A Day in Hollywood
Today was somewhat the kind of day I wish I always had. Hanging out in Hollywood, enjoying the atmosphere.
It started out with a free seminar that LA Casting organized. It was right on the corner of Las Palmas and Franklin. So I parked in the lot near the Egyptian Theatre and walked up.
The seminar was with Casting Director, Patrick Baca . I always enjoy listening to an entertainment professional talk. I have a tendency to be a sponge, and just listen and absorb what I am hearing.
I also sat next to a nice guy and there was a nice lady across the aisle - and we got a chance to chat before the seminar started.
![]() | Then I headed back down Hollywood Blvd to The Egyptian Theatre to volunteer for the evening. I basically had to sell Memberships and help with the Mailing list. The movie showing was "The Blues Brothers." Believe it or not, this was my first time ever seeing this movie. I don't think I even saw it when it first came out. I especially loved Dan Aykroyd's authentic Chicagoan accent. He sounded perfect. |
Star Wars V- The Empire Strikes Back
After work was over, I ran over to The Egyptian Theatre to volunteer. It was still the weekend for movies from the 1980s.
And tonight was Star Wars Episode V the Empire Strikes Back .
The most fun thing was seeing all the people who brought their Light Sabers. (Is that how its spelled?) They lit up in blue or red, and people were giving little shows on the side. One little kid had a Darth Vader mask - when he talked he sounded like Darth Vader.
It was great fun to see the Star Wars movie on the big screen. I ended up sitting in the very front row because the show was almost sold out.
It brought back memories of when I drove out to Hollywood by myself for the first time. I think I was renting a room in Lakewood. I had just graduated from High School a few months earlier. But I came to see R2D2 and C3PO put their footprints (or wheel-prints) in the cement at Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
I thought it was such a huge event. I was in awe watching the TV cameras and seeing all the excitement. I met a couple of kids about my age, who told me they actually worked for the newspaper - I believed them. How naive I was back then.
That was a very memorable event.
UPDATE 4/19/05 ... The California State Lottery now has Star Wars Scratchers. I think they are $2 each. Good luck ..
Audition and Muffins
Glendale and Personal Stuff
I had to drive out to Glendale today. Its a little north, and alittle east of Hollywood. I needed to drive out there for of all things, a doctors appointment .
Like I don't have enough stuff to do already ....
I tried to wait until I had more than one illness to actually justify driving up to Glendale, and paying my $25 co-pay to see the doctor.
(ha ha ha, she said only half joking.)
I still have a cough that acts up now and then, from the Pneumonia I had in December. The doctor just took another chest x-ray. I guess these things take a while to go away.
And then I had to talk to him about how yucky I feel sometimes. I mentioned the word "Prozac" a few times, and he didn't fall for it. He said it was just the you-know-what that women in their Late 40s start to experience. And he said to eat moreSoy Products . And try Black Cohosh , which is a herb. Try those before he will prescribe anything. I finally decided to try Estroven .
(If you are wondering what I am talking about, you are probably way to young to be reading this. Skip down to the movie reviews.)
Oh, alright ... Menopause.. There I said it.
So it looks like I have alot of excitement to look forward to for the next few years. Oh, joy ....
It is always strange going to Glendale. It seems like so many important things happen for me there.
Years ago I lived way south in Redondo Beach , and usually never traveled farther north than Santa Monica . So I had to drive up to CDSG to get my self-produced CD duplicated. I had no idea where I was going, but somehow I managed to make it up there.
After I moved to Hollywood, and I was looking for a doctor - the fact that the offices were just a few doors down from the CD duplicating place, Well, I took it as a good sign.
A few years later, when I had my first agent - she sent me on my first really big audition at the Barwick Studios in Glendale.
It was for "Old School" .
I was thrilled to be auditioning for a huge movie. With Will Ferrell and Luke Wilson in the movie - wow.
I had to do some kick-boxing moves. And I was doing really well, and the casting director seemed really pleased. And then she asked me to swear and cuss. Which I don't normally do unless my computer acts up or some one cuts in front of me while driving. And I could not bring those "sense memory" experiences up at that particular time for some reason.
So the kick-boxing and cussing really did not go that well. I had to rack my brain to think of cuss words. The casting director just looked perplexed.
