Hot Fuzz
![]() | Lunch was a combo dinner at Kabuki Restaurant . And then over to the Arclight Cinemas, for Hot Fuzz... I loved Hot Fuzz !!! It was sooo funny ! |
Labels: cinema, film, films, hollywood, movie, movies, restaurant, restaurants
The Dresden
Tonight, hung out at The Dresden in Los Feliz, to catch the music of Marty and Elayne.
I also tried their chicken quesadilla which was very good.
And a friend had a shrimp cocktail.
The place was getting really crowded just as as I was leaving.
I'm not much for the late, late crowd...
Labels: losangeles, losfeliz, restaurant, restaurants
Friday Way to Late
So I didn't get out of Spider-man 3 until nearly 3 am.
Way to late for this old girl.
I had already arranged to take Friday off as a vacation day.
Due to all the excitement, and the late dinner, I was awake until 5 am.
Then I ended up sleeping until 3 pm.
Except for my landlady knocking on my door at Noon wondering why I hadn't taken my newspaper in.
She apologized, said she worried when she saw the paper was still out on my doorstep.
So now it is 3pm, and wow - is my system off.
Groggy - and coffee didn't help.
I had already made plans with Los Angeles People Connection , to meet up at
Fox and Hounds in Studio City.
No drinking for me... I stuck to regular cola.
And I got a chicken pot pie for dinner - or is it still lunch at 9pm. Whichever, it was really good.
A cover band started to play, and the music was really good.
All English Rock and Roll.
It was a very fun night.
I was waking up, just as it was time to leave.
Labels: losangeles, music, restaurant, restaurants, studiocity
Sunday in Toluca Lake
Volunteered at Falcon Theatre this afternoon.
For the play, "Balancing Act".
It was the second time I have seen it.
Yeardley Smith is so funny in it.
After that, it was time to run errands.
I went to Marie Callender's and had a wonderful dinner.
Chicken with Mushrooms and Artichokes.
The portion was so huge, it was three servings - so I took some home for lunch at the office tomorrow.
I had actually been craving artichokes lately. And whenever I buy them, I don't seem to get around to cooking them.
Artichokes are a difficult vegetable to prepare.
So this was a perfect dinner... It satisfied my artichoke craving.
Then I ran into Trader Joes . The one on Riverside Drive is actually pretty small.
But I got most of what I needed. Especially my two favorites, the Organic Cranberry Juice, and Organic Decaf Chai Tea.
Then I realized on my way out, that Trader Joes has a monthly drawing.
If you bring your own grocery bag, they will enter you in a drawing for a free gift certificate.
I have to remember to bring my own bags in the future.
The only thing I noticed ... Our weather has been really weird lately.
We have had really blazing hot days, and then today seemed to cool down a bit.
But at both Marie Callender's and Trader Joes - the air conditioning was turned up to a bone-freezing chill.
At the restaurant, I had to ask to change tables, because one side of the restaurant was so cold. And where I ended up sitting - I was still cold.
Then I hurried through Trader Joes because it was so cold there to.
And it wasn't just me - believe me, it was freezing cold in both places.
I wonder if it was because it was just so warm outside, and no one adjusted the temperature once the weather started to cool off for the evening.
Labels: food, losangeles, restaurant, theater, theatre, volunteer
Stress Control Food
Why is it that when we are really stressed out, we crave food ?
Especially bad food ?
I was thinking this as I drove away from the terrible doctors appointment with Dr. Psycho.
I had decided to drive directly to Fat Burger .
I needed a Fat Burger. I craved a Fat Burger.
Is it a learned response ?
Eat something, and you will feel better.
Well, thats for sure.
Or is it a physical response ?
Stress happens, the body craves nutrition, so go eat.
And then you feel better....
Once at Fat Burger, I decided to try to be some what controlled.
That is something I am trying to learn : That when I eat out, its not an excuse to pig out.
I am learning to eat out, and still be somewhat sensible in my choices.
So I order the Turkey Burger.
Instead of a regular hamburger.
A Much better choice.
But okay, still Onion Rings.
