Hi From Donna
I am so sorry that I haven't posted to donnagrayson.com in such a long while.
I've been so busy in my real life. Then when I get on the computer I am usually playing
around on the POD (Print on Demand) sites, as well as one Stock site.
POD means I design it - but they print it and mail it to you.
So if you would like to look around at some of my artwork, and the artwork of others -
here are the links to my Art Galleries ...
and other places that you can find me out on the Internet....
Great stock site for artists and photographhers
Greeting Card Universe:
All sort of fun original greeting cards:
Zazzle Original Gallery:
Flowers, Tshirt designs, monograms:
Zazzle Photos:
My original photography on cards, posters, mousepads and more
Zazzle Abstracts:
Fun abstracts on all sorts of fun items
Tshirts, tiles, tile boxes, hats and bags and more
Posters and cards
more posters and cards
A new gallery of tshirts
Oh.... And don't forget the CD "Impatience"...
Impatience CD on CDBaby.com
Impatience CD on Amazon.com
MySpace Music
Donna Grayson MySpace Music
More Places:
Regular MySpace
Donna Grayson Myspace
YouTube Page
Donna on YouTube
And my Flickr Page if you just want to look at pictures
Check out the Funny Short film I was in:
One Man's Trash
Keep checking those websites - I am always adding new items !
Donna Grayson
Labels: art, art. store, cafepress, films, hollywood, imagekind, music, news, photography, shop, shopping, store, youtube, zazzle
Getty Museum Friday Night
Last night, was "Fridays Off the 405" at The Getty Museum.
From what I understand, it was the last such event until March.
And good thing, because it was Cold - with a capital "C".
And foggy ... and misty ...
I got out of the chill to go check out the museums exhibit on Medieval Art on loan from Cleveland Museum of Art.
After listening to a few jokes from my fellow patrons about Cleveland in Medieval times - don't ask, you don't want to know - I walked around the gallery.
Beautiful religious artifacts, and even some real Shining Armor, the kind they wore in battle.
Even though the Friday night event is going on break due to winter - you can still check out the Medieval art during regular museum hours up to January 20 2008.
We listened to "DJ Spun" (Rong Music) .
Then I grabbed a Hot Chocolate, and hung out to listen to "Free Blood" .
I will visit again in March, when the weather warms up.
Labels: art, losangeles, museums, music
Women in Music
Some of the latest CDs, from my favorite woman musicians and singers
Labels: music, shopping, store
October Abstracts on You Tube
I updated my Cafe Press pages, and the designs are highlighted on this slideshow video.
The song is "One Way Affair" from my CD "Impatience", available on Amazon.com
and CD Baby.com
Labels: art, cafepress, music, shopping, store, youtube
Music and Abstracts
My first YouTube video !
Combining music from my CD - and my latest Abstract Art !
I will be adding more at www.youtube.com/donnagrayson
Labels: art, music, youtube, zazzle
Farmers Market on Fairfax
The Fairax Farmers Market is having Thursday night Jazz in the west courtyard.
I met some friends over there. It was very nice, because there were plenty of tables set-up.
You can eat dinner from the food vendors while you listen to the jazz music.
I got some korean chicken bbq with rice and veggies.
And we sat and listened to the jazz music.
Then we walked around the Farmers Market for a bit.
I stopped off at one of the bakeries.
Anything with coconut, oh I love it !
I picked up some delicious macaroons.
They tasted like each individual macaroon had a stick of butter.
That was some buttery flavor mixed in with the coconut.
But oh, they were so delicious !
And I also picked up some cherries - they were huge !
The size of apricots, I kid you not... one cherry was three bites.
And they were so sweet and perfect.
Labels: food, hollywood, losangeles, music
Soda Pop Labels: hollywood, music, musical, plays, theatre
Tonight, I saw a play at The Ark Theatre in Los Angeles.
The play was Soda Pop" - a funny musical set in the 1950s at a Soda Shop.
It was really fun, with alot of music from 1950s.
Made me want to look into some of that old music from the 1950s, and starting playing some of those old records - er, I mean CDs.
Chart Toppers: Dance Hits of the 50s
I Love Rock & Roll: Hits of the '50s
Magic Moments: The Best of '50s Pop
Friday Way to Late
So I didn't get out of Spider-man 3 until nearly 3 am.
Way to late for this old girl.
I had already arranged to take Friday off as a vacation day.
Due to all the excitement, and the late dinner, I was awake until 5 am.
Then I ended up sleeping until 3 pm.
Except for my landlady knocking on my door at Noon wondering why I hadn't taken my newspaper in.
She apologized, said she worried when she saw the paper was still out on my doorstep.
So now it is 3pm, and wow - is my system off.
Groggy - and coffee didn't help.
