Labels: acting, cinema, film, film cinema, gift, gifts, magnets, movie, movies, shop, shopping, store, theater, theatre, zazzle
Movie Recommendations
What movies have I seen lately?
I just saw Lions for Lambs last night.
And even though political dramas, really aren't my cup of tea, it is always amazing to see great acting on the screen.
Robert Redford, Meryl Streep
, and Tom Cruise
All I can say to that is - Wow !
Watching that was an acting class right there. No one can match them.
I also just saw Gone Baby Gone. A great movie with some outstanding character actors.
I think Ben Affleck is really going to excel as a Director.
Where did he find all these great characters ? It was amazing to watch the 'real people" he put in front of the camera.
I also finally saw Lars and The Real Girl. And I had to run out to catch it, because it wasn't playing many places in the Hollywood area. Ryan Gosling is fantastic in this role as an innocent man with delusions about the fake woman he loves.
Movie that I am going to try to catch ?
Bee Movie, Beowulf and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium are all movies I watch to try to catch soon.
From One End Of Town To Another
My agent called me yesterday. I have an audition at 4:30pm this afternoon out in West Los Angeles.
That meant I had to fight traffic after leaving my job in Hollywood early, and then somehow try to make it back in time to volunteer at The Egyptian tonight.
I don't like driving the freeway. So I take Olympic straight down. The Casting Offices are on Purdue, near Pico.
Since I used to work in the area for 12 years, I kind of know my way around. But the last time I auditioned at this place, the parking was horrible.
Low and Behold - my Parking Angel was looking out for me - and some one pulled out, just as I arrived.
I got a parking spot right across the street from the Casting offices.
All I knew was that was for a commercial that would show in Turkey. We would never see it in the United States.
I looked up the name of the product on the internet, but it was a popular word in Turkish.
So I really wasn't sure what product I would be auditioning for.
Its either an alcoholic drink, or the latest Pop star's new album.
I even ask a 20-something young man who was looking at the story-board with me, if he knew what the product was.
He just smiled and walked away.
I guess he didn't want to chat.
We look at the story-board, read a description, and get a Polaroid taken.
They call us in groups of six.
Turns out my role is that of a Coffee Shop Waitress.
We were told "This is not a McDonalds commercial. Do not be bright and cheery. This is very melodramatic.
A dark setting. This of it as a David Lynch movie."
My role was to be a sad, distant Coffee Shop Waitress.
And when the product appears, I look happy and hopeful.
After the Casting Associate was done filming my group of six - someone asked him, when were "They" going to be looking at our tapes and making their decision ?
The Casting Associate answered "Oh, they will see it in about 5 minutes. They are working in Brazil right now, and I transmit the auditions over the internet to them. So someone in Brazil will be seeing your audition in a few minutes."
Well, I can actually say I have transmitted over the internet, and watched in Brazil.
Its kind of a weird feeling actually.
As I was leaving West LA, I stopped at Big Tomy's on Pico Blvd and Sawtelle for some fried zucchini.
Which I ate in the car on the drive back to Hollywood.
Everything was fine, untill I tried to go North on Highland.
Traffic was unbelievably backed up. All the way to Santa Monica Blvd.
I turn up Franklin - and I try to take Orange up to Hollywood and Highland.
But one the small residential street by the Roosevelt, Orange is backed up and not moving.
So I turn left on a Sunset and come up La Brea. Then to Franklin.
As I approach Hollywood & Highland, I see all sorts of "NO Right Turn" signs.
I take another side street, and make a left on Hollywood.
Finally, I make it to Orange, and to the Validated Parking at Hollywood and Highland.
I later learn, that Ratatouille was premiering at The El Capitan , and most of the street was of blocked off.
AND there was a big opening night concert with Jack Black, and Kristin Chenoweth and Plácido Domingo, at The Hollywood Bowl .
So that all explains the traffic nightmare.
I make it to the Egyptian by 7:15 - but I had already told them I expected to be late for my volunteer shift.
Crispin Glover's show started at 8pm.
I was volunteering as Ticket Taker. But I went in after the show started, and saw Crispin Glover's live performance of "The Big Show".
I stayed for about 10 minutes of "What Is It?" - but I was to tired from driving to West LA and back in traffic.
I will be able to see it some other time over the weekend.
Labels: acting, celebrities, egyptian, food, hollywood, losangeles, restaurants, volunteer, westla
New Acting Pictures
The touch-ups on the pictures that my Agent selected as my new acting headshots were ready.
