Wedding Crashers - Again
Very rarely do I ever see a movie twice. But I happened to look at The Arclight Cinemas website, and see that David Dobkin, the Director of Wedding Crashers , was speaking after a screening of the movie tonight. And it was not sold out.
I quickly bought a ticket on-line (something else I usually don't do).
The atmosphere was very low-key and friendly. Not at all the Holywood frenzy that I had expected. Tho I did think that the question and answer session was a bit short. I would have liked to hear the Director speak more. But he did offer to meet people in the lobby of the theatre and chat with them some more, which I thought was very nice. I hung out for a bit, but he was surrounded by people.
Later on, I emailed the Arclight and told them what a great event that was. They were nice enough to respond saying that the Q&A was so short because the event was added at the last minute, and they squeezed it into their regular schedule. Usually their Q&A sessons are longer.
So I guess I lucked out. I must have looked on the website, just as the event became available. When I get more time, and things lighten up in my life, I have to make it to more of The Archlight events.
Major Chaos
There is to much going on. I have to much to think about.
I really think the human brain only has so many "Slots". And after to many of the Slots get filled up, you overload.
And having Breast Cancer is filling up alot of the Slots in my brain.
First, they were moving desks around in the my office. My desk, which was in the back in an inside office with no window, is now going to be at the front of the building with two big windows on either side. The area I am moving to is nosier and there is more people traffic, but I was ready for a change.
All my office items had to be packed in boxes by today at 2pm. Then the Movers were coming to move everything around.
Our office was told to leave at 2 pm - on the company's time. They just didn't want us there while the movers were moving us.
So at 1:55, I decide to check my personal yahoo email before I leave. I was thinking of catching a movie with my free afternoon.
There was an email from my Agent : Where Are You ? You have an audition !
I'm thinking why didn't he call me ? Then I realize I don't see my phone anywhere. Usually I put my cellphone on my desk, and its not there.
Did I pack it ? Leave it in the car? Its not in my purse.
I use the company phone to call my cell phone. There is a frantic message from my agent about a big audition for a Huge National Commercial.
I call him back right away. On the the other Agents answers the phone. My agent has been trying to reach me all day and he's frazzled.
I explain that I've lost my cell phone - but don't worry I will be there, no problem.
The audition is at 3pm.
I go tearing out of the office.
Well, I was dressed for Moving & Packing - I wasn't dressed for a National Commercial Audition. I have to run home and change. My home really is only about 10 minutes from my office, so no problem.
Then I drive into the underground security parking at my building.
Not one other person in the parking area.
I turn to go into my parking space.
Bam !!!! I smash the side of my car into the pole.
Scrape !!!! As I back up trying to undo what I just did.
I smashed the passenger side of my car up pretty good. No help from anyone. I did it all myself.
For a few minutes, I rummage through my apartment trying to find my cell phone. I even call it from my home phone. No, I can't find it.
I change clothes, and I leave for the audition.
And would you believe I made it to the audition at 2:45 ? I must have been driving like a maniac. Either that or Angels were there pushing my car along to get me there on time.
While driving, I found my Cell Phone. It fell down in between the front seats.
But I think the audition went really well. They were looking for a "Kathy Bates" type.
And believe me, I was the closest thing to Kathy Bates in the room. There were woman there who were way to skinny, or to old or whatever. I was the only chubby brunette. So I guess thats good.
And I thought I did a good job at the audition.
As I drove home tho, I contemplated what I was going to do about my Acting stuff. There is so much going on right now.
I had had my Agent put me on "Hold" for a few weeks back when I was doing the initial biopsy. But I figured since I don't really feel that
bad I could keep up with it all and asked him to move me back to Active ....
A full-time job, Acting Auditions, A Website & Blog, Volunteering at The Egyptian, Teaching Sunday School.
I'm sorry, but I'm to busy to have Breast Cancer right now.
Okay, Okay, I am going to have to pick and choose for the next few months what I do.
I can't overload those Slots in my brain.
The smashed up car proves it.
Later that evening, I meet The Stephens Minister from my church who is going to be helping me through all this.
We met at the 101 Coffee Shop at the Best Western in Hollywood. It is the same place they filmed "Swingers" .
We had a good talk, I told her about my smashed up car.
Doctors Appointment
So I went to see my doctor about last Thursdays emergency room visit.
He asks me "So what did they do?"
I told him I was faint and weak, so they took blood and urine tests, an EKG and an IV of fluids.
And he said "Then they sent you home."
Me: "With a prescription for vitamins."
Doctor: "It was what we call ... "Acute Stress"
Me: "Huh ?"
Doctor : "You have Acute Stress. There is nothing wrong with you, besides your cancer. Otherwise you are fine."
It cost me a $25 insurance co-payment just to have my doctor tell me that.
**** Note : A week later, my Breast Surgeon runs blood tests, and tells me that I am Anemic. She tells me to add 2 red meat servings per week, plus make sure my vitamin has iron in it. I will post more about this later.
So the emergency room tests didn't pick it up, and / or they all were wrong. There was something wrong with me. I was anemic. Thats why I felt weak and faint.
So for the $25 co-pay, I at least got a cool shot of this old 1960s Cadillac in the parking garage of my doctors office :
People And Cancer
I am trying my best to follow the diet by Jane Plant for Breast Cancer. The biggest thing is no dairy products. According to her, humans are the only animal who continues to drink milk past childhood. And the countries that don't consume milk, like China for example, have less breast cancer
by a huge amount. Thats not to mention all the hormones and additives that the United States puts in their milk.
Its a very interesting book, and I urge you to check it out.
In addition to that, I am shopping at Whole Foods Market , and trying to buy organic fruit and vegetables whenever possible.
So I am talking to someone, and acquaintance. And I tell her about my new diet, and how I am trying to avoid diary and additives and preservatives now that I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
Her response : "Well, now its to late."
I was to shocked to say anything. Its to late ? Well, what about eating this way in order to stop the cancer from spreading ? What about to stop any future cancer from developing ? So now that I have Breast Cancer I'm supposed to just eat a ton of junk food ? What a thing to say !
Its also really interesting to watch my friends and acquaintances as they find out I have Breast Cancer. Its kind of a study in Human psychology.
There are friends who I have hung out with who now look the other way when they see me coming.
And there are people I hardly know who send me nice emails or offer to take me out to lunch.
Its been very interesting to see who out of the people I consider friends, which ones step up to help me out, for example drive to me an appointment or just say an encouraging word.
Its not that I hold anything against anyone. Because I realize that everyone has their own life experiences and deals with problems and trials in their own way. Some people have a huge capacity for dealing with the horrible things that life throws our way. And other people just crumble at the thought.
Its just been really interesting to take a step back from this all, and observe how it effects the people in my life.
The Weekend
Friday I stayed home in bed recovering from my ordeal in the Emergency Room. Then Saturday, I went in to the office for a while to make up for my missed day.
Sunday morning was spent teaching the 3 year olds Sunday school. It was my turn to do the lesson, and after Thursday night, I did not have the energy. I trudged along anyway.
In the evening, I met a group from LA People Connection over at The Grove .
Our plan was to see Wedding Crashers and then have dinner. But it is the most popular movie in the country right now, and it was sold out - even on a Sunday night.
So we went over the Farmers Market Courtyard and ate first, then we went to go see the next screening.
It was a fun night. And I had a perfect seat - way up in the balcony section almost center.
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