I had already made plans with Los Angeles People Connection , to meet up at
Fox and Hounds in Studio City.
No drinking for me... I stuck to regular cola.
And I got a chicken pot pie for dinner - or is it still lunch at 9pm. Whichever, it was really good.
A cover band started to play, and the music was really good.
All English Rock and Roll.
It was a very fun night.
I was waking up, just as it was time to leave.
Labels: losangeles, music, restaurant, restaurants, studiocity
Dancing with the Stars Wars
I am still into "Dancing With the Stars" .
As for tonights episode, image a 40-something year old chubby lady, standing directly in front of her TV-set in her pajamas with little yellow ducky's on them ... and shouting : "That is soooo COOL ! That is way SO way cool !"
.... as she watches Joey Fatone and Kym Johnson dance to "Star Wars" music.
Yup, that was me this evening....
That dance was so cool !
Click here for more "Star Wars" Music
Labels: hollywood, music, television
Happy Easter
On Easter Sunday, I know how important it is to get to Church early.
Mainly to find a parking place.
So I told myself I would get there at 10 minutes before the service started.
Well, I was 5 minutes late to Hollywood Presbyterian .
Because I was late, I had to sit way up in the balcony - because the rest of the church was full.
Part of the reason I was late, was trying to figure out what to wear.
The weather has been so weird - and for Easter Sunday it was pretty cold.
To cold for a Easter-y floral sundress.
So what to wear ?
In my closet was a dress I bought on the Internet nearly two years ago. In the catalog, it looked sexy enough for a night out.
But when it arrived it wasn't sexy, and it was actually kind of weird looking.
I thought the color was going to be cranberry from the catalog - but its a weird dark mauve/fuchsia shade - a color that I don't think I have ever seen before.
Plus, on top there are a few black sequins.
I only kept it because it fit me. But I can never figure out where to wear it.
So I finally decided to wear it to church. The weird mauve fuchsia color is fine for Easter.
As for the black sequins - well, this is Hollywood. I can get away with sequins in church.
So I sat up in the balcony, and it was a lovely service.
The Cathedral Choir sang a selection from Puccini's "Gloria" .
The Mass Choir sang "O, The Blood" .
And the Cathedral Bells performed - which I just loved.
If you ever get to hear a performance by a Bells Choir, I recommend it. It is all bells of every size and tone, and it just beautiful.
Easter Music on Amazon.com
Labels: church, hollywood, music, spiritual
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday and I attended evening service at Hollywood Presbyterian Church .
It was a very solemn and meaningful service.
I especially enjoyed the song "Behold The Lamb of God", which the Cathedral Choir sang.
It is from the "Messiah" by GF Handel.
Labels: holiday, music, spiritual
Maundy Thursday
First here's a link explaining Maundy Thursday .
In a nutshell, it is the day to remember The Last Supper, Garden of Gethsemane, the Washing of the Disciples Feet and the betrayal of Christ by Judas .
So, we are remembering the things Jesus did before he was taken to be crucified.
The term "Maundy" is a rough translation of a Latin and Old French word, that basically means "A New".
As in "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you"
In the past when I have visited Catholic church, the Mass for Maundy Thursday is very long. Presbyterian keep it at a regular service length.
I went over to Hollywood Presbyterian .
Two beautiful songs were sung tonight:
"Seekers of Your Heart" by Mel & Dick Tunney & Beverly Darnall
Because your heart was broken
Because You saw the need
Because You gave so freely
Because of Calvary
We can now be Called your own
Complete creations Filled with You alone
Where You There ?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Check out Cyber Hymnal.com
I love living in modern times ... all those old fashioned hymns out on the internet with midi's of the music.
Labels: church, hollywood, music, spiritual
Books and Music Selections
What I've Been Reading:
Fast Food Naton by Eric Schlosser
Yes, I know fast food is bad for me. I really try never to eat it. I keep Amy's Kitchen healthy frozen pocket sandwiches in the freezer for those times I am in a rush. And Cascadian Farms Organic Granola bars in the kitchen cabinet.
But besides the health issues, there are ecomonic and moral issues surrounding the Fast Food industry that we should all be aware of.
I listened to the book on tape of Fast Food Nation, and it made me much more aware of the other issues that I need to take into consideration when buying fast food.
Just the chapter on how french fries are made, is enough to scare you.
The Funny Thing Is... by Ellen DeGeneres
Totally funny.... Ellen does have alot of humorous insights into life.
My favorite: She talks about difficult packaging is to open, like a package of batteries that you buy at the store.
But a package of light bulbs - in a flimsy little cardboard container.
Very humorous, with stories that everyone can relate to.
What I've been listening to:
Mozart Concerto No 23
If I am stressed out, Classical Music is the one thing that helps to relax me.