At work, we got off early due to the holiday, so I drove over to my agent's offices to get them.
They actually just moved from Westwood, to Mid-Wilshire-Korea Town - which is so much closer to where I live.
I managed to find street parking, and the offices are now in a rather large high-rise building.
There were two elevator banks - one was for the 1st to 15th floors. The other for everything on floor 15 and above.
I know to people in the midwest and on the east coast that doesn't sound like alot of floors. But for California, we don't get much taller than 20 or 30 floors or thereabouts.
So I get in the elevator that went the highest, and pressed the floor for my Agents office.
Whoosh !!!!
I zoomed way to the top - and then once at the floor, I bounced for a while as the elevator tried to align itself with the floor.
I swear, I almost tossed my cookies...
As I got off the elevator, I was shaking.
That was some ride.
I picked up the disk with my new pictures on it. Chatted with my agent a bit. Got a little tour of the new offices. They are much bigger that the offices in Westwood, but run about the same rent.There were still boxes that were being unpacked.
Now, I have to somehow manage to get into the elevator and make it back down.
I think about taking the stairs all the way down, because I just don't want to get in the elevator alone.
The first elevator arrives, and it is empty. I lean over, punch a floor, and step out - sending it on its way to go Woosh to the bottom.
The next elevator arrives with 2 people in it. I get in, press the floor, and cling to the side.
The lady laughs "Oh, you don't like our elevators. I guess you don't like roller coaster rides much either, do you?"
No I don't...
Once back on solid ground, I decide to take a little walk around the area. I have time on the meter anyway.
I notice lots of Frozen Yogurt shops in the area.
I thought those all closed down. But in this section of LA, there are plenty. Frozen Yogurt on every street corner.
I stop in one, and I order a slushy frozen mango drink.
The girl makes it, and hands it to me. She actually somehow glues a cellophane top on to the cup. And all the words on the cellophane are in Korean.
This now has me worried, because I thought I was just ordering a slushy mango drink. And now I am wondering what I am drinking.
I drink it anyway, and the on the ride home I go down some side streets, and look around.
There's lot of interesting buildings. I will have to come down this way again and bring my camera...
Anyway... Here are some of the Top Choices for my new Acting Headshots....
My Agents Top Choice for A Commercial Headshot My personal favorite The Business Woman Headshot Actors Headshot - Downscale Dramatic
Labels: acting, hollywood, photography, photos
New Acting Pictures
I spent the day in Westwood, having new acting pictures taken.
We walked around the Westwood area, and I ended up with 300 pictures to chose from.
I brought about nine different outfits. We used four of them.
After the picture taking was over with - I went to the Century City Mall .
I haven't been down that way since they re-paved Santa Monica Blvd.
And a humorous article in the Los Angeles Times inspired me to go eat in the Century City Food Court.
The article talked about how many Talent Agents have moved to the Century City area. Both Creative Artists and International Creative Management are in the area now.
And they all hate having to eat in the food court. But thats one of the few choices that they have.
You can read the article here:
Power plays - for a food court table
My favorite line from the article:""With all the suits and sunglasses, it feels like "The Matrix: The Food Court".
So I stopped off. I got Teriyaki Chicken, and an order of sushi, and it came with a soup.
The place was so crowded, there was no room to sit outside.
I had asked for the food "To Go", because I figured it would be to much food to eat in one meal.
Half of it was going home.
It was a good lunch, at a reasonable price.
And a very fun place to People Watch.
Labels: acting, food, losangeles, restaurants
A Day In Hollywood
I signed up for an early morning volunteer shift at Egyptian Theatre .
They don't usually have things where I need to be there at 9:30 am. But today was an all day event, sponsored by The Korean Cultural Center of Los Angeles and The Japan Foundation of Los Angeles .
Two Anime movies, Aachi & Ssipak from Korea, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time from Japan
Of course, I was running late. It is Saturday after all.
So instead of parking in the Hollywood and Highland lot, where they will validate - I grab a spot on the street and start to feed the meter.
I am standing there, digging through my purse trying to find that Quarter that is stuck at the very bottom.
When a group of four nice gentlemen go passed by me.....
And one of them puts a Quarter in the parking meter.
"You don't want to get a ticket. They are really strict around here, I know how it is" he says.