I have to have the Onion Rings.
Fat Burger makes great onion rings.
And then, I feel so much better.
And Dr. Psycho is long forgotten.
Fat Burger
Burger Cooking Items
Burger Cookbooks
Labels: food, losangeles, restaurant
Lazy Day in Los Feliz
A lazy day, I had to return some library books. And I didn't get to the library before it closed.
So I figured I would just go into Los Feliz, and leave the books at the Los Feliz Branch of the public library .
Then, I head over to the Alcove Cafe .
It is packed with people - which is kind of fun.
I go up to the counter and order my food.
Its a pretty healthy place, and I order the worst thing on the menu
A Roast Beef with Horseradish Mayo. And Onion Rings.
The onion rings at The Alcove are amazing. The are like a crispy crunchy donut with an onion in the batter.
I probably feel like heavy food, because I haven't eaten all day.
As I read the Los Angeles Times, I see some one else with dessert.
I get half of my sandwich and onion rings to go, and I head back inside.
I order a white cake with cream cheese frosting, and all sort of fresh berries in the filling.
To Go.
Berry Surprise ? Berry Sunrise ? Something like that.
When I hear the price, I can't believe how expense it is for one piece.
But the one piece was about four servings.
Then back home to finish my lazy day.
I have 1/4 of the slice of cake, with tea, while I post to my blog.
Labels: food, losfeliz, restaurant
A Day In Hollywood
I signed up for an early morning volunteer shift at Egyptian Theatre .
They don't usually have things where I need to be there at 9:30 am. But today was an all day event, sponsored by The Korean Cultural Center of Los Angeles and The Japan Foundation of Los Angeles .
Two Anime movies, Aachi & Ssipak from Korea, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time from Japan
Of course, I was running late. It is Saturday after all.
So instead of parking in the Hollywood and Highland lot, where they will validate - I grab a spot on the street and start to feed the meter.
I am standing there, digging through my purse trying to find that Quarter that is stuck at the very bottom.
When a group of four nice gentlemen go passed by me.....
And one of them puts a Quarter in the parking meter.
"You don't want to get a ticket. They are really strict around here, I know how it is" he says.
"Oh, yeah, okay - thanks." I say stunned and almost speechless at what just happened.
As they continue on their way.
By the time I run/walk to the Egyptian, they are an entire half block away.
I thought they were going to the Anime event - I mean why else would a group of four guys be in Hollywood at this time of the morning ?
But by the time I realize they are walking passed the Egyptian, it is to late for me to run after them to say anything, and I really wanted to invite them to the free animation screening.
As I am volunteering, a theatre patron asks another volunteer about where to eat in the area.
The volunteer tells him about the great places to eat over at Hollywood and Highland . I hear them mentioning "California Pizza Kitchen" and Beard Papa's Creme Puffs.
They are talking about how delicious the creme puffs are....
Soon the Anime movies are starting. But now I have to move my car.
The meters on the street are only for one hour. And I will be in Hollywood all day.
So I go drive me car into the Hollywood and Highland complex.
I can get validated - 4 hours for $2 - but it really won't matter, because I will be there all day.
Walking back up through the mall, to make it back to Hollywood Blvd and the Egyptian, I walk right passed Beard Papa's Creme Puffs.
How long has it been since I have had a Creme Puff ?
Oh, around Twenty Years.
Thats it. I am having a Creme Puff.
I walk into the store, and yes they sell Creme Puffs. There is a few flavors to choose from.
And a few other desserts. I am wondering "How can a store survive only selling Creme Puffs?"
I order one with chocolate filling, and a cup of coffee.
And it is sooooo delicious.
Then its back to finishing my shift at the Egyptian.
Later on in the afternoon, I meet up with friends.
I have been getting opinions on the movie ""300" , trying to figure out if a women in her 40s, like me, could possibly enjoy an ancient Greek war move.
I have asked two other friends. One said Yes, it was Fabulous.
The other said No, it was to violent and she hated it.
So I decide to ask one more female for one more opinion.
"Oh, it is fantastic ! You have to see it !" she says.
