say.
Also in the lobby, milling about :
Fay Dunaway , Laurence Fishburne , Harry Belafonte .I stood next to Lawrence Fishburn for the longest time. I need to figure out what to say to these people when I run into them!
Movie Stars can be intimidating, so its fun for me to just stand by them and watch.
One of the volunteers said to me "Did you see Heather Graham ?"
I said No.
They said "You were walking up the red carpet right in front of her before the movie started !"
I had no idea, I was just rushing to hear the speakers.
After it was all over, I thought about trying to crash the party over at the Hollywood Roosevelt.
But I was to tired.
I went to the underground parking, and drove up the Garage Cashier.
Even with the Validation that AFI gave to us - my parking was going to cost me $10.
I had been there a really long time.
I dug around in my purse. I could only find $6.
I said to the Cashier "I only have $6 - does that mean I have to go back up to the ATM ?"
The Cashier looked at me "No, you look to tired. I don't want you parking again, and go all the way up to the ATM.
You need to go home and go to bed."
And he let me short pay for my parking with only the $6.
Pictures are here on :
Bobby Arrivals
Bobby Gala
Labels: arclight, cinema, film, hollywood, movie
The Prestige
I met a friend over at The Arclight Cinemas .
We saw The Prestige .
I especially enjoyed seeing David Bowie in the role he plays. He has always been one of my favorites. And it was great to see him in a role that he was perfect for.
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