Labels: cinema, film, hollywood, movie
I am to the point where I have to get out of the house. So a trip to the Mann's Cinema .
I decided to see "Borat" . I wanted to see it mainly because of all the controversy.
And also, because it had a really short running time and I don't know how long I will last in the movie theatre with my head cold.
So I stashed Halls Cough Drops and Kleenex in my purse.
And right before the movie started, I took an Alka-Seltzer Plus. The Orange Zest flavor is actually pretty good, and has become my cold medicine of choice.
Then I sat in the very last seat, in the very last row ... right next to the door.
I only had to leave once to go cough and blow my nose.
I really thought "Borat' was funny.
There were alot of older, ethnic people in the audience.
Little old ladies with scarves around their heads.
And when I saw them sitting down, I was worried how they would react to the movie.
The minute the credits came on, they started howling with laughter.
They loved it.
They even thought the credits were funny.
Labels: cat, cinnamon, shopping, store
Cat Coffee Mug
My cat, Cinnamon, lays on her side and shows her cute tummy and paws on this cute Coffee Mug available at Cafe Press. Cinnamon Cat Coffee Mug .
Labels: egyptian, hollywood, photography, photos
December 22 2006 Photos
At the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood
Labels: doctor, health, holiday
Everybody Has A Cold
It seems like everyone I know has The Cold From Hell.
And I tell them all to go get Z-Pack Antibiotics .
The arguement usually is "But you don't take antibiotics for a cold."
Well, with this Thing that is going around, you sure do.
I'm no doctor, but it appears to go bacterial right away.
One friend suffered through her cold for three weeks, refusing to go to the doctor.
Another friend went and got a Zpack from her doctor, then called to thank me for my suggestion.
It seems that when we get sick these days, it always turns into some "Super-Germ".
Labels: nature, photography, photos, shopping, store
Palm Tree Calendar
Beautiful Palm Trees - my original photography of Los Angeles Palm Trees - now available in a beautiful 2007 Palm Tree Calendar .
Stop by Cafe Press and view all 12 pretty pictures - a different photo each month.
Back to Work
I went into the office today. To work just one day before we leave for the holiday.
One of my coworkers heard me coughing.
"So why did you come back into the office?"
"Because my Doctor wrote on the Doctors note that I was to return to work on Dec 21."
Everyone pretty much stayed away from me, or they took extra vitamins.
Things to do when you are sick:
Make your cat a page on .
Corral your favorite cats, make cat friends, and send rosettes and stars to your fellow catster kittys,
Here is Cinnamon the Cats page:
Cinnamon the Cat
Labels: cat, cinnamon, internet, links
Labels: cat, cinnamon, photography, photos
December 20 2006 Photos
Let me get some sleep !
Labels: cat, cinnamon, photography, photos
Cat 2007 Calendar
Yes, it is true - you can now have a cute 2007 Calendar featuring my cat, Cinnamon !
Stop by Cafe Press, and check out Cinnamon the Cat's calendar .
It features a different picture for every month. 12 photos in all.
Labels: health, photography, photos
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me !
Happy Birthday to me and my box of Kleenex !
Happy Birthday to me !!!!!
Cold Medicine for The Cold From Hell
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Labels: holiday, hollywood, photography, photos
December 19 2006 Photos
Hollywood & Highland Christmas Tree
Antibiotics & Sick Leave
Off to the After Hours Emergency Care today.
I told the nice doctors "Well, I had walking pneumonia in Jan 2005. The breast cancer in August of 2005".
He listened to my lungs, and gave me a bunch of prescriptions.
Even with the fantastic insurance plan from my employer, it still set me back $60.
He wrote on the paperwork "Bronchitis".
Personally, I think I am back to walking pneumonia.
But who cares, either way I am coughing up my lungs.
Tho this time I caught it the minute that nasty virus/bacteria went into my lungs.
In 2005, I was walking around going "Whats wrong with me?" for a few weeks before I went to the doctor.
This time, the minute I thought "Lungs" - it was "stop everything, and go to After Hours Care".
The one thing I wanted so bad was the Z-Pack Antibiotics .
Let me tell you, if you ever have Bronchitis or Walking Pneumonia, tell your doctor you have to have a Z-Pack.
You only take it a few days and it stays in your system longer.
And for me, I don't even feel like I am on anti-biotics when I take it.
Most antibiotics I have taken in the past have done something weird to me. Maybe its my hypoglycemia where they make me feel like I just got smacked upside of the head, and am going to fall over.
But with the Zpack ... I don't feel anything. No side effects or anything.
I can't even tell that I am on medication.
I was so happy to get my Zpack.
He also gave me an inhaler, which I didn't use - those things kind of scare me.
(I think I will stick with the Robitussin Expectorant .)
And he gave me some Prescription Strength Cold Medicine ... which also scared me. It seemed like the type of thing where if I took to much, I would end up with a serious addiction.
After stopping off at Rite-Aid , I was back home in bed with all my wonderful medicines.
Labels: beverlyhills, photography, photos
December 18 2006 Photos
Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Wilshire Hotel
Labels: photography, photos
December 17 2006 Photos
Wilshire Blvd
Me in a Mirror in a Window
Men, Coffee and Chocolate are all better Rich
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