"Well, I heard it wasn't that good" I said "Oh, no... its great... there are really fit buff men who wear nothing but leather diapers through-out the entire movie. Its fantastic, you have to see it !"
Well, thats a good enough review for me. I'm there.
I walk over to the Mann's Theatres at Hollywood and Highland.
I was hoping to see it in the Chinese, but the timing doesn't work out right.
I will have to see it in the Mann 6.
I ask the ticket seller how big the theatre is. It only has 150 seats.
He notices the look on my face "But we've only sold 8 tickets, you can sit anywhere."
I buy a ticket, alittle unhappy about the situation.
This is the kind of movie you really want to see on a huge screen.
In line to get my concessions. I am trying to ignore the family in front of me.
The mother and father look like they just walked out of a Bar, are alittle tipsy, and its only early afternoon.
The mother has bleach blond hair, and she is wearing black leggings - not a good choice for someone in her age range.
The poor little boy just wants some candy.
"No, you aren't getting any sugar. Thats all you eat is sugar", says the mother.
She orders a couple of Combos. Popcorn, Soda, Candy.
The Concession Guy asks her "What size combo do you want?"
"I don't care" is her reply.
She and her husband are completely confused at the concession stand choices.
I move to a different line and get my concessions and go into the theatre.
I sit in the very last row of the 150 seat Mann 6, hoping to get a good view.
It was okay from the last row."300" is a movie that both men and women will like. There is definitely alot of war in it - because thats what its about.
And blood, and heads getting chopped off. But its all in Slo-Mo, so it doesn't seem the realistic.
During the movie, I only had to shut my eyes once.
And yes, as my friend said, lots of really hot dudes in leather diapers in the movie - "300" of them in fact.
I did enjoy the relationship between the King and his wife .
I wonder if thats really how they treated their women back then.
Oh, and there is one really steamy love-scene that is worth the price of your admission ticket.
And.... its also a history lesson, because these events really did happen.
After that, I am ready for dinner - so I stop at "California Pizza Kitchen".
And I have the healthy Chopped Salad, with no salami, but with chicken.
Next to me is a table of Working Actors, who are discussing acting teachers, casting websites and similar.
It was interesting eavesdropping on them. One of the actors was saying how studying at one of the Improv schools, like Second city, or the Groundlings, was considered very impressive by most casting directors. They give it even more consideration
than if you studied theatre arts at a four year college.
I don't know if thats true - but that what he said.
After arriving in Hollywood at 9:30 am, it is finally time to go home - and its 8pm already.
The parking validation didn't help - I was there all day, and I have to still pay ten bucks to get out the lot.
Labels: acting, cinema, egyptian, film, food, hollywood, movies, restaurant, volunteer
Dinner and Conversation
Dinner with friends at Mel's Diner on Highland.
I got a meatloaf dinner. And then we had berry pie for dessert.
Enough food to bring take half home for lunch tomorrow.
Not the best choice. But maybe the berries in the pie will kill all the bad things in the red meat.
Interesting conversation. You know, its kind of strange looking back on 2005 and my cancer surgery.
And its kind of strange how I pick and choose what I do and don't do.
I did the radiation. I refused the chemo.
I won't use plastic utensils or Styrofoam if possible. And I have been known to educate a restaurant or two about their dangers.
I won't drink artificial sweeteners or eat processed meats.
I take a long list of vitamins a supplements, like Co-Q10 , Flax seed , Fish Oil, Mushroom Extract and Curcumin extract .
I even tried "Cats Claw" herbal tea, though I didn't like it very much.
Every so often I do the Budwig thing with cottage cheese and flax seed.
I drink organic green tea, and Trader Joes Organic Decaf Chai Tea, which contains organic cinnamon and organic ginger.
And I try to buy Organic whenever possible. (Except of course eating out.)
Every morning I have a bowl of slow-cooked oatmeal, with fresh berries, cinnamon and ginger and ground flaxseed, along with an organic hard boiled egg. (Thats a big change from the bagel with cream cheese that I used to have every morning..)
