Labels: art, art. store, links, shop, shopping, store, zazzle
Newport Inglewood Earthquake
Yes, we had an Earthquake today 5/17/09 at about 8:39 pm.
Magnitude 4.7 - which is a pretty good shaker.
I was doing some light housekeeping - and rearranging the books in my bookshelf.
It felt like someone picked up my apartment building by six inches and layed it straight back down.
Then we rolled and rolled.
Cinnamon the Cat just layed by her food bowl with a look that said "Are you scared? Am I supposed to be scared?"
I stuck my head out of my apartment, and there were plenty of neighbors in the hallway. It was the usual "Did you feel that?" conversation.
Nothing even fell over, but it was still a pretty good shaker.
In case you care what Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan said on Twitter, I found this news article to tell you all about it.
And now would be a good time to check out the US Geological Survey for the map of all the most current Earthquakes.
And if you want to know what my fellow Zazzlers are saying about the Earthquake, check out this Zazzle Forum Post.
Labels: cat, cinnamon, links, losangeles, nature, news
Labels: internet, links, youtube
At my online store you can view all the latest products on my four Zazzle Galleries.
Or - you can click the "Popularity" button and see which items are the hottest !
Many thanks go to the wonderful website - which is a wonderful resource for any Artist who is contributing on Zazzle.
And Thats right ! I'm up to 4 Zazzle stores now !
The new gallery is dedicated 100% to Greetings - Happy Birthday, Thank You, and more.
Greeting Cards, Postage Stamps, Postcards, and Stickers.
The new store is :
Donna's Greeting Cards and More
Labels: art, cards, links, shop, shopping, store, zazzle
Holiday Shopping
If you are looking for unique holiday gifts, I have 3 different websites where I offer my art and photography.
I recently spent some time updating my Imagekind Gallery .
The URL is
Imagekind is a website that offers Posters.
There are many Artists and Photographers offering a variety of posters.
I also have a Gallery on Cafepress.
Cafepress has numerous items beyond tshirts and posters, they have Journals and Pillows, and pretty tiles, and keepsake boxes.
Then, there is Zazzle, where I have 3 galleries:
Donna Grayson Abstract
Donna Grayson Photos
and Donna Grayson Designs
On Zazzle, I love the High Resolution view that you get of each product - which is really good when you are looking for posters, greeting cards or postcards.
One of my favorite items on Zazzle is the Stainless Steel Travel Mugs
Each one of these websites provide a place to find unique gifts.
Happy Holiday Shopping !
Labels: art, cafepress, holiday, imagekind, links, shopping, store, zazzle
Colin Farrell Shops At My Ralphs Labels: celebrities, hollywood, links
I love reading The Its almost an addiction, I read it everyday
on my lunch-break.
I really love the Privacy-Watch Section.
Regular every-day people, email in stories about seeing famous, and not so famous, celebrities in every-day places.
Its really a fun section to read.
So I look at todays section, and there is a story about Colin Farrell at the Hollywood Blvd Ralphs' Grocery Store .
When I am to lazy to drive to the Whole Foods on Beverly Blvd. - this is the Ralph's Grocery Store that I go to.
And I have never seen Colin Farrell there.
And believe me, I look - not necessarily for Colin Farrell - but I look at people.
Because sometimes you do spot somebody.
Especially the people when its late at night, its dark out - and they are wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses.
I really stare at them, because I figure they are probably on a TV Show I don't watch.
Earth Day Links
Earthday Links for you:
Earth Day
Earthday .org
Heal The
Recycling For Charities
Labels: holiday, links, losangeles
Knut The Polar Bear
The Cute Knut photo montage on
The polar bear born in Germany.
Such a cutie !
The Berlin Zoo also has pictures of Knut from right when he was born. (The website is in German tho.)
Wikipedia page on Knut
Polar Bear Books on
Farmers Markets links
If you are in California, and are looking for Farmer's Markets to buy your veggies at, I have found a few links
California Federal of Certified Farmers Markets
Farmer Net
Local Harvest has information for the entire US
I guess with Spring here, I have fresh produce on my mind....
Vegetable Cook Books
Labels: food, health, links, losangeles, shopping
The Coyote in Quiznos
I figured since Griffith Park is around here, that might have been where it was from.
But now I am learning, with all the building we are doing, moving into wild areas, those wild animals have nowhere else to go. So they have to come down looking for food and water.
Here's the links to the video of the Beautiful Coyote in the Chicago Quiznos.
If I had been there, I would have wanted to feed it a sandwich, and pet him.
Such a beautiful animal.
They named him Adrian, and it suits him perfectly.
The Coyote in the Chicago Quiznos
The funny Coyote in Quiznos Song from Conan O'Brien
The humorous Press Release from Quiznos
Here is part of the press release:
"We've certainly been looking to expand our customer base and appeal to different demographics, and it appears that we have hit a chord with the animal kingdom," said Steve Provost, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Quiznos. "This has never happened before; we can only think that Adrian must have been attracted to our new Prime Rib on Garlic Bread and it's above average portions of meat. One thing is for sure, this coyote clearly has excellent taste."
Mr. Provost continued, "We will support the safety for Adrian and any other members of the wild animal kingdom who face severe challenges and unknown urban obstacles to find their way to Quiznos restaurants. We are pleased to donate $1,000 to Chicago Animal Care and Control, where Adrian currently resides."
I am sure Adrian the Coyote enjoyed his sandwich.
Labels: celebrities, links, news
You Tube and Hercules the Cat
Other things to do when you are so sick that you can't get out of your pajama's ...
or in my case, its pajama bottoms and an big t-shirt ...
You can surf around
I found these videos about a Big Kitty.
Part One:
First, he was found stuck in a doggy door and taken to an animal shelter
The animal shelter named him Goliath .. this is the video when they were trying to find his people
Part Two:
But his real name was Hercules .... this is the video when the owner claimed him - its a touching story, because his person has cystic fibrosis. So it is wonderful that he found his big kitty.
I wonder what Cinnamon the Cat would think about this ....
Things to do when you are sick:
Make your cat a page on .
Corral your favorite cats, make cat friends, and send rosettes and stars to your fellow catster kittys,
Here is Cinnamon the Cats page:
Cinnamon the Cat
Labels: cat, cinnamon, internet, links
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Donna's Music, Poetry, Acting Resume, and More ...