So when Old School came out in the movie theatres. I ran to see it. And you know what ? The part I auditioned for - I couldn't find it anywhere in the movie. Maybe its on the cutting room floor. Maybe they didn't film that part at all. I just looked at the movies screen, well, perplexed ....
Sahara - The Movie
I also saw "Sahara" over the weekend as well.
If you are counting, that means I saw a total of Five movies in one weekend.
Then I wonder why I don't have time to post to the blog.....
I really liked "Sahara". I thought it was a fun action adventure movie.
Steve Zahn added lots of laughes as Matthew McConaughey's side kick.
Penelope Cruz and William Macy add to a really talented cast.
Its a great "Treasure Hunter" action adventure movie with plenty of laughs. Very enjoyable, and very "clean". I mean no excessive nudity, blood, or even bad language. But still very action-packed, and very funny.
If you are able to pick up Venice Magazine this Los Angeles entertainment magazine has an interview with Steve Zahn in it. The Steve Zahn Article is also on the website - but it is in "pdf" format, so you need the "pdf" reader.
Venice Magazine always has lots of interesting entertainment industry interviews. In parts of Los Angeles you can pick it up for free. But they also offer a subscription.
Miss Congeniality 2
I am behind on posting my movie reviews. I know I haven't posted, and I want you to know that I feel very guilty. I am busy in "real life" and all I can think is "Those poor people who read my Blog - I haven't updated for them." So don't ever think I have forgotten about you. You are always on my mind. Even if my fingers are on not my keyboard.I saw Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous at the Mann Theatre at the Hollywood and Highland Complex on Saturday 4/9. For those of you who are counting, Yes, that means plus the two Film Noir movies that I saw at the Egyptian Theatre on
Saturday - I saw a grand total of 3 movies in one day. I didn't get much else done though.
I enjoyed Miss Congeniality. It is not a knock-down side-splitting funny movie. I would describe it as more Cute and Adorable and Humorous. You kind of smile all the way through, with a few chuckles here and there.
Sandra Bullock is great as she always is - her and her snort.
I also really enjoyed her FBI Partner played by Regina King . She does such a good job with anger. And it is great to see her in another role after she was so outstanding in "Ray"
And anything with William Shatner in it, has my vote for a good movie. He is just great fun to watch. And an inspiration to all the rest of us old-folks. To think he's on a hit TV show Boston Legal , and he had the time to do this movie. And he was in Star Trek ... in what year was that ? oh....I'm to old to think about it.
( The weirdest think just happened. As I am typing this, a Priceline.com commercial just came on the TV. With Captain Kirk himself in a grocery story. How funny !! )
Pay really close attention to the "rescue" scene in Miss Congeniality . Vic Chao , who plays one of the FBI officers assisting in the rescuing - was in the Learning Annex class I took a few weeks back. He sat in front of me, and was addressing Postcards letting industry types know what he was up to. (I have done this on soooo many occasions.)
It was fun to go to a movie, and actually be on the look-out for someone I have met.
So if you are looking for a Cute, Adorable and Humorous movie ... Miss Congeniality has my recommendation.
"The enjoyment of Art is the only remaining ecstasy that is neither immoral or illegal."
- From The Dark Corner
What an amazing and interesting line from the movie. The character is at a party and he says it to a small group of people.
I wonder if in 1947 the word "ecstasy" had a different meaning than it does in 2005. We tend to think of ecstasy as erotic or sexual. But it really has alot to do with a large variety of emotions and pleasures.
The dictionary describes Ecstasy as 1) A state of overwhelming delight or rapture. 2) An extreme or intense state of any emotion.
We get the word "Ecstatic" from the work Ecstasy.
Now the character in the movie is referring to Paintings. But of course, I take a broader and more modern view - to include film, television, music and more.
I think in many ways what the character is saying still applies.
Think about it next time you are watching an action-adventure movie and something gets blown up - wow, how excited you feel. Its thrilling. Something like that in real life would be considered horrible. But watching a movie you are allowed to thrill to car crashes, and nuclear explosions, and someone getting shot - without feeling the least bit guilty. As a matter of fact, the more excited you are about it, the better the movie.
