Movie & Dinner in West Los Angeles
This morning I ran errands. Mainly the Post Office, to get some postage stamps for the postcards I am mailing out to Casting Directors next week. The line was really long. So I got to use the internet connection on my new cellphone, and read the news. Just what I bought it for.
My friend who works for a Big Big Big studio invited me to a free employee screening today of The Interpreter .
I met her over to her house,and we drove over to the studio. Its fun to be on a Movie Studio Lot. But really weird too, because since today was Saturday, the only people there were those going to the screening. The entire Big Big Big Movie Studio lot was empty.
I think The interpreter was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I like seeing movies where everything is top-notch.
Well, Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn .... how can you miss ?
After the movie, I said to my friend "I really wanted their characters to get together."
She commented that it really is nice to see a movie where they don't get together. Then theres not a steamy romance to distract you from a good story line.
After thinking about it, I agreed.
I have to say that I really thought Catherine Keener .... who plays Sean Penns partner in the movie was wonderful. I appreciate seeing a strong character actress in a really good role.
We drove to West Los Angeles, in the Westside Pavilion . And we had dinner at Sisley Italian Kitchen .
I got this salad with a chicken, apples, pears and celery on top. It was so pretty I had to take a picture.
Theres a pile of lettuce under the flatbread crust ... tho you can't see it in the pic.
Then since I had been a good girl, and had ordered a Salad for dinner... I got a slice of Cheesecake. It was the Italian kind of cheesecake, not to sweet... and there were berries on top.
Yum Yum.
![]() | My evening was spent watching Archive footage presented by Sabucat Productions . The screening started over at Egyptian Theatre at 8 pm. |
Now what ....
I tried to go to the Juice Fountain on Selma and Vine for lunch. They have great "To Go" sandwiches and salads. I like to grab their green salad with beets and carrots, and get a scoop of chicken salad on top.
As I am walking up Vine, I see all these police cars and yellow tape.
I see a woman in a suite with a clip board and some kind of name badge. She is saying to another woman, "Well, they made us evacuate all our employees. There was a Bomb Threat at the Senior Services office."
The entire block was sectioned off.
I walked back.
The line at Baja Fresh was to long. So I had to get Jack In the Box . Darn, I am trying to stay away from fast food.
Damn the terrorists for ruining my healthy lunch, and making me eat to much fat and salt.
Casting Director Postcards
Ran over to New Image Graphics to order postcards. I need to announce my latest happenings to Casting Directors.
I haven't really done any self advertising in a while, and I need to get on it.
Especially now that I have something to announce ... Mainly the Commercial Acting Class that I just finished, and my role in The Michael Jackson Trial Reenactment .
They said the postcards would be ready Monday night.
After that I will be busy with the mailing.
Fire ? Did you say Fire ?
What a day... I had an audition in the morning. Then I return to the office after taking Friday off, and Monday being a Holiday.
So there is so much to get done. I am so busy.
Then I hear a voice that sounds like it is coming from a walkie-talkie, and one of the words it says is "Firetrucks".
I say to my coworker "Did you just hear something ? Is something going on ?"
I dash out of my office, to find all my other coworkers pressed up against the windows on the south side of the building.
The high-rise building across the street from us in on Fire.
Its been abandoned for years. I guess the building wasn't up to code. I remember around Thanksgiving one year it had caught on fire, and thats when the fire department shut the building down. So the owners sold it. And they have been trying to figure out what to do with it since around 2002.
Its to close to other structures to be able to implode. And the cost to dismantle it would be so high, thats impossible. The latest rumor I heard were that they were thinking of turning it into residential. Its on a prime piece of land, Sunset and Vine, and it just seems to be one big Turkey.
They had Sunset and Argyle completely blocked off by the police.
And Sunset and Vine had quite alot of fire trucks
As we watched the fire, we joked about the Mr & Mrs Smith Advertisement on the side. "Its all a publicity stunt. Pretty soon, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are going to come flying in to save the day."
You almost expect that, since their pictures are on the side of the building, dozens of feet high.