I listen to it at the office and in the car, and its wonderful and puts me into an entirely different frame of mind.
Piano Concertos are my absolute favorite.
Los Angeles Radio station KMozart, 105FM KMZT, recently switched to 105 FM over to 1260 AM. I just can't seem to get 1260 AM all the time, I can't get AM at office. I can listen at home though.
It looks like I will buying more Classical CDs.
Labels: books, music, shopping, store
Lost - Episode 14
That had to be the best episode of Lost in a while.
The ending was terrifying..
Nikki poisons Paulo with a spider bite that paralyzes him.
Then the spider bites her too, so she ends up paralysed.
Everyone thinks they are both dead - and they hold a touching funeral service as they get buried alive.
Wow ! Being buried alive is definitely NOT the way to go....
Lost Episode guide on ABC TV
Lost DVDs on Amazon.com
Music from the ABC Series
Lost Season 2 soundtrack
Lost - The Board Game
Lost - Official Magazine
Labels: books, music, television
Dancing with the Stars
I haven't much been into the Reality shows. Only watched the first and second season of "American Idol", and then I lost interest.
I also liked "Who wants to Marry My Dad?" - but they haven't had a new episode in years.
But tonight I really wanted to catch Dancing with the Stars .
First, I had to see what happened to Heather Mills. All the commercials revolved around comments she was made saying she was worried her leg would fall off.
Then, it turns out that she was the best dancer out of all of them this evening.
John Ratzenberger and Leeza Gibbons were the other two I was paying close attention to. They are my personal favorites.
I guess the thing I really like about "Dancing with the Stars" - is there are all different ages.
On "American Idol", there is an age limit, you can't be older than the required age ... which I don't like.
There are plenty of lead singers in bands, who have been playing the local bar for the last 20 years. And they can really sing too. Its a shame American Idol doesn't give them a chance.
There was a TV special on in 2003. Called Second Chance: Americas Most Talented Senior" .
I was really hoping they would turn it into a series, and they didn't.
The guy who won had been a piano player/singer is some little bar in a little town in Florida for the last 30 years. He sang "Mack The Knife" . And he was very talented.
I am going to predict that the winner will be either Laila Ali or Heather Mills .
But I am seldom right about these things.
Labels: celebrities, music, television
Smilin' Faces Don't Tell The Truth
I'm in the car driving to the doctor. Somewhere passed Vermont, going east on Olympic.
And a car goes by, with the radio blasting.
And this is what I hear:
The band name is Undisputed Truth. And the song is "Smiling Faces Sometimes", from 1971.
And I found a fan page at The-Undisputed-Truth.com. The Group only lasted during the 1970s.
My first thought when I heard the lyrics blaring out of the car was "Wow ! I haven't heard that song in ages!"
Then I thought about the lyrics - "A Smile is just a frown turned upside down."
Thats kind of a cute way to say some people are not what they seem.
And they can turn back and forth between the two very easily.
I like the part about "The truth is in the eyes, cause the eyes don't lie".
As the Yiddish Proverb says "The eyes are the windows to the soul."
I was just disappointed to find out, that only two compilation CDs are available.
Smiling Faces: The Best of Undisputed Truth
The Collection which is an Import.
There are a few other compilations available, but you can only find Used CDs, not new. And the original recordings are still only available on LP Records.
I so much prefer the original albums the way the musicians intended for them to be heard. And its just so sad that The Undisputed Truth's LP Records have not been transferred over to CDs and made available.
Labels: losangeles, music
Labels: cinema, film, holiday, hollywood, movie, music, volunteer
Happy Halloween !
Hope you had a fun one !
I spent mine at The Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood watching Ghostbusters on the big screen.
This has always been one of my favorite movies.
And to add to the fun of the evening, Ray Parker Jr was there.
We watched the original video of the theme song to "Ghostbusters" - and sang along.
"Who ya gonna call ? Ghostbusters ! "
Labels: food, hollywood, music, restaurant, westhollywood
HOB gospel brunch
Very yummy and fun day.
One of my fellow Egyptian volunteers was given one of the awards at our annual Volunteer party.
He got a gift certificate for four people to the House of Blues Sunday Gospel Brunch.
I was one of the people who he asked to go with him.
It was a wonderful show of great gospel music.
Along with amazing food. About 6 tables of buffet food.
My favorites were the scrambled eggs, the beef roast and the omelets.
One of my friends really liked the fried chicken and grits.
We got to enjoy the wonderful gospel music of the Clara Ward singers .
After we were done with the Brunch, we walked around the Tower Records on Sunset Blvd.
They are going out of business, and we were looking for sales.
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DonnaGrayson.com Main Page
Donna's Music, Poetry, Acting Resume, and More ...