Star Wars and Chinese Food
Since I have been sick with The Flu these last few days, I ended up making it to church on time this morning. I guess I was really anxious to get out of the house and be among the living, now that I am feeling better and the worst is over.
In the middle of service, they took a "Meet & Greet" break, and I headed over to the coffee area. Well, I guess they were burning a Candle in the back. Or else someone next to me was wearing really strong perfume.
I started coughing.
And I couldn't stop coughing. No matter how many sips of water I took.
So I ended up having to leave early.
I stopped off at my favorite Chinese Restaurant, Chinatown Express . It is right on the corner of Hollywood and Western, in the Ralphs shopping center. You can get 2 items, plus rice or noodles for about five bucks. One more item only runs you another dollar.
Sometimes when I am really broke, I will get the 3 items - its enough food to last for 3 meals. At $6, thats only two bucks per meal.
Due to getting over The Flu, I am still on Chicken and Rice. I don't want to chance upsetting my tummy. So it was Mushroom Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken, and Fried Rice.... To Go.
After having lunch at home, and being on the computer, I felt like a nap. I guess I am still getting over The Flu and just the trip to Church and the Chinese Take-up wore me out.
I just sat on the couch and closed my eyes, I didn't even lay down. Next thing I knew I was Out.
I mean Out Cold. A very deep sleep.
When I woke up a half hour later, I felt really good and revitalized.
I was feeling so good in fact, that I really wanted to get out of the house again. I figured I could catch a 5pm matinee.
I decided to go see Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith at the Arclight Cinema .
Star Wars was playing in The Dome at the Arclight. And if you haven't ever been to Hollywood, the screen at the Dome is Huge. And this theatre is a famous Hollywood landmark. It goes all the way back in Hollywood's history.
When they built the Arclight Cinema, they built the Theatre complex behind The Dome -to keep the theatre because it is a historical landmark.
Now, in my opinion, some of the theatres built behind The Dome are actually better built for viewing a movie. But The Dome has the historical aspect to it.
The way they do things at The Arclight, is that it is assigned seating. So when you purchase your ticket, you choose your seat location.
Your ticket has a number on it, and thats where you are supposed to sit.
They also will not sell tickets passed a certain time for the movie. Which really doesn't stop people from arriving late because even after buying a ticket, people go to the concession stand and the bathroom - and still walk in after the movie has started.
Also, the movies here generally run about $14. Yes, that alot. But the theatres really are the top of the line. And if you live in Los Angeles, get the Free Membership card, and rack up the points. You get points for every movie you see, your concession stand items, meals in their restaurant, and items purchased in their Gift Shop.
After a certain number of points, you get a concession stand item for Free. Or don't do that and keep racking up the points, and then get a Free Movie.
If you go to the movies alot, all these Freebies will eventually even out the $14 ticket price.
Oh, and parking is like only a buck or two when validated, so thats good too.
Back to the Assigned Seating.
The problem with Assigned Seats is that everyone and their brother wants to sit in the middle of the theatre. So naturally when purchasing the tickets people say "Get me as close to the middle as possible".
This means in a Huge Theatre like The Dome ... everyone is crammed in the middle like Sardines. While the sides and back of the theatre are completely empty.
I knew enough when I purchased my ticket, to request an Aisle seat, in one of the side sections.
I guess alot of other people have figured that out as well. The side section was alittle crowded too.
Picture yourself in a nice, large, historic theatre.... the lights dim, the previews start .... and about 25 % of the people start to change seats !
They don't want to be crammed in.
The general rule is that once the movie starts, you can change your seats.
And alot of people do.
Then, here come all the people who were in the bathroom and at the concession stand. They arrive and find that there are other people in their "Assigned Seats".
People who moved there when the lights dimmed and the previews started.
And these late people are adamant - They want their Assigned Seats.
So now the Ushers are involved.
See why I am not a fan of assigned seating at the movies ?
As for me, I moved away from the little bunch of people in the side aisle ... further up the top section.
Once settled, a really tall guy with big head sat in front of me.
So I moved further up the balcony. I could still see the huge head.
But I was sick of moving, and just stayed put.
There was a big head at the bottom of the screen during the entire Star Wars movie.
For $14, I really don't think I should have to deal with a Big Head ... Freebie Points on the card or not.
Note to Self: Next time, don't see the movie in The Dome. Choose one of the newer theatres in the back. The seats are at a sharper angle.
As for Star Wars, yes I liked it. The way the entire story comes back around to the very first Star Wars with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher , it just really is amazing.
Here is a Spoiler....
So skip a paragraph if you don't want to know....
The scene that goes back and forth between Luke and Leia being born, and then Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader. That was just an amazing piece of film making right there. It gave me chills. I could see that part over and over again.
Spoiler Ended. ....
One of my favorite actors, was Ian McDiarmid , who played Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. I always like to watch the interesting character parts. He was so great at being evil, and as I suspected he has a big classical theatre background. Of all the characters, he was my favorite - even tho he was so evil.
I was reading , and on the Star Wars message board some one asked :
"Why did Anakin Skywalker go to the Dark Side?"
Someone else posted : "Because he was a Moron !".
Pretty funny answer.
Of all the Star Wars movies, I think this is by far the best one.
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