Yet...I still have one or two glasses of wine per month - which I still think is to often.
I keep trying to quit high-fructose soft drinks. (I'm down to one a day, or less - which is still to many.)
I use the microwave about twice a week - which I also think is to often.
I wanted to quit dairy products, but that was next to impossible, so I try to limit them.
I still drink coffee.
I still need to lose weight, and exercise more.
And I dye my hair. Which pretty much makes most of my friends freak completely out.
I guess it comes down to the fact that you can't stop living your life even though you have had a terrible disease.
You still have to do, whatever it is you have to do.
This all came from the part of the conversation where my friends noticed my hair.
The last time they saw me, I was blond.
Now I am such a dark brown, its almost black.
But it is closer to my natural color, and I prefer how it covers up my grey hairs.
I told them that after the cancer, I was pretty much committed to becoming an "Earth Mother", not even polishing my nails. But thats not me, and there was no way I could stick to it.
I had to keep living my life, and adjusting what I could, and accepting what I can't.
And I laughed about my hair and said "I'm surprised you even recognized me !"
More info:
Johanna Budwig books on
Natural Approaches to Cancer Treatment books on
Labels: doctor, food, health, restaurant
A delicious lunch today at Souplantation on San Vincente in Brentwood.
I filled up on the salads. It great that its all chopped and prepared right there for you.
I can eat veggies that I normally don't buy - like radishes.
Also, the clam chowder was delicious. With corn bread.
Then for dessert, I had alittle chocolate pudding and lots of fresh melon.
My friends liked these peanut butter/chocolate things they had.
But I am not a peanut butter person at all.
For the month of April, Souplantation is having alot of items with Lemon.
Theres going to be a Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup,Summer Lemon Salad w/ Spiced Pecans, and a Hot Lemon Lava Cake.
I will be definitely going back.
Oh, also... look for the coupons in the Sunday Los Angeles Times . You can eat at Souplantation for a discount with the coupons.
Labels: food, losangeles, restaurant
Wild Hogs
Over at The Grove to catch an early afternoon matinee.
I really wanted to see "Wild Hogs".
A moving starring men over the age of 40 ? I am sooooo there !
Such a good cast, John Travolta, William H. Macy, Tim Allen , Martin Lawrence , Ray Liotta and Marisa Tomei and Jill Hennessy .
It was such a funny movie. From the beginning to the end.
And then make sure you stay for the closing credits because those are hysterical too.
Also in the movie is John C. McGinley , from the TV show "Scrubs" . He is so funny as the local cop. And Peter Fonda makes a surprise visit. He seems to be in all the motorcycle movies lately, He was in Ghostrider too.
Oh, okay... my favorite scene: the four guys - Travolta, Macy, Allen, and Lawrence - are skinny-dipping in a pond. Macy's character takes off his shorts, and you see his rear end - or maybe it was a "butt" double.
He jumps into the pond with the rest of the guys.
They are in the water up to their waist. A really funny cop, played by McGinley, comes along and wants to get in the water with them, although he is looking for much more in the way of action.
The four guys have to get away from him, without offending him since he is the local cop.
Its such a funny scene.
And why doesn't Ray Liotta do more comedy ? In "Wild Hogs" he is the bad guy. I loved him in this. Whatever you do, don't miss the funny closing credits. Because Liotta will really make you laugh during the credits.
My only complaint - the younger actresses.
William H Macy was born in 1950. His love interest, Marisa Tomei born in 1964.
Tim Allen was born 1953. Jill Hennessy plays his wife, and she was born in 1968.
I think would have been better to see these roles played by women who were not 14 to 15 years younger that the male actors. Though granted, with Hollywood age-ism, both Tomei and Hennessy are older than what would normally be cast in a movie like this.
It just that if the movie studio felt that actors in the 50-ish age group can carry a big hit movie - then I wish they would have done the same with the actresses. Even though both Tomei and Hennessy are great in their roles.
After the movie is over, we head over to Dupars . For their delicious Chicken Pot Pie.
And I call a female friend on the phone.
"Guess what movie I just saw?" I ask.
