The Award Show
Finally, close to 5 pm, I arrived at the Beverly Hilton .
My hair disaster repaired, and no magic marker from the doctors all over my chest. I was in an evening gown, and I was very excited about the evening.
This is the sixth year I have volunteered at the American Cinematheque
Awards Presentation. This year, the Award went to Al Pacino .
My job was to do the Guest check-in. I sat behind a table on the Red carpet, and I had the stack of tickets with last names that begin with the letter "S" . When the guests would arrive and give me their name - then I would give them their ticket.
It was a very easy job.
Except when a Celebrity arrived and walked in via the Red carpet.
All the camera people would start taking hundreds of photos.
Then all the fans who had gathered in the lobby behind the ropes, would start screaming.
There was so much excitement from all these people, you could feel Electricity in the air.
The entire area was filled with adrenaline.
Everything just had to stop for that celebrity.
I have never been that near a Red Carpet before, and it was amazing.
I was trilled a few days later, when I looked at
and I saw a picture of Keanu Reeves and Me together ....
Ok, well ..... we are not together. He has his back to the camera, and he is waving at the fans.
I am sitting at the Check-in counter with the tickets that begin with "S", and I am all blurry.
But its better that nothing.
Click on the picture below, to see a bigger picture. Thats me on the right, by the red plant.
Speaking of Keanu ... I got myself in kinda sorta big trouble tonight.
After the celebrities had their dinner, and the volunteers had our dinner - the Award Ceremony honoring Al Pacino started.
The volunteers had rows of chairs towards the back. I was sitting and watching all the speeches and film clips.
One of my volunteer friends comes up to me 'Guess who I was talking to?"
I said "Who?"
He said "Keanu - over by the wall next to the bathrooms- we were talking."
I replied "You did ! Oh, my what happened ?"
He said "Now that I've met him, let me go and introduce you."
"No, no" I replied "Its against the Rules. We'll be in trouble. Volunteers aren't supposed to talk to the celebrities. Besides, I have no idea what to say."
And I sat back down.
As I sat there, I started to think. This is the sixth year I have volunteered at this Award Ceremony - and I have never, ever talked to a celebrity. Now, I have the chance to be introduced to one of my favorite actors. I should do it, just this once.
I went and found my friend.
"Okay, Okay, go ahead - introduce me to Keanu. But what should I say? I have no idea what to say."
My friend says "Say whatever you want."
Keanu was over by the bar. And as we walked toward it, he walked away.
We stood there for a second, my friend figuring out what to do.
Keanu was now standing just outside the ballroom, in a courtyard area. My friend took off towards it, with me following.
My friend starts to talk. Oh, wait - Charlize Theron is standing right next to Keanu. What are we supposed to do?
I just follow my friends lead, because I have no idea what to do in a situation like this.
And then my friend says something really strange "Keanu, I would really like to introduce you to my Cousin."
What in the flippin' heck is my friend saying ? Cousin ? huh ?
I extend my hand, and Keanu shakes it. I say "Actually Keanu, I'm not his cousin, I volunteer with him over at the Egyptian Theatre. We are both volunteers there."
Keanu nods.
And then, the nice dedicated volunteer is gone, and I turn into a Nutty Fan.
I am just running off at the mouth about how he is my favorite actor, and at a church retreat years ago I chose "A Walk in The Clouds" as the evening entertainment, and everyone loved it.
Keanu said something like "Thanks, that was a sweet movie." And he looks at the floor alot.
I look at my friend, and he says a sentence or two.
Then I say "Thank you, it was so nice meeting you."
Keanu nods, and my friend and I leave.
We forgot to say anything to Charlize. Oh, dear.
That was nerve-racking. Talking to a celebrity. My friend can do it with ease and style. While I am just a bundle of nerves.
But it was exciting.
(Note: A few days later volunteer #A, who shall remain anonymous, emails me. Another volunteer, Volunteer #B, whose name they will not give me -is reporting me to the American Cinematheque for talking to a celebrity during the Award show.
Okay, I figured it would be coming. It was against the rules to be talking to the movie stars.
Now I am officially in trouble.
So I send a nice, long, apologetic email to the person in charge. And I apologize. Also stating that this is my 6th year, and it is the first time I have ever made a slip-up, and it will never happen again.
An email comes back, yes, they had been told about my slip-up already, - and my apology is accepted.
The Crisis is averted.)
The Award Ceremony ended with a wonderful Acceptance Speech given by Al Pacino, where he talked about his faith in God.
It was so amazing and touching.
The volunteers had a few more duties to do. Mainly collect Programs that were left behind at the tables.
Then we hung out and took pictures of eachother. Many of us hung out at Trader Vics for a while.
I got home at 3am.
Click on the picture, to see it bigger:
If you want to see more volunteer pictures, they are here:
Flickr Volunteer Set
If you want to see pictures of the Celebrities and Award Ceremony, they are here.
Wire Image
Getty Images
Daily Celeb
And if you want to watch the show, it will be televised on AMC TV January 6th 2006.
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