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Its The Flu
Breaking news from ...
The Flu has hit Southern California !
And how do I know ? I have it.
Thats what the fever was all about yesterday.
Called in sick for the second day in a row.
After not having anything in my stomach most of the day, I hobbled over to Vons because I needed Flu Food.
My list :
4 Cans Campbell Soup - 2 Chicken Noodle, 2 Chicken Rice
3 bottles of Gatorade Fruit Punch, Lemonade and Orange
Krispy Saltine Crackers
Jello Gelatin Snacks
6 pack Sprite
Berry Burst Cheerios .... just because they looked good, and were on sale.
Extra Large Toilet Paper
And forget those websites like and theCDC website.
They really don't tell me much. Clicking the State of California on their map to see the amounts of Flu reported is "low" doesn't really help me much when I am
spending the day alternating between a roasting hot fever, and Chills so bad that I buried myself under 5 blankets.
And whats the deal with the Jello Gelatin Snacks ? You know they have to be refrigerated.
But the Jello Pudding Snacks can just sit out at on a shelf at room temperature.
Pudding is supposed to have milk in it. Now thats scary.
Equally scary is sitting down to a meal of Jello Gelatin Snacks, and Fruit Punch Gatorade.
I'm surprised I didn't turn fluorescent and start glowing in the dark.
Home Sick & Earthquake
I am running a HUGE temperature.
Last night, I stopped off at Rite-Aide on my way home from work, and got Nyquil Capsules and Abreva .
This morning when I woke up, I had a cup of half-caf coffee and then said to myself "No, I am not going to make it."
I think it was sitting outside at the graduation on Tuesday night. It was chilly, but I wore a shirt under a sweater, and I had a jacket with me.
Anyway, I still ended up with a temperature.
After calling my boss, I went back to bed. I woke back up about 11 am.
I was just grabbing the keys to go down and get some bottled water out of the car, when the Earthquake Struck .
That was a good one.
A big jolt.
Followed by back-and-forth motions.
The cat didn't even sleep through it at all. She freaked out, after she saw me freak out.
I watched the news. And after hearing the tenth person call-in and say "It was a Big Jolt", I turned it off.
But I could have sworn that I saw Dr. Kate Hutton , The Seismologist, wearing Lipstick .....
Well, I would rather be on the 1st floor of my apartment building during an earthquake - instead of on the 16th floor where I work.
Good thing I stayed home today.
I am reading the perfect book for being home sick with a temperature.
by Philippa Gregory
Its historical fiction set in Georgian England. You know, the basics - Seduction, Betrayal, Incest, Murder. A very dark romance.
Of course, courtesy of the Los Angeles Public Library
Governor Schwarzenegger & SMC Graduation
One of my co-workers graduated this evening from Santa Monica City College . I decided to attend with one other co-worker, taking 2 hours vacation time. Leaving at 4 pm, we drove down over to Santa Monica.
The smart thing we did was to park on Ocean Park Blvd and 16th Street, and walk up to Pico Blvd. The parking structure on Pico had a line of cars that extended two blocks. We got to the gate on 16th street.
They were asking for Tickets.
Tickets ?!?!? What tickets ??? My coworker didn't say anything about tickets.
Luckily, she had given me her husband's cell phone. I called him, and he said to meet him at the main entrance on Pico and 17 th.
We walked around the block, passed all the protestors. Pro and Con. For and Against. Those who like Arnold and those that don't.
Not really wanting to get involved in any of it, walking passed them really stressed me out.
We had the hardest time trying to find an entrance. I saw people walking passed the parking structure. So we took off into the parking structure. There at the entrance to the football field was my coworker's husband.
Turns out that they didn't originally require tickets. But with all the controversy around Governor Schwarzenegger being there, they decided to require tickets - I guess to keep out all the protestors. My coworkers husband said that he didn't think we would have had a problem getting in, if we had just explained the situation to the guards they would have been cool about it.
He and his family were sitting way at the top. I asked my coworker that I came with, if she wouldn't mind sitting toward the end, alittle farther down. Because after hiking from Ocean Park Blvd, and around the College, I didn't feel like climbing the bleachers.
The reason Arnold Schwarzenegger was asked to give the commencement speech at the Graduation Ceremony, was the fact that he graduated from Santa Monica College with a Business Degree. How many colleges can boast that one of their alumni has become the Governor of the State ? So it is a very special occasion.
I have to hand it to Santa Monica College, being that they are in a very liberal city - to ask the Republican Governor to speak. That much shows to me that they were thinking not of their own political views, but about how special the circumstances were. And how much it would mean to the students.