"Wild Hogs" I reply.
"No you didn't" she said.
"Yes, and it is so funny! You have to see it!" I said.
"No, I don't" she said
"Yes, yes .... John Travolta, William H Macy, Tim Allen - they are all naked in a pond!" I explain.
" aren't", she replied shocked.
"Yes, yes they are. You have to see it !" I say.
"Nooooooo" says my friend.
"Well, at least request it from Netflix when its available. Because it is really is hysterical."
Check out the Wild Hogs Official Website
Labels: cinema, film, hollywood, losangeles, movie, restaurant
Hamburger Lunch
Stopped off at Roman's Restaurant in Hollywood.
Its become my favorite restaurant for healthy and quick food.
I ordered the hamburger, and it was delicious topped with sauteed veggies like bell peppers and onions.
The side was a salad of mixed greens with a yummy vinaigrette.
It was a very healthy way to enjoy a hamburger.
Labels: food, restaurant
Ma'am, We Have Eggs Florentine
I grabbed the magazines out of the Los Angeles Times , and headed over to Dupar's Restaurant at the Farmer's Market on Fairfax.
I had a really, nice, young, gay-type waiter. He was very helpful and knowledgeable.
Looking at the menu, trying to figure out what to get - it was almost as if he read my mind.
"Oh, its not on the menu, but we do have Eggs Florentine", he said.
"Eggs Florentine ! Thats what I will have", I responded happily.
Ah, my favorite brunch meal of all time.
I was sitting at a table that was pretty close to the table of some scruffy internet geek-looking types. Our tables were so close, and we kind of looked at eachother. But what to say ... except a half-smile...
I guess they weren't internet geeks, because their talk revolved around business at a beauty salon. And one of the beautiful female employees who was having an affair with a very wealthy married man. And he rented her a ridiculously expensive apartment, and bought her a ridiculously expense car.
Both men were quite amazed at how something like this could possibly happen.
I read my Los Angeles Times magazines.
I ate my delicious Eggs Florentine, with a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice.
Did you know that the Vitamin C in the Orange Juice will actually help you absorb the iron in the spinach in the Eggs Florentine ? Its actually a very nutritional brunch.
But my very nice young waiter kept addressing me as "Ma'am".
"Ma'am, can I get you more coffee?"
"Would you like anything else Ma'am?"
Ok... I knew I was way older than he was - and from the conversation he had with the two scruffy guys next to me, my waiter was new in LA from the East Coast.
On the East Coast maybe it is considered proper etiquette to call a woman in her late 40s by "Ma'am".
But this is Hollywood, and there is very little etiquette. Flattery is much more impressive and appreciated.
Always call a woman "Miss". It doesn't matter if she is 102 year old.
If you call her "Miss", she will assume she is looking younger than she really is, and she will be very happy.
Calling an older woman "Miss" actually will make her day. Well, at least in L.A.
But my waiter was still very nice, young and innocent - so I decided to not be offended by being called "Ma'am", chalked it up to him just getting here from the East Coast, and I left him a good tip on the bill anyway.
Labels: food, hollywood, losangeles, reading, restaurant
Roman's Restaurant
Lunch was at Roman's Restaurant in Hollywood.
Their website is alittle loud with a big "boom" and then music, so don't let it scare you.
But their pressed wraps are delicious. I had a beef stroganoff wrap, and it was yummy. They take the beef stroganoff and put it in a tortilla-like wrap, and squish it on the grill. Very good.
I also like their coffee bar, a delicious pastries, cookies and bars.
Labels: food, hollywood, restaurant
A Busy Day in Studio City
I started the day off at the D Miller Salon in Studio City,getting my hair trimmed and dyed.
I went alittle bit darker than last time. It was supposed to be a very dark brown.
And it was more closer to a black.
It doesn't matter - my hair tends to fade quickly, and get sunwashed very fast.
So very soon, it was a nice dark brown.
And I splurged and got alittle bit more shaping with the trim. I specifically requested "long layers".
Nothing to drastic.
While I was in Studio City, I stopped off at the Daily Grill for a late breakfast.