"Oh, yeah, okay - thanks." I say stunned and almost speechless at what just happened.
As they continue on their way.
By the time I run/walk to the Egyptian, they are an entire half block away.
I thought they were going to the Anime event - I mean why else would a group of four guys be in Hollywood at this time of the morning ?
But by the time I realize they are walking passed the Egyptian, it is to late for me to run after them to say anything, and I really wanted to invite them to the free animation screening.
As I am volunteering, a theatre patron asks another volunteer about where to eat in the area.
The volunteer tells him about the great places to eat over at Hollywood and Highland . I hear them mentioning "California Pizza Kitchen" and Beard Papa's Creme Puffs.
They are talking about how delicious the creme puffs are....
Soon the Anime movies are starting. But now I have to move my car.
The meters on the street are only for one hour. And I will be in Hollywood all day.
So I go drive me car into the Hollywood and Highland complex.
I can get validated - 4 hours for $2 - but it really won't matter, because I will be there all day.
Walking back up through the mall, to make it back to Hollywood Blvd and the Egyptian, I walk right passed Beard Papa's Creme Puffs.
How long has it been since I have had a Creme Puff ?
Oh, around Twenty Years.
Thats it. I am having a Creme Puff.
I walk into the store, and yes they sell Creme Puffs. There is a few flavors to choose from.
And a few other desserts. I am wondering "How can a store survive only selling Creme Puffs?"
I order one with chocolate filling, and a cup of coffee.
And it is sooooo delicious.
Then its back to finishing my shift at the Egyptian.
Later on in the afternoon, I meet up with friends.
I have been getting opinions on the movie ""300" , trying to figure out if a women in her 40s, like me, could possibly enjoy an ancient Greek war move.
I have asked two other friends. One said Yes, it was Fabulous.
The other said No, it was to violent and she hated it.
So I decide to ask one more female for one more opinion.
"Oh, it is fantastic ! You have to see it !" she says.
"Well, I heard it wasn't that good" I said "Oh, no... its great... there are really fit buff men who wear nothing but leather diapers through-out the entire movie. Its fantastic, you have to see it !"
Well, thats a good enough review for me. I'm there.
I walk over to the Mann's Theatres at Hollywood and Highland.
I was hoping to see it in the Chinese, but the timing doesn't work out right.
I will have to see it in the Mann 6.
I ask the ticket seller how big the theatre is. It only has 150 seats.
He notices the look on my face "But we've only sold 8 tickets, you can sit anywhere."
I buy a ticket, alittle unhappy about the situation.
This is the kind of movie you really want to see on a huge screen.
In line to get my concessions. I am trying to ignore the family in front of me.
The mother and father look like they just walked out of a Bar, are alittle tipsy, and its only early afternoon.
The mother has bleach blond hair, and she is wearing black leggings - not a good choice for someone in her age range.
The poor little boy just wants some candy.
"No, you aren't getting any sugar. Thats all you eat is sugar", says the mother.
She orders a couple of Combos. Popcorn, Soda, Candy.
The Concession Guy asks her "What size combo do you want?"
"I don't care" is her reply.
She and her husband are completely confused at the concession stand choices.
I move to a different line and get my concessions and go into the theatre.
I sit in the very last row of the 150 seat Mann 6, hoping to get a good view.
It was okay from the last row."300" is a movie that both men and women will like. There is definitely alot of war in it - because thats what its about.
And blood, and heads getting chopped off. But its all in Slo-Mo, so it doesn't seem the realistic.
During the movie, I only had to shut my eyes once.
And yes, as my friend said, lots of really hot dudes in leather diapers in the movie - "300" of them in fact.
I did enjoy the relationship between the King and his wife .
I wonder if thats really how they treated their women back then.
Oh, and there is one really steamy love-scene that is worth the price of your admission ticket.
And.... its also a history lesson, because these events really did happen.
After that, I am ready for dinner - so I stop at "California Pizza Kitchen".
And I have the healthy Chopped Salad, with no salami, but with chicken.
Next to me is a table of Working Actors, who are discussing acting teachers, casting websites and similar.
It was interesting eavesdropping on them. One of the actors was saying how studying at one of the Improv schools, like Second city, or the Groundlings, was considered very impressive by most casting directors. They give it even more consideration
than if you studied theatre arts at a four year college.
I don't know if thats true - but that what he said.
After arriving in Hollywood at 9:30 am, it is finally time to go home - and its 8pm already.