There is alot of controversy going on with Governor Schwarzenegger calling a Special Election that some people feel are going to cost way to much money. So thats where all the problems are coming in. And that is the reason for all Protestors.
I am not political. I try to read up when it is time to vote. (Unlike some people I know who get their information from TV commercials.) I try to make an informed decision. And I do my best. Since I am no expert on anything political, I'm not going to get into what I think, one way or the other. And I really don't care what anyone else thinks. Just when its time to vote, read up and make your best decision.
That is the end of the Political Portion of the blog for the month.....
Here is the one thing I have to say about Governor Schwarzenegger at the Santa Monica College Graduation :
This ceremony was supposed to be to honor the achievements of students who were graduating.
I think the Teachers, Students and People on the street did a big disservice to those who were graduating because they did not remember the reason for the event.
They allowed Politics to ruin this special event for most of the students there.
I don't care what your Political Beliefs are, and how you are going to vote ... a Special Event is just that, "Special" - and this was not the time or the place.
And yes, I know some of the controversy has to do with Funding for Education. I still don't think this Event was the time or place.
I felt really sorry for the graduating students. Arnold Schwarzenegger was giving a nice speech about how he succeeded to become a movie star and then Governor. Most of the students were trying to listen.
Throughout the speech, the "Boos" would start and stop. Alot of the graduating students would turn around with their fingers to their lips, trying to get the
those in the crowd who were boo-ing to stop. They wanted to listen to their commencement speech.
But it was in vain, because many of those "Boos" were coming from the protestors on the street who were trying to make as much noise as possible.
Every so often, someone would unfurl a banner with a political message which the Police would confiscate. Then people in the crowd would boo or cheer depending on what they thought. This further drowned out the Commencement speech.
It was a really sad and inappropriate thing for these young students to have to deal with on their special day.
Any way, if anyone who graduated from Santa Monica College reads this Blog, I want to let you know that when I was watching your Graduation, I wasn't thinking of politics. I was thinking of you, the Students, and your great achievement on this day.
Here are some pictures from this crazy unbelievable event :
Governor Schwarzenegger giving Commencement Speech
Governor Schwarzenegger giving Commencement Speech
Red Protest Banner gets unfurled from parking structure behind Governor by outside protestors
The Governor drives away in a Cart right after his speech is done
A student writes on his Graduation Cap "Stop Arnold Now" and lets the audience see it
More Balloons
Flowers for a Graduate
Female Medical Things - Mammogram
If you hate reading about Female Medical Things, I suggest you page down to the previous post.
I was a good girl today. I did what I was supposed to do. I went an got my yearly mammogram. Even tho I was more than one year overdue.
I actually went to the doctor last week, complaining of some unusual soreness in my left breast. I have had problems in the past with cysts, so I really wasn't concerned. I've been drinking to much caffeine, and not taking my vitamin E ...
If you avoid caffeine, and take extra vitamin E it does help, at least for me. So I have just been screwing up lately.
My doctor wasn't to thrilled when he looked at my records and saw that I was way past due for all my female stuff. He let me know on no uncertain terms that I needed to schedule my mammogram and my pap smear right away.
Its not I don't want to get them done. Its just so inconvenient to try to schedule the appointment, and find time. So to schedule my mammogram ... I actually had to move my Teeth Cleaning one more month ahead. Now my Dentist is going to be mad because its been the second time I have rescheduled that, and the Dentist Stuff is also overdue.
When you figure all the other things in, like Automobile maintenance, DMV stuff, the Cats Vet things... not to mention laundry, grocery shopping, and whatever else ... I am amazed that I manage to have a Full Time Job, Work on an Acting Career, Post a Blog, and Do Volunteer Work. Sometimes my apartment looks like a cyclone struck it, and theres a big pile of clean laundry in the corner because I don't have time to put it away. With all the things on my list, tidying up is towards the bottom. There is just alot to get done.
I'm actually not afraid of the actual mammogram test. It can be very uncomfortable. If you have never had one, they have to squish the breast and make it flatter than a pancake to get a good xray. And that can get to be alittle painful as you can image.
I usually go in and start talking to the technician. Telling her I am alittle sensitive and I find mammograms painful. I just chat like that so they are careful.
One time, years back, the technician squished me so bad I thought I was going to faint, and I ended up with a bruise.. So I make sure to tell them up front to be gentle. I let them know I don't handle pain well ... and that basically I am just a big baby when it comes to this stuff.
This time, they had alittle room where there were lockers and smocks. I put my clothing and purse in the locker, and took the key with the wrist elastic. Then I wrapped my naked top part in the smock. I joined two other women sitting in a little waiting room across the hall - both of them dressed just like I was in a smock.