You even get to be a peeping tom during love-making scenes. Getting a sneak peak of other people's very personal moments. And you walk away saying "How romantic" - with no thought that maybe you saw something you shouldn't have seen. Instead there is a glimmer in your eye thinking about the romance and beauty of the scene.
In many ways, Art, particularly film and television, give us heightened emotions. The soundtrack and sound effects, the special lighting - it all adds to the sense of drama.
And for a few moments it is more real than real life.
Classic Films on The Big Screen
Over the weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, I saw some great Film Noir at the Egyptian Theatre . I am not really a Film Noir person. I'm more into bubblegummy teenybopper type things from the 60s and 70s. But as I was putting around the apartment, I saw I had a big stack of free movie coupons. These are from the times I have volunteered there, and didn't get to see the movie that night . So I figured I might as well go and catch some free flicks. I absolutely had a wonderful time. The films I saw were amazing. If you want to catch some Film Noir , they are having more screenings at the
Aero Theatre in Santa Monica up until April 24.
I highly recommend you catch these great films. The two films I saw on Saturday both starred Lucille Ball.
Way back before she was the comedian Lucy. These were from 1947 and 1948.
The first was The Dark Corner .
Its amazing seeing Lucille Ball being so dramatic. She really was an outstanding actress. She plays the secretary to a man who is being setup for a murder.
Its interesting to wonder what would have happen to her if she had stayed with Drama, instead of comedy - for sure an Oscar ...
The second was Lured .
Now in this film, Lucy does get alittle bit funnier. But it is a sharp, biting sense of comedy. Not at all slapstick.
A series of young girls disappear after answering the personal ads. Who knew - they had personal ads back in 1947.
Sunday I went back and say The Man That I Love . With Ida Lupino . What a romantic story. Worth watching just for when she slaps the guy around - now thats women power.
You know I think she resembles Annette Bening ... or I guess it is the other way around.
Speaking of Woman Power, it really hit me how all the women in these films were strong and bold characters. I normally don't think of the 1940s as having strong independent women. But there were some tough dames in these movies.
Farmers MarketSunday, I spent the morning in Church . Then afterwards, I decided at the last minute to go to
The Hollywood Farmers Market on the corner of Hollywood and Ivar.
It closes on Sunday at 1pm, so I just made it in time.
Here is what I bought:
1 small basket of strawberrys (no pesticides) $2
2 medium ruby red grapefruits $1
5 lemons $1
And 40 sticks of incense $5
I stopped off at one of the food stands and grabbed some chicken tamales in the middle of my shopping trip.
The place was packed with people, and it was very warm and sunny out.
When I got home, I discovered some of the strawberries got squished. So I had to eat them right away. They were very sweet.
Quote of the Day
"I don't think people talk about the need to really understand the ethics and morals of an organization you're doing business with. If someone doesn't have the kinds of ethics and morals that you have, you probably shouldn't do business with them. Sometimes you have to walk away. There is no client too big where we would do something that we think is inappropriate. There is nothing more important than your personal integrity."
- Tony Anderson of Accounting Firm Ernst & Young in today's Sundays Los Angeles Times Magazine
The quote above is about an Accounting Firm. A business. But it struck me how it really applies to all aspects of life. And that includes Art - such as acting, music, blogging, our whatever else we do here in Hollywood while we are trying to be artistic - and at the same time successful.
And as much as I hate to admit it, Acting is a Business - a huge part of the "Entertainment Business". We talk about being in "The Biz".
"So what do you do?" someone at a party will ask.
"Oh, I'm an actress" - even though my rent payment doesn't come from anything I have acted in recently, - it is still my Career.
Personal Integrity - gee, what does that mean ? Sometimes I wonder if such a thing exists in Hollywood.
People want to know who you are and what you can do for them. But do you know who you are and what you should do for yourself ? Taking care of yourself, making yourself Strong ... so your soul and personality don't get burnt to a crisp by the fires of the Big City.
Its the old line about "being able to look yourself in the mirror". And I don't mean getting Botox and Plastic Surgery.
The internal integrity that goes along with knowing that what you are doing is right, that you are treating other people right, that you are a fair and honest person, and that you have a clear conscience about your Life, your Art, and your Business.
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