The parking validation didn't help - I was there all day, and I have to still pay ten bucks to get out the lot.
Labels: acting, cinema, egyptian, film, food, hollywood, movies, restaurant, volunteer
Acting is My Life
Check out this Acting Is My Life available at Cafe Press. Acting Is My Life is also available on a coffee mug and more shirts |
Labels: acting, fashion, shopping
Half Nelson
AFI had a screening tonight at at The Arclight Cinema .
It was the movie, Half Nelson .
Ryan Gosling is nominated for a Best Actor Oscar. He plays a school teacher who has a drug problem.
I was so happy to hear that at the Spirit Awards he won Best Actor - and that Shareeka Epps, who plays a student in the film - won the Best Actress Award.
I was checking out some of the message boards about the movie.
And people were posting questions asking about how his Cat dies.
Yeah, thats what I was wondering too.
There is a scene, where he wakes up to feed the cat. And the cat is lying there dead.
I was wondering what happened. And according to some of the posts, we were to believe that his cat does die from eating some of his drugs.
It is supposed to show how far out of control his life is getting due to the drugs.
All in all, Half Nelson is a very dramatic movie, with outstanding acting performances.
Labels: acting, cinema, film, hollywood, movies
I'm A Star ... and so are You!
I'm A Star T-shirt available at Cafe Press. "I'm A Star" is also available on Coffee Mugs, Mousepad, Baby Bibs and more shirts |
Labels: acting, fashion, hollywood, shopping
Labels: acting, church, film, hollywood, movies
Evening in Studio City
In the evening, I drove out to CBS Studios in Studio City for MFI International Fellowship .
Their guest speaker tonight was Doug Jones . He plays Pan and The Pale Man in Pan's Labyrinth .
I was very interested to hear him speak, because I had just seen Pan's Labyrinth a week and a half ago.
I had wanted to see it ever since I had volunteered for the sold-out midnight show at the AFI Film Fest .
Doug Jones has a website, The Doug Jones Experience .
There are alot of great pictures of his appearances on here.
After that, I needed to stop off at the Trader Joe's that is across the street from CBS.
I was out of the Trader Joe's Decaf Chai Green Tea. And its my favorite.
Labels: acting, church, hollywood
Church, Gossip and the Internet
I drove to Bel Air Presbyterian Church . I took Sunset straight down ...and its quite a ways.
Plus I got lost ...twice ...
I think the Mapquest directions were alittle old.
I was all confused because the online directions said from Sunset to make a right on Sepulveda - and it doesn't work.
From Sunset ... you have to go north on Church Street.... then make a left on Sepulveda.
I finally made it - and entire hour late.
The church inside is beautiful. And it was packed with people, standing room only.
I stood at the back. Someone finally left because the service was almost over - and I got to sit down.
After the church service, there was a meeting of their "Beacon" group.
This is the church group for people in the entertainment business.
Scott Fish from Freeze Frame Entertainment was the guest speaker, and I really enjoyed the topic.
He shared about his history being a Manager in the entertainment biz.
But he also touched on something I think I need to deal with .. Gossip.
I don't mean gossip about people whom you know, with other people who know them too.
I try my best not to get into that already.
But those Celebrity Gossip Magazines and websites ... oh, I can spend hours looking at those.
When the latest mishap occurs with some Celeb, I am picking up the latest tabloid at the Grocery store.
And lets face it - its really not news. Unless someone dies, or does something that lands them in jail - what purpose does it serve except to entertain at someone else's expense.
And in my opinion, it just seems to foster more bad behavior on the people who want the attention.
And alot of the time, those Gossip rags are just making it all up anyway.
Its not a very productive way to spend one's time. If I want to be entertained, there are other more positive ways to go about that.
For instance, I have been enjoying some of the Acting Groups that post their comedy skits on You Tube .
And there are some musicians that post "open mike nights" where you can see them perform.
I love the fact that the internet has made it possible that all these struggling actors and musicians, can just post a video and be seen by thousands of people.
Labels: acting, theater, theatre, volunteer
Stage Struck Opening Night The Colony
I volunteered tonight over at The Colony Theatre .
Its opening night for "Stage Struck".
I stood in the aisles, and helped people find their seats.
Since it was opening night, it was a really fun event.
Lots of very nice people who were there to see a good play.
Then right before the show started, they gave me a ticket and told me to go ahead and sit down and watch the show.