We sat and waited until they called my name.
When I went in to the mammogram room, I gave the technician my speech about being gentle. This technician was gentle, but it is still uncomfortable. You've got your arm pulled over a machine. Your body contorted at an unnatural angle. Your breast squished between two pieces of hard plastic.
Then they say "Don't move. Hold your breath. Stop breathing. Don't breath. Don't breath. Don't breath. Don't breath. Okay, you can breath now."
And you let out a gasp, and the two pieces of hard plastic come undone, and your breast in now un-squished.
Notice how I wrote the above as if I was talking about someone else. Hmmm, its alittle to painful to even put in personal "First Person" terms.
I couldn't help but think what a special person this woman technician was. To have to xray female after female, and physically move around some strangers breasts on a plastic tray - some of whom are probably in pain and not the best health. I thought of her as some kind of Angel. It is not the easiest job, and I know for a fact that I could never do something like that.
Then I had to wait in the little waiting room with other women to make sure the xray was readable. At first she thought she would have to do one over. But she changed her mind, and I was free to go.
There was someone in the changing room, so I had to wait. When a 50-ish lady came out, I went in. And this poor woman was in a total fluster. Her clothes were laying in a heap in the room, she hadn't put them in a locker. She said something like "Is that your smock laying there." I could tell she was not handling her stress over getting the mammogram very well.
When I came out, the nurse was there waiting, and asked the woman to put her belongings in a locker. The woman said "Locker, what locker. Oh,I didn't even see the lockers."
I mean, the entire wall in the changing room was a row of lockers. So the nurse took over to help this poor woman who was so nervous and jittery that she couldn't think straight.
My reward for getting my mammogram done was supposed to be Breakfast out at a Restaurant. I tend to do that. If it is something that I need to get done and that I really don't want to do - I reward myself for doing it. I put alittle tape inside my head: "If you get your mammogram done, then you can have a sit-down breakfast at a restaurant." It helps to motivate me.
I drove to Dinah's Restaurant not to far from the Medical Center. I guess they weren't opened for breakfast. So I went across the street to the El Portal Mexican Restaurant that advertised in big letters "Breakfast Served", and had a little neon "Open" sign flashing in the window. They were closed too.
Okay, never mind. Maybe my breakfast treat would have to wait until the weekend. I needed to get to the office anyway.
Driving to work, my left arm started to hurt. Down towards my wrist where people tend to get carpal tunnel syndrome. It was from being contorted in a weird posture over the xray machine. Within an hour the pain was gone and I was back to normal.
Mammogram Info :
Yahoo Breast Cancer Info
The Breast Cancer Site
National Cancer institute
National Consumers League
U.S. Institutes of Health
Marlon Brando and My Consciousness
After lunch, and messing around on the computer at home, I had another volunteer shift over at The Egyptian Theatre . I was at the table selling memberships.
Tonights movie was "The Godfather" with Marlon Brando .
How's that for a switch ? This morning, I am at Church Sunday School with the 3 year olds, and tonight I'm watching "The Godfather". Life is interesting.
I must have seen this movie when it came out. Or maybe I have seen it on TV. I knew what was going to happen before it happened.
So I must have seen this before some time some where. Though I can't really remember. Or at least the memory is not anywhere in my recent consciousness. It is buried somewhere deep deep down. Its all in there some where.
It was really weird to know that a scene was coming up. And then not really remember the actual movie.
"Oh,no this is the Horse Head scene." "Oh, this is where the wife dies." How did I know that ? How could I remember that ? I don't even remember the movie.
Its quite possible my Mom took me to see it back when it first came out in 1972 when I was about 14. She used to take me and my sister to all kinds of movies. And if she didn't want to take us - or if the Catholic Church condemned it - we would beg and beg. Well, I would beg and beg, and my younger sister would back me up. Even at young age, I followed the movies. I would read the Entertainment Section of the Chicago Tribune , and I would know what movies were popular.
Thats how we got our Mom to take us to see "Kentucky Fried Movie" , which was really considered Sinful at the time. We all laughed ourselves silly.
As for "The Godfather"... I have noted previously that Bloody parts in movies make me light-headed. And I am a big Animal person.
But I knew it was the Horse Head Scene before I saw the Horse Head. So I closed my eyes. I only peaked twice. I had a piece of paper to fan myself. And I just didn't watch the screen again until it was over.
You would think that since I have acted in a few things, my brain would be completely aware of what is Real, and what is just fake Hollywood Blood. But its not, and I still need to close my eyes during the gruesome scenes.