I got my favorite, eggs florentine .... it was delicious.
While I had my eggs florentine, I read a very interesting book, Signs and Wonders by Albert Clayton Gaulden.
Then as I came out of the restaurant, I saw that DSW Shoes was having a sale.
Since I was looking for a nice pair of black loafers, I decided to stop in.
I emerged two hours later with two pairs of leather casual shoes and one pair of aerobic shoes.
According to my receipt, my bill was $125.27 - but I saved $117.37 off of the retail price.
So that is a really good savings.
I also joined the DSW Rewards program, which adds up my points everytime I buy something.
And then my points add up to even more savings.
I was having so much fun on my day in Studio City, that I was running late to meet friends at The Arclight Cinema .
I looked at my watch, and had to rush to make it there in time.
The movie we saw was Babel .
I really loved this movie. I thought it was very intelligent and well-written. And the story was amazing.
It is about four different stories in four different parts of the world - and each story is connected by a single Gun.
I thought the story of how one gun could effect so many different people was incredible.
It is one of those movies that really makes you think about what is going on in diffferent parts of the world.
![]() | Me, at the Daily Gill |
![]() | The beautiful fountain in Studio City |
Labels: fashion, film, hollywood, losangeles photos, movies, photography, restaurant, shopping
Labels: food, holiday, restaurant
Anti-Valentines Day at Blowfish
LA People Connection had an Anti-Valentines Party tonight.
It was at Blowsfish Sushi in West Hollywood.
We shared alot of sushi. It was yummy.
Tho I think the best thing I ordered was the Green Tea Cheesecake. Oh, that was tasty !
Labels: hollywood, losangeles, restaurant
I finally broke down and did it. I joined a singles group.
Well, its not just a singles group, its a dining club too.
Its called Tasty LA .
And the idea is that three men and three women within the same age group, meet up in a restaurant and have dinner together.
So that sounds like fun. I like trying new restaurants.
Tonight, was a general mixer. I think it was 20 men and 20 women.
We met at Joseph's Cafe in Hollywood.
Its a very nice place. And we all hung out in the bar area, and made small talk.
I have to say, everyone in the group was very friendly. I met lots of really nice people.
We had drinks, and hung out at the bar talking away. I had some interesting conversations.
Later on in the ladies room, I ran into a women who was probably about 15 years older than me. She was alittle down.
"I hope I meet an interesting man", she told me.
I tried to be encouraging.
"You know, I think its best to come to events like this, and just plan to talk to alot of people. Just think of it as an evening where you are going to mingle with alot of different people, and have an evening of interesting conversations."
She took it the wrong way.
"Oh, I guess thats all I can expect", she said.
I felt kind of bad for her - she really had her hopes set on meeting someone.
That. Very. Night.
At the end of the evening, one of the men had his two dogs waiting for him at the door of the restaurant.
They were Border collie dogs. They were very well behaved.
And beautiful.
There was another guy there playing with the dogs already.
He and I had the final interesting conversation of the evening - with the two beautiful Border Collies.
Labels: cancer, doctor, food, health, restaurant
Mammogram Time
Since having a lumpectomy and radiation for Breast Cancer in 2005, I tell my Doctor to schedule all the tests "like clockwork".
I refused the chemo ... but I still want to keep up to date with my follow-ups.
They are usually emotionally traumatic enough, that I need to take the day off from work.
So far, I have passed every test with flying colors. But it still freaks me out.
Today was my mammogram - every 6 months, like clock-work.
I have had all the paperwork in my Dayplanner, since the last check-up 6 months ago.
I arrive at the Breast Cancer Center in Glendale.... and they ask me for my paperwork.
And where is the paperwork ?
Exactly where it has been for the last 6 months ... in my Dayplanner - which is at home !
I explain the situation to them. They have to call the Doctors office and have them fax a copy of the paperwork over.
I am apologizing and apologizing for forgetting the papers. I even offer to race home to get it.
But it gets faxed over, and I am ready for my mammograms.
The last two times its been done, we only did the left breast - the one that caused all the trouble.
