Labels: musical, party, plays, shopping, theater, theatre
Shopping and Party Party
Ran to the Target on La Brea and Santa Monica to do some shopping.
Mainly buy a birthday gift for the birthday party I am going to tonight.
I got my friend some scented candles.
And I got myself some Lavender incense.
Then, this evening, I volunteered at The Colony Theatre for the opening night performance of "The Musical of Musicals: The Musical."
It was so funny !
They did little funny skits on numerous popular musicals.
Each skit was based on the Classic old melodrama:
Evil Landlord: "You must pay the rent!"
Young Girl" "But I can't pay the rent".
Handsome Man: "I'll pay the rent !".
They performed it in the manner of how each famous musical songwriter would have done it, using songs from their musicals.
Rodgers & Hammerstein , Stephen Sondheim , Jerry Herman , Andrew Lloyd Webber and Kander & Ebb.
After the musical, The colony had a big party with lots of food and drink.
It was really nice. I ate dinner on the upper level of the theatre.
I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to my friends birthday party or not.
But I did make it there, with plenty of time to spare.
She had it on the rooftop of her apartment building. It was in the Fairfax district .
We had a lovely view.
Labels: cancer, doctor, health
Emergency Doctor Appointment
I have to admit after having breast cancer last year, all it takes is one little bump to freak me out.
Everyone gets a little tweak or knot now and again, especially if you are over 40.
But after having a run in with cancer, all those little tweaks and knots take on new meaning.
I already ran to the breast cancer doctor once for a bump in my left arm. She told me right away I had sprained
a muscle, and the muscle was injured. It wasn't cancer.
Then a few weeks ago, I was sitting at my desk at the office, and I rubbed behind my neck.
I right away felt a bump on the back of my neck.
I ran to the ladies room, pulled my hair back, and saw a lump.
I went into one of the stalls and cried.
I was sure this was it. It was all over.
Of course, this happened on a Friday night at 6:30 pm, after all my doctors had gone home for the weekend.
So I drove to an after hours care facility and saw a Stranger Doctor.
I just wanted to have someone professional look at it.
I explained my entire story to him. He was very professional and understanding.
He looked at the lump.
It was some-kind of weird cyst on the back of my neck.
I told him I had breast cancer last year.
"No, its a cyst. It is in the skin. I can grab it with my fingers. Its not a lymph node at all."
He prescribed antibiotics (which made a huge difference) and a hot compress.
At 1:00 am, I went home.
Then a few days later, I went and saw my regular primary doctor.
Just to be sure.
Same thing. Keep taking the anitbiotics the other doctor gave me. Keep doing a hot compress.
I reminded my Primary Care Doctor "Remember, I had breast cancer last year."
"No, this is a cyst in your skin" he said.
I replied "I want to be sure. Even though I've passed all my recent mammograms and blood tests."
Then he told me some thing really bad.
He said "I have a patient. Breast Cancer 8 years ago. Every mammogram and test she passed. Never any problem for eight full years. Then one day, she had discharge from her nipple. We give her more tests - cancer all throughout her breast and lungs and chest area. She's terminal now. It came back after eight years."
I didn't really understand why he told me this terrible story.
Especially when all I have right now is a cyst.
Maybe he doesn't want me to put alot faith in the tests.
But it made me think that as far as Cancer goes - my primary care doctor might be looking for something big.
Not alittle lump.
So off I went to my Breast Cancer doctor.
I felt bad, because I think I had all of her nurses worried to death when I called.
I told them I needed to see her right away, I had a lump on the back of my neck.
And to tell her that I am reconsidering another CT scan.
She saw me in her office. And said the Same thing.
"Its a cyst. Its in your skin."
But by now the cyst was alot smaller, because I have been taking the antibiotics.
I mentioned the CT Scan again.
My first CT scan last year made me really sick.
And I only have one kidney. I don't want to put chemicals through my kidney unless it is really necessary.
So I have passed on any follow-up CT scans, unless I have a symptom that needs further investigation.
"You are sure its a cyst? Its not a lymph node ? If there is any doubt, maybe I need the CT scan now." I asked.
My breast cancer doctor did not say any thing to push me into the CT scan.
She knows I really don't want it, and that I am just panicking because of the cyst.