And it wasn't long before a helicopter advertising a completely different movie flew past. I guess they figured to try to make the most of all the camera crews that were filming the burning building. I was surprised they were allowed to fly so close, considering all the other helicopters that were flying about.
Here's a news link on NBC4-TV. It amazing to see the firefighters on top of the roof surrounded by all that smoke. They sure got up there quick, and had the fire out in about 20 minutes.
The smell just lingered longer. Our offices were smelling like burnt rubber and we could see alittle smoke. But then our building turned off the airconditioning, so our air cleared up soon.
The employees at Nickelodean across the street all left. We were thinking about going. We were all still there. Then next day the parking lot attendant told me the rest of the building had voluntarily evacuated. "But your company, you were the only ones who stayed."
And yes, because I had the audition that morning, I still stayed as late as I could. About 8pm, fire or no fire.
Monday Holiday and Crash
I wish I could tell you that I did something exciting on the holiday day off - but no. I am flakey enough and ashamed to say that I did not do something in honor of the actual purpose of today. It was on my mind, and I had really thought of going to a church service in honor of the day to honor our soldiers. And I just didn't have time enough this week to make any special plans of any other sort.
My main purpose ended up being to tidy up my apartment as much as I could. I even broke out the Scrubbing Bubbles .
My promise to myself was "Get the apartment cleaned first, then you can treat yourself to a movie. No cleaning, then no movie".
I ended up at an early evening show at the Arclight Theatre to see Crash .
Okay.... I so wasn't expecting that. I guess I thought it was going to be something different. Because I was kind of shocked.
The acting of course was really good. But the subject matter really was depressing. Especially since so much of it takes place in Los Angeles.
And I don't think people in Los Angeles are like that, or people in the rest of the U.S. for that matter.
I tend to see most people I meet in L.A, and in the world in general, as basically good - at least the people I run across. Sure everyone every where has their share of problems, and their "things".. But this was way too much. Almost everyone in this movie in prejudice and just not a good person. People are more complex than that.
It got to the point, where I just couldn't take it, and I was debating about leaving early. It was depressing me that much.
But I am always a sucker for good acting performances, so I really wanted to see the movie for that point alone. So I did stay until the end of the movie.
And I understand that the director was really making a point about Prejudice. And he wants to get the viewer to think.
Just be warned if you are going to see this movie ... it is really Heavy.
And thinking about it .... seeing a movie about Prejudice - a movie that made me so uncomfortable that it actually made me think about how we all treat our fellow human beings - well, that was a good way to spend this Memorial Day after all.
Sunday on Hollywood Blvd
I have to admit that I slept through church this morning. Since I had stayed so late last night at the Egyptian watching Gone with The Wind, I just felt like sleeping in today. At least thats one thing I am getting accomplished this holiday weekend... getting caught up on my lost sleep.
I was due at the Egyptian Theatre to do a couple of volunteer things.
First up was helping out at a table they had set up at the end of the courtyard right on Hollywood Blvd. Mainly to hand out the movie schedules and get people to sign up for the mailing list.
When I got there two of the other volunteers, Bruce and Elliott were there.
Later, we were joined by Barbara - and I went across the street for a short break
(Thats a green Godzilla pinata above on the right, to help promote the Sci-Fi Monster programming we have coming up.)
Later on, two women from showed up to take our picture. It was a special promotion, because to get the picture I had to go to the website.
As for the table we were doing ..... it was a surprisingly light day for people traffic along Hollywood Blvd. We had figured that with the holiday weekend there would be alot of people coming into Hollywood to hang out.
Looks like they all went to the beach instead.
About 4pm, we closed down our Info Table. I was also volunteering to be Ticket Taker for the movie, Casablanca . But as it turned out, many of the other volunteers for this shift were MIA, or running late, or called in and canceled, or who knows what. The line for the movie was very long, running down the courtyard. So some of the volunteers that were done with their shift had to stick around and help. These old classic movies are always really popular.
After all the customers went in, I went and got my free volunteer soda and popcorn ... and heading on up to the balcony to watch Casablanca on the big screen. This is the second time I have seen it. But the first was on television.
The little TV screen, just can't compare with a Theatre screen ... especially for viewing a great classic movie.
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