Earthquakes and Children and Character
During the week, I got an email from Hollywood Presbyterian asking for Summertime Sunday School Teachers, while the regular teachers are out on vacation. I gave it some thought.
I really don't have alot of experience with children. Dogs and Cats and Birds , I know alot about as I have always been an Animal-Parent. I prefer to always have a Pet. And though I have heard Pets are good practice, I can tell its just not the same thing.
When my nieces were younger, they visited me during their vacation from Illinois a few times. We would do Disneyland , Knotts Berry Farm , Universal Studios .
I would fill them up with junk food and sugar, and then hand them back to their parents who would have to deal with the junk-food crankiness once back at the hotel. Hey, its fun being The Aunt.
Lately, I have become very sensitive to the shallowness of many of the adults I come across in Hollywood and/or the Entertainment Biz. It just seems that a large percentage of the people I come across are Users, willing to take and take and never give anything back. They are even willing to Take when its not theirs to take. The amount of Cheating, Dishonesty and Lies that I have been witnessing lately seems to be on the rise. The people who do it, don't think its bad or wrong, as long as they get something out of it.
In this current atmosphere, I have been trying to walk the straight and narrow. Its not that easy, because dishonest people can make really good sense sometimes. "Hey, you aren't hurting anybody, and you're getting something for free - so what can be wrong with that?", they will say. You know, sometimes its really easy to see their point - even though their point is just plain wrong.
So I have become intensely aware lately, of maintaining a Strong Character. And doing things that are "Adult" and build inner strength.
This is why, when I got the email about being a Summer Sunday School Teacher, it appealed to me. Here was a chance to do something that would help build my Character. Something grown-up. Something I could do that wasn't selfish, and might actually help me grow as a person.
It also required being at church in the morning at 9:00. Thats pretty unusual for me. Even on work days, I don't have to get there until 9:30, and alot of time I am late for that. So... a commitment of 9 am on a Sunday for two months... okay, I am fine with that, yes, I can manage it.
Today, I had to go in for a Training Day. To learn from the regular teachers about whats what about the classroom. I am assigned with 2 other people to the 3 year olds classroom.
Well, if I hadn't been up to get ready for Sunday School so early .... I would have been woken up any way.
We had an Earthquake .
I was in the bathroom, putting on make-up. I felt and heard the building give a large "Creeeek". Water dribbled from the shower head.
And I wondered what was going on.Then I saw my scented Avon Bath Gels, hanging from the shower caddy, by their little plastic hooks - swaying back and forth in unison. (I have one in Vanilla, and one in Odyssey scent.)
"Oh, wow, we just had an earthquake" I said to myself.
I checked on Cinnamon the Cat, and she was still asleep on the bed.
The thought hit me, "Gee, God's so shocked that I want to teach Sunday School with the 3 year olds, he just had an Earthquake".
So its quite possible, that the entire thing was my fault.
Once at Church, I searched for the building. I have never even been to the Sunday School building. The Sunday School Organizer I had emailed had given me directions. So finding the building was okay. Finding the actual classroom was alittle bit more difficult. I just asked people along the way "Where is the 3 year olds classroom ?" I finally found it on the second floor.
There are 3 people who usually teach the 3 year olds. I will be assigned along with 2 other people. Today, there were 4 people there. I watched and listened and followed. They showed me where they kept the Art Supplies, the Fruit Juice and whatever else I would need. When asked "Do you know where the Library is?" I had the perfect answer : "No, this is my first time - EVER - in this building.".
The kids were great. At first it seemed we would have a small class. But they kept trickling in. And soon we were filled with 15 kids.
And the 3 year olds are so cute. There are tons of toys, so the minute they get there, they would just run over to their favorite toys and start playing.
For the first part of the class, they had free play time. Then they had a lesson on a Bible Verse. Then we went into the little childrens chapel where we sang songs and had the Childrens Bible Story . After that, it was Graham Crackers and Apple Juice.
You know, I might be able to handle this okay. Its actually really fun.
As we were all sitting and having our Graham Crackers and Apple Juice, I could start to see all the kids distinctive personalities.
It must be the actress in me, because listening to one little girl talk about the Ballet Performance she had just attended I thought "She is going to grow up to be another Nicole Kidman".
I don't know where that thought came from, but this little 3 year old, reminded me of Nicole Kidman.
The second shift teachers arrived at around 10:30, so I was free to go to Church Service. I walked on over to CUE in the Warehouse Building. It was pretty packed, the rock and roll music was really good. The perfect church service to blend both my "Hollywood Self" and my "Christian Self".
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