And even though she probably won't admit because she's a "cancer doctor" - I bet I have a good arguement about not putting all those toxic chemicals through my one and only kidney, unless its absolutely necessary.
As I left, I saw her telling her receptonist "No, its not a lump."
I guess they were worried.
So I finished off the antibotics.
Did the hot compresses.
The stupid cyst went away.
That was three doctors, and three insurance co-payments for a stupid cyst.
But all in all, I think I made the right decision to have doctors look at it until I was positive everything was okay.
Egyptian Bday Party
I volunteered at the Egyptian Theatre , for the Birthday Party for the Egyptian itself.
The Grand Opening for the Egyptian was on Wednesday, October 18, 1922. And the movie was Robin Hood starring Douglas Fairbanks .
First the volunteers served Cake and Wine in the lobby.
There were many Members in attendance and it was a very nice event.
Then, the party was followed by a screening of The Singing Kid from 1936,starring actresses Sybil Jason .
Volunteers at the Egyptian Theatre Birthday Party
Parking Today Was Terrible - a sign on Las Palmas
I decided to post the picture of the parking sign today as well. It was on Las Palmas. And it was left over from another event that happened three days ago. But the city still had not removed the signs.
I know numerous people called the city to get the signs taken down, but it took forever.
So I took a picture of the No Parking sign, because I parked right underneath it.
And I wanted proof in case I got a ticket.
October 17 2006 Photos
Mural on the bus stop on Western, and Hollywood Blvd
Plants for Sale in Thai Town on Hollywood Blvd
At Hollywood Blvd, and Western
Catch A Fire
Over at the Egyptian Theatre to see Catch a Fire .
It is a drama about terrorism in Apartheid-era South Africa.
And stars Tim Robbins .
vacation day
I am still recovering from the Big George Clooney Tribute on Friday.
I had requested today as a vacation day, so I could recover alittle bit more.
I was still alittle groggy all day today.
This is how busy I have been :
I have a pile of un-opened mail on my desk.
I see something from an address in New York. I figure "This could be something. I don't recognize the address."
I opened the envelope - and its a check from Google for click-throughs.
I was laughing. Only Me. Only I could leave a check sitting unopened on my desk for a few weeks.
I am surprised I didn't accidentally throw it out.
So off to the Bank I went to deposit it right away.
I stopped off at Dupars Restaurant for lunch.
This is how Out of It I am:
I look at the menu.
One line said "Avocado and Bacon Burger.
The next line said "Mushroom Burger".
So in my fog, I think I said "I will have an Avocado Mushroom Burger."
I don't really know.
The waiter brings the Avocado and Bacon Burger.
I see the Bacon on my plate - and I don't eat Bacon.
I tell the waiter "This is wrong."
We go over the menu, and discover that I ordered something that didn't exist.
The waiter says he can bring me mushrooms, and I said no.
It was fine the way it was.
I just picked off the Bacon.
While I am eating lunch, I call the AFI Film Festival and start adding Volunteer dates to my schedule.
I am mainly going to volunteer as Theatre Staff.
So that means I will get to see lots of movies, and celebrities.
Right now, I just have to figure out which movies and celebs I want to see.
So I am going over everything with the AFI Volunteer Coordinator on my cell phone.
My schedule, what movies will be playing, what celebrity guests I want to see.
A group of the people in the next booth started eavesdropping.
They seemed to get a kick out of my phone conversation. They are hearing the names of movies, and the names of Actors - so they must think my phone conversation is Something.
Well, they are only hearing my end of the phone conversation. So I guess I gave them the impression that the Film Festival would be really exciting.
They were smiling at me, like I was some kind of "Mover & Shaker", or like they were trying to figure out who I was.
I didn't really know what to do.
It was pretty humorous. I kind of felt like a celebrity.
October 15 2006 Photos
In East Hollywood, in Thai Town on Hollywood Blvd
Yellow in East Hollywood
Hollywood Premier Hotel
Art and Movie Photos
Spent the morning walking around the Beverly Hills Affair In The Garden Art Show.
The weather was alittle cold and over-cast, but I still had a nice time looking at all the art work.
I grabbed some lunch - which was a chicken and artichoke wrap. It was very good.
Then I drove over to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to see their exhibit of photographs from the Harold Lloyd collection .
There were some amazing photos from Harold Lloyd's movies.
It was a wonderful collection of photographs to see.
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