Now, they are doing a mammogram on both breasts. And that has me alittle worried. I wonder if my right breast has started to cause problems, and we haven't been checking it. I actually worry more about the right, healthy breast - than I do about the left breast that has had cancer.
Go figure.
But everything goes off without a hitch.
Everything is fine. No problem.
They say the Mammogram Doctor will call me with the results later in the afternoon.
And that has me worried - why are they going to call me - I try to put it out of my mind.
I stop off in Los Feliz, at The Alcove .
I order a Turkey Burger & Onion Rings and an Iced Tea.
If ever there could possibly exist Healthy Onion Rings - it would be the ones at The Alcove.
I try to relax, enjoy my food, and not think about the mammogram.
I decide to check my Cell phone to see if the Mammogram Doctor has called - and my Cell phone Battery has run out of juice !!! Its dead.
This goes along with my theory that the Human Brain only has so many slots.
And Mammograms and Doctor things take up alot of slots.
So today there was no room in my head to remember the paperwork, or to remember to recharge the cellphone battery.
I finish my yummy meal. And I think about getting one of the Alcove's wonderful cakes, but I decide against it.
When I get home, I have a voice mail from the Mammogram Doctor.
"Ms. Grayson, I just want to let you know I looked over your mammogram, and there is no sign of cancer. Everything is normal. I will see you in another six months."
Labels: food, losangeles, restaurant, studiocity
Art and Food
Spent the afternoon at LACMA , for the exhibit on "Magritte and Contemporary Art".... featuring the artwork of René Magritte .
This exhibit was so well-done and fun. We had a great time.
After that, for the evening, we drove into Studio City, to hang out at The MiniBar Lounge.
We had a group of about 20 - and we were ordering at least one or two servings of all their little food items, and we were sharing.
I liked the "Salmon Brie Strudel" and the "Yucca Bread" the most.
Labels: food, hollywood, restaurant
Dinner at Mels Diner
Volunteer Captain this afternoon at the Egyptian Theatre .
Then I wanted to stop by Mel's Diner again, and have the delicious Roasted Chicken with steamed vegetables.
Well, when I had it a few weeks ago, it was fabulous.
Everything was perfect. I couldn't wait to go order it again.
Tonight, my veggies were all watery. It was very blah.
Yes, they included the yummy Baby Chinese Yellow Carrots from last time - but it wasn't the same.
Must have been a different cook in the kitchen....
Labels: cinema, egyptian, film, food, hollywood, movies, restaurant
Black Moon & Mels Diner
Volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre tonight. The movie was
"Black Moon" directed by Louis Malle
But for some reason I just decided to take off after my shift was over.
Instead, I stopped at Mel's Restaurant just around the corner on Highland
I ordered a roast chicken dinner with potatoes and steamed vegetables.
The mixed vegetables were delicious. There was a variety of vegetables, with some yellow thing that I did not know what it was - but it sure did taste good.
I said to the waitress "The vegetables are delicious. What is the yellow thing?"
She answered "yellow baby chinese carrots".
As I stopped off to pay my bill at the cashier, I said "Those vegetables were wonderful !"
The cashier said "Oh, did you liked the yellow baby chinese carrots?"
Oh, yes...
I mean, think about it... how many times have you gone out to a restaurant and actually complimented them on the steamed vegetables ...
They were that good....
Labels: fashion, food, hollywood, losfeliz, restaurant, shopping
Tailors & House of Pies
I had hit some on-line Sales over the Christmas holidays.
And I discovered that many of the on-line retailers were having huge sales during the few days before Christmas, because they could not ship the product in time for the holidays.
So I picked up a few skirts and sweaters on sale.
If you didn't need them by the holiday, they were really marked down.
Then, being that I am pretty short - it was off to the Tailors this morning.
Two of the skirts I bought had a fancy hem-line. One was a handkerchief hem. And the other was a tiered skirt with layers of lace and velvet.
I told the tailor that I did not want to lose the hemlines of the skirts. Could it be possible to shorten the skirts from the waist ?