They really treat their volunteers very nicely.
I really enjoyed the play "Stage struck". Its about a Stage Manager, and his Actress wife.
You can read the LA Times Review online.
Then afterwards, there was a reception with yummy pasta and a salad.
Very delicious.
I so enjoy the opening nights at The Colony Theatre .
A fun evening of theatre.
Labels: acting, hollywood, losangeles, theater, theatre
The Groundlings
After work, I met up with a friend over at The Groundlings on Melrose.
We are both Actresses, and so we have been wanting to catch a performace at the Groundling Theatre.
We each ended up parking on a side street along Melrose. It was very dark and cold out.
We met at the boxoffice, got our tickets. Then we walked around Melrose looking for a place to grab a quick bite before the show.
We found a Mexican restaurant, that looked like a pizza joint in a way - there was a bar in the middle. And numerous people were at the bar.
It looked so much like a bar, I first asked "Can we order food here ?"
We sat at one of the tables - and all the tables had the really high bar stools.
It was loud inside - there seemed to be a TV going, and it was turned up high.
So we ordered quesadillas - and even though it is freezing cold out, we ordered margaritas for some reason.
As we drank the margaritas, they burned going down. And I noticed that I had not even drank a fourth of mine and I was getting alittle tispsy.
My friend commented "Gee its cold out, and the margaritas are icey - they burn going down."
I was starting to get suspicious. I think they were made super strong on purpose.
I skipped the rest of the margarita, and started to sip the water only.
Just then I noticed a guy at the bar. In about his early 30s.
And every few minutes, he would turn around and give us a really dirty look.
It happened about 3 times. I turned to see if there was a window or a tv behind us, to see what he was looking at. Because I couldn't figure out why he was looking at us.
My friend wondered if we were talking to loud, and I said "But they have a TV going."
The last time the guy turned around to give us a dirty look, I noticed the woman sitting next to him grabbed his arm as if to stop him from coming over to our table.
And the woman happened to be our waitress.
I said to my friend "Lets get out of here. There is something going on. This place is just to weird for me."
So we took off, and got to the Groundlings early.
We hung out in the lobby, collecting flyers for acting classes and chatting about the different improv places in Los Angeles.
The Groundlings show was a really funny improv. The place was full, almost sold out. It was their long-form improv.
The Groundlings Theatre is also actually one of the best places to take Improv classes in LA.
After the show was over, I insisted that my friend walk me to my car - and then I would drive her to her car.
It was way to dark out, and it seemed to be to many strange things going on that night.
Labels: acting, hollywood, losangeles, plays, theater, theatre
Much A Doobie About Nothing
I volunteered at The Falcon Theatre in Toluca Lake.
The play was, "Much A Doobie About Nothing" by acting company "The Troubies" .
It is Shakespeare's play, "Much Ado About Nothing" - set to Doobie Brother's music.
A very funny musical comedy ....
I highly recommend "The Troubies" if you are looking for a fun night of theatre....
Rental Car Commercial
In West Hollywood, for an audition for a Car Rental company commercial.
It was in nice, fancy offices - I never would have known there was a casting company there unless they told me. Nice, upscale...
Its pretty cold out. Enough to be bundled up with a coat and a scarf for us Californians.
The commercial asked for us to be dressed up in Tropical clothing, as if we were on vacation on a beach.
That was difficult, considering how cold out it was outside.
We all sat in the waiting room, out coats and scarves piled next to us.
And then they called us in - in groups of threes.
We were to act like we were three girlfriends out on vacation in the Bahamas.
After the audition was over, we all took off our sandals and put our boots back on.
Then we layered the coats and scarfs and gloves over our tropical outfits.
Before we headed back out into the cold wet Californian weather.
Labels: acting, celebrities, cinema, egyptian, film, hollywood, movies, volunteer
Oscar Roundtable & The Queen
During the afternoon, at The Egyptian Theatre , Newsweek Magazine hosted an Oscar Roundtable .
Check out the link above. Its a very interesting discussion. They are talking about their acting careers and how they got started. As an actress myself, I found this to be a very interesting conversation to listen to.
Many of the Best Actor and Best Actress nominees were
there, including Brad Pitt , , Cate Blanchett , Forest Whitaker , Helen Mirren , Penelope Cruz , and Leonardo DiCaprio .
After that, if the evening there was a screening "The Queen" and Helen Mirren did a Q&A after the movie was over.