The skirts were elastic waist, so yes, they could shorten them from the top.
The price for the tailoring would be more, almost double, but they could do it.
So just remember - if you are short, and you see a skirt with a fancy hemline.... If it is an elastic waist, just ask the tailor to shorten the skirt from the waist band.
If the skirt has a zipper, I think they can do it from the top too - but it will be really expensive because they have to take the zipper out and put it back in.
But elastic waist skirts, no problem.
(When I picked up the skirts, I was very happy with the results of how they shortened them. And I still had the handkerchief bottom, and the lace bottom.)
After I was done at the tailors, it was off to House of Pies for a late breakfast.
They have really good Eggs Florentine. They also have Eggs Benedict, and an Eggs Californian, and some other variations of the whole "Eggs on a Muffin" theme.
I sat outside on the patio, where it was alittle cold.
And I read "I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman" written by Nora Ephron .
Its a very funny book.
Labels: cinema, film, food, movies, restaurant
The Farm
Trying to meet a friend for a free screening of a movie. The movie was
"Miss Potter" starring Renée Zellweger .
And the screening was taking place at The Grove .
Well, I was running really late from the office. And when I arrived, the free screening was sold out.
I called my friends on my cellphone once I made it into the lobby. They were already in the theatre, and there were no seats left.
So, instead of seeing the movie, I went out to "The Farm" restaurant.
I has a wonderful Shepherds Pie, that included yellow beets and little baby onions.
It was so delicious, and filled with yummy vegetables.
Labels: cinema, films, food, hollywood, movies, restaurant
Movie Day
It was a Movie day for me today over at the Arclight Cinemas .
I was running late, so my friends bought a ticket for me to see "DreamGirls" Arclight Dome Theatre . They leave my ticket with the ticket taker.
Its assigned seating in the Arclight. You pick the seat you want to sit in when you buy your ticket.
And by the time I get there, the previews are over and the movies starting - and its pitch black in the theatre.
The usher says "Follow Me" - and he takes off towards my seat.
I can't find him. I can't see anything. Because it is completely dark in the theatre.
I find the usher again. Same thing. He says "Follow me" and He takes off again.
I am left standing in the dark.
The usher comes up to me at says "You aren't following me"
I say "Its because I can't see you."
After the movie, we run over and have Dinner at Kabuki on Vine.
I get a Tempera combo with salmon. Very good.
Then my friends and I head off the see the second movie of the day,
"The Holiday".
A very cute holiday movie.
We stop off and have desert in the Arclight Cafe.
I order a Decaf, and a carrot cake. The carrot cake is delicious.
Labels: food, restaurant, theater, theatre, volunteer
Wishful Drinking
Volunteered at The Geffen Theatre in Westwood.
For the matinee performance of "Wishful Drinking" starring Carrie Fisher .
I volunteered as an usher in the balcony.
The play was really funny, and I really enjoyed it.
On my way home, I stopped off for dinner at the Newsroom Cafe on Robertson in Beverly Hills.
They have really great healthy food.
I had the Chicken Pot Pie. It was very healthy, and very good. Perfect food for the cold weather we have been having.
Labels: photography, photos, restaurant
Birthday Dinner for Friends
Two of my friends have birthdays at the end of October.
So tonight we all went out for a nice dinner.
Karie, Me and Valerie pose after dinner
Me, after a night out on the town
Labels: food, hollywood, music, restaurant, westhollywood
HOB gospel brunch
Very yummy and fun day.
One of my fellow Egyptian volunteers was given one of the awards at our annual Volunteer party.
He got a gift certificate for four people to the House of Blues Sunday Gospel Brunch.
I was one of the people who he asked to go with him.
It was a wonderful show of great gospel music.
Along with amazing food. About 6 tables of buffet food.
My favorites were the scrambled eggs, the beef roast and the omelets.
One of my friends really liked the fried chicken and grits.
We got to enjoy the wonderful gospel music of the Clara Ward singers .
After we were done with the Brunch, we walked around the Tower Records on Sunset Blvd.
They are going out of business, and we were looking for sales.
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