Labels: acting, audition, hollywood
Today I had an audition. The Casting Director was on Highland, so it didn't take very long for me to get there from my office. I just took a late lunch, and drove over.
I was told to go in dressed as a Waitress.
So even tho I didn't have a full waitress uniform, I dressed somewhat waitress-like.
It was for Print. Some kind of medical pamphlet, only to be seen by the medical industry.
A sleep-aid medicine. And the pay would be very good.
I got there and I sat in the waiting room.
The casting assistant took my picture and resume.
I chatted with some of the other actresses, who were there for other roles.
In walked another character actress who was there to audition for the same role as me.
She was in a full-blown waitress outfit. Pink. Like she worked in an ice-cream parlor.
I swear, it looked like she had rented a costume.
The Casting Assistant asked her for her picture and resume.
"Oh, I left it in the car" she replied, "Do you need it ?"
"Yes" said the Casting Assistant "Can you go get it?"
The pink waitress lady went to her car. Then came back in and sat right back down.
The Casting Assistant said "Did you get your headshot and resume?"
"Yes", replied the pink waitress - and she handed it to the Casting Associate.
It was just a headshot.
No resume.
Not even her name at the bottom of the headshot.
The Casting Assistant said "This is just your headshot. Do you have a resume?"
"No" replied the pink waitress "I didn't bring one."
The Casting Assistant looked alittle annoyed.
"Okay.. can you please write your contact information on the back of the headshot, your phone number - and also your stats, height and weight."
The pink waitress made some kind of comment like she didn't want to do it.
"You want me to write on the back ?!?!"
The Casting Assistant was patient "Yes... this is just a picture. There's not even a name on it, we won't know who the picture is of. And they are going to want your contact information on there in case they want to call you."
I was finding the entire exchange very amusing.
Then another actress - obviously there to audition for a different character because she was a very skinny model type - well, she did a similar thing.
She only had a Zed card. Which is mainly used for modeling. Its a large card with modeling type pictures along with your stats.
The Casting Assistant asked for a resume.
The Model/Actress replied "I never bring a resume with me, because I only do modeling. And besides, isn't this for a print ad, so why would you need a resume? Everyone else only wants a Zed card."
The Casting Assistant looked at the Zed card and said "Ok, at least your contact information and Stats are on here."
I finally got called in to my audition.
I don't think I have ever auditioned for a Print thing before.
It was a still photographer in the room - no video camera of any kind.
He instructed me to look very tired. Like I was having a very bad day. I had no energy.
He took the photos.
Then he instructed me to look alive. Confident. I have taken my medicine, and all is right with the world.
Then he took more photos.
The camera he used had a super powerful flash.
I was nearly blind after my audition.
I don't know how all those super-models do it. Seems like you would need to wear sunglasses after having all that bright light flash at you.
08/26/1990 - 09/02/1990 12/07/2003 - 12/14/2003 12/14/2003 - 12/21/2003 12/21/2003 - 12/28/2003 12/28/2003 - 01/04/2004 01/11/2004 - 01/18/2004 01/25/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 02/08/2004 02/08/2004 - 02/15/2004 03/07/2004 - 03/14/2004 04/18/2004 - 04/25/2004 05/23/2004 - 05/30/2004 05/30/2004 - 06/06/2004 06/06/2004 - 06/13/2004 06/27/2004 - 07/04/2004 08/22/2004 - 08/29/2004 09/05/2004 - 09/12/2004 09/26/2004 - 10/03/2004 10/10/2004 - 10/17/2004 11/14/2004 - 11/21/2004 12/26/2004 - 01/02/2005 01/02/2005 - 01/09/2005 01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005 01/30/2005 - 02/06/2005 02/06/2005 - 02/13/2005 02/13/2005 - 02/20/2005 02/20/2005 - 02/27/2005 02/27/2005 - 03/06/2005 03/06/2005 - 03/13/2005 03/13/2005 - 03/20/2005 03/20/2005 - 03/27/2005 03/27/2005 - 04/03/2005 04/03/2005 - 04/10/2005 04/10/2005 - 04/17/2005 04/17/2005 - 04/24/2005 04/24/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 05/08/2005 05/08/2005 - 05/15/2005 05/15/2005 - 05/22/2005 05/22/2005 - 05/29/2005 05/29/2005 - 06/05/2005 06/05/2005 - 06/12/2005 06/12/2005 - 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